Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 252 No Way Out

Because of the possibility of being trapped here for a long time, Lu Chen was very restless.

Looking at the place from where he came from again, Lu Chen made sure that there was really no teleportation formation stone platform around, and Lu Chen sighed softly, feeling very helpless.

Except for a medicine garden, the surrounding area is just an ordinary thatched hut. Xia Housheng looked back and forth several times before, but he didn't find any clues.

When Lu Chen came to the thatched hut, there was nothing around except four ordinary wooden stakes, which could be seen through at a glance, and the ground was just ordinary lawn.

Even checking with Divine Sense, I didn't find any unexpected gains.

Lu Chen smiled self-deprecatingly,

Thinking about the Cultivation Base of Xia Housheng Gold Core early stage, Divine Sense found nothing abnormal, so how could I find something?


Just when Lu Chen was about to leave the thatched hut, he seemed to think of something.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed on the four wooden stakes, and he fell into deep thought. Suddenly, he had an idea, and a clear smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw that Lu Chen was running Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, using its powerful analysis function, and directly touched one of the four wooden stakes with his right hand.

Then he touched the lawn on the ground, because if he wanted to use the analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, he had to touch it with his own hands, otherwise it would have no effect.

Because Lu Chen thought of a problem, that is, these seemingly ordinary wooden stakes should have been stored with the secret realm for an unknown number of years.

But it doesn't look corrupt at all, which is extremely abnormal.

In addition, since the ancient sages sealed the secret realm for the sake of future generations, how could it be possible to seal this space.

Based on these two considerations, Lu Chen used the analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and found something unusual in this thatched hut.

Chaos Dao Sheng Jue is a formula that co-exists with heaven and earth when the chaos first opened. Practicing this formula not only has no bottleneck restrictions,

It can also derive all things, analyze all things and other functions.

Under the analysis of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, the conclusion reached is that the lawn in this seemingly ordinary thatched shed is actually a hidden teleportation array.

Xia Housheng may be because of formation

The level is limited, so no such anomalies have been found.

With this discovery, when Lu Chen saw the vast medicine garden in the distance again, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a harmless smile.

Immediately, Lu Chen sat in the Lotus Position, running the analysis and derivation of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue again, and the teleportation array under his feet.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lu Chen is practicing with his eyes closed.

Occasionally, when a cultivator looked this way, he noticed Lu Chen's actions, and he just shook his head and sighed.

In my heart, Lu Chen may be because he knows that his strength is low, so he dare not get involved in Spiritual herbs,

Therefore, I voluntarily gave up dividing up the Spiritual herbs, so as to ensure my own safety.

The medicine garden is still attacking in full swing, and everyone is extremely busy protecting the formation light curtain of Spiritual Herbs.

Lu Chen is also taking the time to analyze and study the teleportation array.

Fortunately, Lu Chen had learned a lot of formation from the "Ten Thousand Arrays Illustrated Book" before, which also contained content about teleportation arrays.

You must know that the Ten Thousand Array Palace in the Northern Territory back then, under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, built an intercontinental teleportation array, so it is not a problem in terms of teleportation array.

Lu Chen who had the basics, coupled with the power of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, soon Lu Chen studied the hidden teleportation array in front of him clearly.

Immediately, Lu Chen also started to get busy. He took out several purple formation flags from the Golden Bead World, and then arranged a confusing formation.

This confusing formation is used to confuse other cultivators. If you look at it from the outside, you can only see Lu Chen sitting in the Lotus Position and still practicing.

In fact, in the magic formation, Lu Chen is constantly refining new formation flags, as well as special jade tokens.

Lu Chen is going to surprise everyone.

"Boom... Kacha Kacha Kacha..." There were sudden and continuous clicking sounds from the medicine garden, like glass shattering.

Heaven paid off, with the joint efforts of many cultivators, the formation light curtains finally burst open one after another.

As the formation light curtain shattered, a more intense Spiritual Qi overflowed like a white mist, mixed with a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Hahaha... I got rich! I got rich." Breaking the formation light curtain

Finally, a cultivator shouted happily,

Then they rushed into the medicine garden and put whatever Spiritual herbs they saw into their own storage bags.

These cultivators should have discussed the distribution plan before, and each formation light curtain has a piece of spiritual herbs, and there are not many people.

Therefore, there was no fight between cultivators due to looting. Everyone picked Spiritual herbs amidst laughter,

It's quite harmonious, every cultivator's face is filled with happy smiles, and they all have a feeling of a bumper harvest.

Wherever the cultivator went, it was almost like a bulldozer, leaving no grass. It didn't take long for the whole medicine garden to become a mess.

Lu Chen's side is also basically completed. He has arranged five formations in total, which are defensive formation, trapping formation, killing formation, illusion formation, and spirit gathering formation.

Only by using the Spirit Gathering Formation and the few Spirit Stones on him can he maintain the operation of so many formations.

The next step is to wait for the arrival of the guests.

Lu Chen first took back a few formation flags, and the confusion formation that had been set up before disappeared in an instant, revealing Lu Chen's real body.

Lu Chen holds a general formation flag in his hand, this general formation flag can control all formations at will.

Then he got up and looked at the group of cultivators with a smile, whose harvest was coming to an end.

Half an hour later, the entire medicine garden was ransacked by everyone. There was almost no grass growing on the site, and some places were even potholed.

A good medicine garden was turned into a wasteland by this group of people.

"Hahaha...Senior brother! How is your harvest?" At this time, most of the cultivators had already walked towards Lu Chen, laughing and laughing, and it seemed that everyone had gained a lot.

"Hahaha... Needless to say, I didn't even spare the soil, and I directly cut off a large area of ​​land, including spiritual herbs, with the sword,

It's a pity that my storage bags are limited, otherwise I wouldn't have gained so much, "

That person's senior brother shook his head and sighed, but his brows were filled with joy.

"Hahaha...Me too, if I knew it, I would have brought more storage bags, otherwise I would have gained so little." Another cultivator said regretfully...

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