Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 250 Mysterious Stone Platform

"Hmph!" Seeing that Lu Chen was determined not to quit, the middle-aged cultivator let out a cold snort and immediately started to attack.

His body turned into an afterimage, and he came to Lu Chen almost in the blink of an eye, and punched Lu Chen in the face.

This is because he intentionally kept his hand and didn't want to hurt Lu Chen.

Dealing with a kid who merged with the early stage is as easy as an adult beating a child.

However, a scene happened in the next second that left everyone dumbfounded.

There was an uproar immediately.

"What's going on? Why didn't you fight anymore?" Someone asked strangely in the cultivator around the first stone platform.

"Yes! I know that person. He has been in the fusion early stage for more than ten years. I am afraid that he is capable of fighting against ordinary fusion middle stage cultivators.

Faced with a young boy now, why did he admit defeat before he even fought? "The cultivator echoed loudly.

"Hehehe... that young boy, could he be the illegitimate son of that man! I think he is deliberately throwing water,

Otherwise, why did they stop fighting after fisting each other? That's how I see it. "

Someone in the crowd smiled confidently.

"Hahaha..." His words immediately attracted ridicule from the surrounding crowd, and then someone said:

"Don't tell me! After you reminded me like this, they really look alike, maybe they really are a father and son!"

"Hahaha..." There was another burst of ridicule.

The people around were talking about it, and the middle-aged cultivator's Cultivation Base naturally heard it clearly, but at the moment he didn't want to pursue it.

After laughing at himself, he walked towards his own companion with a dejected look.

Even if his companion asked him what happened, he just shook his head and sighed without saying anything.

After Lu Chen heard these rumors, a few black lines appeared on his forehead, and he felt very speechless.

I feel that these people have no eyes, and I obviously rely on strength to win. Why do these people think in the wrong way?

Just now, the middle-aged cultivator hit Lu Chen's face with lightning speed.

Lu Chen also saw that the other party intended to hold back, so he didn't plan to do anything to him.

He just lifted his right hand lightly, and grabbed the opponent's fist with such great force that the middle-aged cultivator's fist could no longer advance an inch, nor could it be retracted.

This move shocked the middle-aged cultivator, at first he thought he was careless,

But then, something that shocked him even more was yet to come, so much so that he became frightened when he looked at Lu Chen.

I saw that Lu Chen secretly passed his true energy to the other party through the palm of his hand.

The middle-aged cultivator suddenly felt that a powerful force of true energy entered Own's body immediately.

If own true essence is a small ditch, then the other party’s true essence

Yuan is undoubtedly a wide river, there is no comparison at all.

The ridiculous thing is that I looked down on the other party at first, and wanted the other party to withdraw from the competition for the spot.

Fortunately, the other party didn't intend to attack him, otherwise he would be sure, and he wouldn't know how he died.

Seeing Lu Chen still maintaining a faint smile and nodding at himself, the middle-aged cultivator instantly understood that the other party was reciprocating favors.

If he had been swearing at each other and made a vicious attack just now, the result of owning can be imagined.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged cultivator couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and joy.

Because all of this happened so quickly that everyone in the audience thought that the middle-aged cultivator was deliberately letting Lu Chen win.

Therefore, many cultivators are very unconvinced. In their opinion, Lu Chen is undoubtedly the weakest one among the twenty or so cultivators on stage.

For a while, they scrambled to challenge Lu Chen, because as long as they beat him, it would be equivalent to getting one-third of the quota.

Accept two more challenges, and if you win, you can get a place in the teleportation formation, and vice versa.

However, when another cultivator flew onto the stone platform, let alone the other party's contemptuous words, just the other party's vicious moves,

The attitude of wanting to put Lu Chen to death made Lu Chen very angry, and slapped him to death without mercy.

Then a fireball technique turned the opponent into ashes, and took away the opponent's storage bag by the way,

After a set of movements, it is smooth and smooth, and it is done in one go. It looks like an expert who often does this kind of thing.

This time, it caused an uproar from the crowd again, but no one dared to speak casually anymore.

The cultivator who was scrambling to challenge Lu Chen before all sighed with lingering fear: "Fortunately, I was one step late!"

All the cultivators around the first stone platform looked at Lu Chen in shock.

Everyone is a cultivator who integrates the early stage, even if there is a difference in strength, it will not be very big,

After all, everyone is still at the same level, and it takes a desperate fight to decide the winner.

A cultivator who integrates the middle stage may not be able to directly kill opponents like Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen actually slapped a cultivator fused with an early stage to death with one palm, which shows its terrifying strength.

Those cultivators who spoke ill of Lu Chen before, some have retreated secretly, for fear of attracting Lu Chen's revenge,

After all, life is the most important thing, so it doesn't care about the Immortal Cave.

Seeing this, the middle-aged cultivator shook his head and smiled wryly. He was still in the early stage of integration when he was middle-aged, and the other party possessed such terrifying strength at such a young age.

It's really popular to compare people, compare goods, and throw away goods.

Lu Chen frightened the scene with his formidable strength, so that no one dared to challenge him again, and he was considered a success in getting the name of a teleportation formation.


Some stone platforms have basically completed the challenge, and have determined 30 places.

After he got the quota, Lu Chen walked towards the cultivator who had won before, preparing to wait for the opening of the teleportation array.

When the previous winners saw Lu Chen approaching, they all backed away in fear to make room for him.

Lu Chen smiled when he saw this, and walked towards the edge of the stone platform.

All of this is reality. If it wasn't because of his powerful strength, who would take a second look at a small person like himself?

Having nothing to do, Lu Chen looked at the other stone platforms and found that the challenge competitions of the other stone platforms were coming to an end.

During the period, Lu Chen also saw a few familiar figures, such as Yan Zixia, the descendant of the sword fairy Yan Feiyu and the executive chairman of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Hu Shilong, the prince of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, Mei Yeqing, Song Wanting's cousin, and Hua Weiyang, who was having an affair with Mei Yeqing,

And my other friend in Qingzhou, Mr. Yu Xiao.

It’s just that Young Master Yu Xiao is having a lively chat with a beautiful cultivator, and since he hasn’t broken through to the Gold Core stage, he can’t transmit sound through Divine Sense, so he doesn’t bother him to pick up girls.

At this time, Xia Housheng Yujian rose vertically from the fifth stone platform, looked at the other four stone platforms and said with a smile:

"Listen to me, everyone. Everyone stands in order according to the circular pattern on the stone platform. After listening to my order, everyone pours their own true essence into the stone platform. Do you hear me?"

After everyone heard the words, they all looked at the stone platform under their feet. Sure enough, as Xia Housheng said, there are many circular patterns on the stone platform.

Each circular pattern is just enough for one cultivator to stand, exactly thirty.

Lu Chen casually stood in a circular pattern, and at this time all the cultivators on the circular stone platforms were basically in their positions.

Xia Housheng was still a little worried, Yujian flew around, and only flew back to the fifth stone platform after making sure that everyone was standing in the established position.

When everything is ready,

"Everything is ready! Let's go!" Xia Housheng shouted suddenly.

When everyone heard the words, they all shot a beam of true energy towards the stone platform under their feet.

"Buzzing, buzzing..." As everyone's true energy was poured into the stone platform, the originally ordinary stone platform made a low humming sound.

Immediately, the five stone platforms emitted respectively: golden, purple, green, red, blue brilliance, very gorgeous and dazzling, very mysterious.

The cultivators who didn't leave the audience showed envious and shocked eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Chen also sighed that the things in Cultivation World are amazing.

Soon, the five radiances dissipated, and the one hundred and fifty cultivators on the five stone platforms disappeared instantly out of thin air on the stone platforms, which was very mysterious.

Everything returned to calm again, and the five stone platforms turned into ordinary stones again.

Only the cultivator who has not left under the stone platform can prove that the miracle that happened on the stone platform just now...

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