Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 253 The Lawless Boy

"Lu Chen! Hahaha... why are you here? Why didn't I see you before?" Young Master Yu Xiao said in surprise.

He harvested a lot of Spiritual herbs from the medicine garden, accompanied by beautiful women, with a joyful smile on his face. When I came back, I accidentally saw Lu Chen standing in front of the thatched hut.

Then, he walked in front of Lu Chen and said in a pleasant surprise.

The two got acquainted in Yaxing Dungeon, and Hai Qingzhou shared adversity together again. Mr. Yu Xiao was grateful for Lu Chen's life-saving grace, and intended to make friends with Lu Chen.

And Lu Chen also thinks that Young Master Yu Xiao has a good character and is willing to make friends with him.

"Hahaha... I haven't seen Mr. Yu Xiao for a long time, so don't come here without any problems! Come! Try this." Lu Chen smiled happily, and handed Mr. Yu Xiao a piece of ice-shredded sugarcane.

Young Master Yu Xiao saw that Lu Chen was eating vigorously, although he didn't recognize what was in front of him, he still imitated Lu Chen and started eating.

"Huh? What is this? It tastes so sweet, delicious and juicy. Why haven't I seen it before?" Young Master Yu Xiao asked in surprise after taking a bite.

At this time, the beautiful cultivator who was with Mr. Yu Xiao before also came in front of them.

Lu Chen saw that the other party was a first-class beauty in terms of figure and appearance, and he looked at Mr. Yu Xiao with obvious admiration in his eyes, so he joked and said:

"Hehehe... Mr. Yu Xiao! You are getting more and more proud!"

"Uh...hahaha... Brother Lu, stop making fun of me, by the way! This is Miss Shang Zhenrong."

Hearing this, Mr. Yu Xiao understood what Lu Chen meant, and then introduced the woman to Lu Chen to get to know each other.

It turned out that after finishing off the one-horned, blue-eyed mad lion and recovering from his injuries, Mr. Yu Xiao rushed directly to the direction where the cloud piercing arrow was fired.

On the way, they happened to save Shang Zhenrong who was in danger, and staged a bloody drama of a hero saving the beauty, and then the two went together.

"Brother Xiahou! Brother Xiahou! Sigh... I finally found you. This space is covered by a powerful formation barrier, and the previous formation stone platform is gone. What should I do?"

At this time, a cultivator of the Gold Core early stage saw Xia Housheng's Yujian landing, and hurried over to ask anxiously,

When the rest of the people saw Xia Housheng, they also gathered around him one after another. After all, they and others gathered together because of him.

Xia Housheng looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him expectantly. He felt very uncomfortable, sighed lightly, and said:

"Hey... I just checked carefully, the surrounding environment, I'm afraid... I'm afraid we are really trapped in this space."

After speaking, Xia Housheng showed a frustrated expression, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

"Ah? What can I do?

"Xia Housheng's words immediately caused a commotion among the crowd.

"It's over, it's over! If you are really trapped in this ghost place, isn't it tantamount to waiting for death? Then what's the use of so many spiritual herbs?" Someone in the crowd said dejectedly.

"Xia Housheng! You're fucking to blame. You didn't shoot the Cloud Piercing Arrow for nothing. You thought it was a good thing, but it made it impossible for everyone to leave this ghostly place. What do you think we should do now?"

Someone in the crowd pointed at Xia Housheng and cursed angrily,

Putting all the blame on Xia Housheng, he didn't remember the crazy energy when he picked the spiritual herbs.

"Yes! It's all Xia Housheng's fault, kill him! Kill him!" Someone took the lead, and everyone scolded Xia Housheng one after another, and threatened to kill him.

"Hmph...don't fart your motherfuckers, when you picked spiritual herbs, did you ever think about thanking daddy?

If you can't get out now, you can blame daddy. Is it really easy to pinch daddy as a soft persimmon? "Xia Housheng shouted angrily.

The momentum suddenly erupted, forcing everyone to retreat, and a long spear suddenly appeared in their hands. Under the infusion of true energy, the long spear buzzed, and they were ready to strike at any time.

He was already holding back his anger, but now that the other party's words were not good, he threatened to kill him, how could Xia Housheng be caught without a fight.

Seeing this, several fellow disciples of the Tianyan Sect sacrificed Magic Treasures one after another, quickly back-to-back with Xia Housheng, and looked warily at the cultivators around them.

It's okay for these people to make a fuss, but when it was time to make a move, no one dared to take the move, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Hu Shilong stood on the periphery of the crowd, frowning slightly when he saw this, and he naturally knew the news that he could not leave this space.

Under the leadership of his subordinates, he came to chase down the young cultivator who was full of Wulian's heart fire, and finally locked his target on Lu Chen.

It turned out that Lu Chen was talking with Mei Ye Qing and Song Wanting, and Hua Weiyang was standing beside him.

Hu Shilong thought they were in the same group, and he only met one Gold Core early stage subordinate, while the other party had two Gold Core early stage companions.

Therefore, Hu Shilong did not act rashly.

After inquiring, I found out that these stone platforms are teleportation arrays, which may be the key to entering the ancient cultivation Immortal Cave.

After thinking for a moment, Hu Shilong directly participated in the battle for the number of places in the teleportation formation, and ordered his subordinates to stand guard outside, in case Lu Chen went out by himself first.

But now everyone can't leave this space, and Hu Shilong also regrets his own behavior.

Yan Zixia also has a sad face at the moment, her mood is very complicated, if something happens to her, her parents will definitely be very sad, what will the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce do then?

Lu Chen didn't know, because Song Wanting's relationship

Because of this, she was reprimanded by her cousin, but because of this, Hu Shilong misunderstood and saved herself.

It's true: "One drink and one cut, could it be pre-determined, orchid cause and fruit, there must be a reason."

Young Master Yu Xiao was still reminiscing about the old days with Lu Chen, and when they had a good conversation, he heard the surrounding people talking about being unable to leave this space, and his face obviously became ugly.

Just when everyone is sad and annoyed because they are trapped in this space,

Lu Chen thought to himself: "It's time to make your debut!"

I saw him take a few steps forward, with a smile on his face, he lifted up his true energy and said loudly:

"Ahem...hehehe...all seniors! I have a way to get everyone out of this space safely!"

Under the blessing of true energy, Lu Chen's words were like shouting out of a loudspeaker, and more than a hundred people present could hear them clearly.

For a moment, everyone fell silent and followed the sound to look at Lu Chen.

"Hmph! You're just a kid who merged with the early stage. How can you say you can take us out?" The one who spoke was a middle-aged cultivator who looked to be in his forties and was wearing a golden robe.

"That's right! Why do you say that you can take us out? If you can, why don't you leave alone?" A cultivator in the crowd questioned.

There were quite a few cultivators who looked at Lu Chen with disdainful eyes, obviously not believing what Lu Chen said.

For a moment, Lu Chen became the target of public criticism. Mr. Yu Xiao looked at Lu Chen in shock, but he didn't expect him to say something surprising.

Seeing that everyone was looking in this direction, he moved his body unnaturally, keeping a certain distance from Lu Chen.

As if telling others that he doesn't know Lu Chen.

"Shut the fuck up daddy! Daddy doesn't have time to talk to you here, if you really mess with daddy, daddy will leave alone, you just wait here to die!"

Lu Chen suddenly yelled loudly, his voice exploded like thunder under the blessing of true energy.

After being scolded by Lu Chen, everyone present looked at Lu Chen in astonishment,

No one thought that this kid who had merged with the early stage would dare to scold so many people present, it was really lawless.

One must know that any cultivator who is integrated with the middle stage can kill him.

But precisely because of Lu Chen's scolding, the scene became quiet instead.

Some cultivators wanted to kill Lu Chen immediately, but were stopped by other cultivators with higher Cultivation Base.

Everyone stared at Lu Chen with cannibalistic eyes. If Lu Chen couldn't explain why, it would be difficult for him to die.

Young Master Yu Xiao was taken aback by Lu Chen's voice, he was undoubtedly making an enemy of everyone,

He secretly pulled Shang Zhenrong again, moved his body away from Lu Chen, he felt that it was really dangerous to stay by Lu Chen's side...

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