Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 263 It's Unlucky

At this time, people discovered that the periphery of the tornado was shrouded by a huge formation light curtain,

Just when everyone was wondering where the formation light curtain came from, Dai Zong's words came from everyone's ears:

"Everyone, please exit the formation area in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and prepare your storage bags for inspection. We will charge 50% of the proceeds.

Anyone who hides it privately will be shot to death once discovered. "

"Wow..." Dai Zong's words immediately caused an uproar from the crowd of cultivators, even though the result had been notified long ago,

But when it comes to handing in, many people show bitterness again.

Especially those cultivators who entered the medicine garden space, they were robbed by Lu Chen, and now they have to hand in half, so they are worthless when calculated comprehensively, and some people even pay for it. deficit.

For a while, they all looked around, looking for Lu Chen's trace, but there were at least tens of thousands of cultivators at the scene, and it was a huge area, so it was so easy to find a person.

Things have come to this point, everyone can only obey Dai Zong's order, and fly in four directions with their swords.

In the four directions of the formation light curtain, there is an exit the size of a city gate, and each exit is heavily guarded.

If the cultivator wants to leave, he must go through these four exits, otherwise he will only have to break the formation.

But this is undoubtedly "lighting a lantern in the toilet, courting death"

Each cultivator will have a special cultivator when it comes out, holding a probing Magic Treasures like a security check, and checking the cultivator.

If anyone finds someone who is hiding resources, he will be killed almost without saying a word. The attitude is very tough, and it also plays the role of killing chickens and monkeys.

This can startle the cultivator who lined up behind, even if the cultivator who had been lucky before, after seeing the detection Magic Treasures,

They all secretly took out the storage bag hidden in the crotch before.

At this moment, there are long queues at the four exits of the formation light curtain, accepting the inspection of the seven Sect joint formations.

At an exit on the north side of the formation light curtain, a young cultivator with a delicate figure and handsome appearance was looking anxiously at the team in front of him, feeling that the time was so long.

I hope it will be my turn soon, so I can leave early, because the uneasy sense of crisis in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

This young cultivator was Lu Chen. At this moment, his face was pale, his breath was disordered, his clothes were covered in blood, and he looked seriously injured.

Fortunately, the cultivator responsible for the inspection work is quite efficient.

Lu Chen will prepare a storage bag in advance

I took it out, and after inspection, nothing unusual happened.

So Lu Chen quickly left the exit of the formation light curtain, and then flew away without looking back.

As a matter of urgency, he must first find a safer place, and then hide in the world of golden beads to heal his injuries.

Ever since he practiced Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen's perception is extremely sharp, and he has saved himself many times because of his own perception, so Lu Chen believes in his inner feelings.

Lu Chen probably had something to do with Hu Shilong for the uneasy feeling.

Lu Chen, who was flying with Yujian, felt his heart tighten suddenly, and a great sense of crisis surged into his heart. He was so frightened that Yujian quickly landed in a jungle, and then directly hid in the world of golden beads.

As soon as Lu Chen's figure disappeared into the jungle, it didn't take long for a cultivator who looked to be in his sixties, tall, with silver-white hair, a cold face, and murderous eyes, to fly past quickly.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Lu Chen in the Golden Bead World panted heavily, a strong sense of crisis made him terrified, cold sweat broke out on his forehead,

It wasn't until this moment that the sense of crisis in Lu Chen's heart disappeared.

"Fuck! I didn't expect Hu Shilong to be so ruthless. Could it be that he sent some masters to chase and kill me? Otherwise, why would I suddenly have such a strong sense of crisis?"

Lu Chen swears and swears, and then sits in the Lotus Position, forgetting about these messy things, it's important to recover from the injury first.

Speaking of which, Lu Chen was really unlucky, after successfully escaping from the siege of many cultivators with the help of the ancient mythical beast Little Earthworm and the golden cicada method of escaping its shell.

Little earthworm is flying aimlessly around the world with the golden bead in his mouth, because Lu Chen doesn't know the specific situation of the outside world,

I can only estimate the time, communicate through Divine Sense, let the little earthworm spit out the world of golden beads that turned into dust.

But when Lu Chen came out of the Golden Pearl World, he found a random direction and flew towards Yu Jian, and met three people not long after.

Among the three, two cultivators clearly recognized Lu Chen at a glance, and quickly surrounded him.

After Lu Chen saw the faces of several people clearly, he was also stunned for a while, and scolded himself in his heart, "This is too bad luck!"

Surrounding own is none other than Hu Shilong, the prince of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, and one of his subordinates,

And the other nun showed surprise from behind.

Because she didn't know why Hu Dage suddenly surrounded the passing cultivator.

Lu Chen saw Hu Shilong's expression was cold

Staring at himself, recalling the scene where he extorted one million mid-grade Spirit Stones from him in the medicine garden space, Lu Chen had a very expressive expression at the moment.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect such a coincidence! Today's weather is pretty good, how about I give you double the Spirit Stones and Spiritual Herbs, and just treat you as friends?"

Lu Chen smiled embarrassingly, he thought that Hu Shilong stopped him because of the medicine garden space.

"Hehehe... It's really a coincidence, Gan Yun! Go and abolish him, take him back and hand it over to the Master."

Hu Shilong ordered.

"Master? Yin Cang? Isn't the other party doing it for Spirit Stones? That's it? Wulian's heart fire?" Lu Chen instantly understood the key point when he heard the words.

After the competition in Qianyang City, Yin Cang suddenly attacked himself because he sensed Wulian's anger on his body. Fortunately, his father-in-law Yu Tongwei rescued him in time.

Combined with what Hu Shilong said, Lu Chen also knew about their master-student relationship, and instantly figured out that it wasn't the Spirit Stones that Hu Shilong robbed him, but because of Wulian's anger.

Hearing this, the subordinate named Gan Yun rushed towards Lu Chen with his sword. The speed was so fast that Lu Chen could almost only see an afterimage of the opponent.

Knowing that this battle could not be avoided, Lu Chen reacted quickly, instantly activated the solid qi, and raised his hand to perform the big move Buddha Palm plus Ten Thousand Buddhas.

"Boom..." Gan Yun punched out a fist shadow the size of a truck head. The real essence of the fist shadow was as solid as it collided with Lu Chen's huge palm print formed by the condensed true essence, making a loud bang.

Huge energy spread around, and both Lu Chen and Gan Yun retreated.

"Puff puff puff..." At the same time, countless shadowless accompanying, small palm prints with strong will hit Gan Yun's body shield, making a puff sound.

Then pass through the opponent's body shield and hit the opponent's body,

Seeing this, Gan Yun's eyes froze, and he had already suffered a lot, and then looked at Lu Chen indifferently,

Unexpectedly, the opponent is only a late stage cultivator, but possesses such a strong true essence, not weaker than himself at all, and his shots are quite extraordinary.

"Damn it! The opponent is so strong! Own's attack method is still too single, it's not an option to continue like this," Lu Chen thought as he retreated extremely quickly.

Lu Chen, who had stabilized his figure, was also affected by the powerful energy, his whole body was filled with blood, his throat was sweet, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that his subordinates failed to win Lu Chen in their first confrontation, Hu Shilong was shocked and at the same time,

Immediately, Yu Jian flew towards Lu Chen, ready to join forces with Gan Yun to take Lu Chen down...

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