Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 264 Great Crisis

"Damn it!" Seeing Hu Shilong and Gan Yun attacking him at the same time, Lu Chen cursed.

I saw Hu Shilong holding the Magic Treasures long sword in his hand and stepping on a Flying Sword glowing with purple brilliance, approaching Lu Chen at an extremely fast speed.

Under the infusion of true energy, the Magic Treasures long sword instantly condensed a giant Sword Ray with a length of more than 100 meters, and slashed at Lu Chen from top to bottom.

At the same time, the right hand forms a mudra with one hand, performing a shadowless and invisible poison kung fu.

But Gan Yun used the formula and shouted loudly: "Winter on the temples has arrived!"

Immediately, a round magic circle glowing with white light suddenly appeared in the sky above Lu Chen's head. That magic circle was at least the size of two football fields, Shrouding the Heavens covering the sun, it was very mysterious.

Then came a biting cold breath, even with Lu Chen's Cultivation Base fused with the late stage, plus the body refining technique Zongti state, he also felt very cold.

All of this happened almost in a breath, so there was no time to think about it,

Lu Chen instinctively felt that the magic circle was very dangerous, so he hurriedly tried his best to escape with his sword.

However, Lu Chen was surprised to find that own flight speed seemed to be restricted, like sailing against the current, very slow.

At this speed, I can't dodge Hu Shilong's huge Sword Ray at all.

What's more terrible is that after a flash of brilliance flashed by the magic circle in the sky, countless white light and shadows fell like a storm, densely packed and impossible to avoid.

The icy breath seemed to freeze everything in the world, it was terrifying.

It's too late, but it's fast.

With a thought in Lu Chen's mind, the black stone that bred bitter bamboo appeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye,

Under the perfusion of true energy, the black stone instantly turned into a giant stone the size of a mountain, blocking Lu Chen's head.


Hu Shilong's huge Sword Ray split on the black stone, made a "clang" sound, and then collapsed.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The countless white lights and shadows falling from the magic circle hit the black stone and immediately formed a white ice on the surface.

Hu Shilong stared at the black stone sacrificed by Lu Chen in surprise. He didn't expect such an ugly stone with such a strong defense to resist his own Sword Ray.

You know, with the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen in the fusion period, this sword is enough to break mountains and rocks, but it is blocked by that stone, which shows that it is extraordinary.

What was even more shocking was Gan Yun. He didn't expect that the kid could block the spell he cast with his Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage with just a stone.

How did they know that the black stone sacrificed by Lu Chen gave birth to ten Spiritual Roots

The fetish of bitter bamboo.

Invincible and extremely hard, it is actually normal to be able to block their attacks.

In fact, Lu Chen was also suffering unspeakably. Although the gap in the Cultivation Base Realm withstood the opponent's attack, Lu Chen's real energy was doubled.

Lu Chen quickly ate a Medicine Pill, recovered his true energy, and took advantage of this gap to fly out of the opponent's magic circle with his sword.

Because Hu Shilong had already done so, he slashed a Sword Ray horizontally towards Lu Chen again.

With a sound of "hum...", a huge palm print made of condensed true essence issued from Lu Chen's palm,

With the aura of destroying everything, he slapped Hu Shilong like a mosquito.

At the same time, Lu Chen released the ancient beast Pixiu and ordered him to attack Gan Yun.

The two had collaborated many times, and Xiao Hu flew to Gan Yun with ease.

Just when Gan Yun was about to attack Lu Chen again, he suddenly felt a pain in his calf.

Looking inside, Divine Sense found that it was a fly-sized insect, rushing towards Dantian through the Meridians.

This startled Gan Yun. Unknown things often make people feel inexplicable fear.

Gan Yun didn't care about attacking Lu Chen, and quickly separated a beam of true energy to wrap the little bugs in the Meridians, preventing them from moving forward.

However, at this time, Lu Chen Divine Sense controlled the black stone, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, and smashed towards Gan Yun and Hu Shilong with a terrifying momentum.

Hu Shilong's reaction was not slow, and Yujian quickly flew out horizontally, avoiding the attack of the black stone.

But when Gan Yun saw this, he didn't care about the bugs in his body, so he hurriedly dodged with his sword,

But what he didn't expect was that his distraction gave Xiao Hu a chance to break through the opponent's defense.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Little Earth broke through the shackles of the opponent's true energy, sang all the way, and went straight to the opponent's Dantian.

Then he plunged into the opponent's Dantian, devouring the opponent's Dantian in the breath.

"Oops! Ah..." Gan Yun exclaimed, he didn't expect that unknown little bug to be so fast,

Immediately, Dantian felt pain and let out a scream, his consciousness sank into mud, and his body fell directly from the air.

Seeing this, Lu Chen finally heaved a sigh of relief. After dealing with Gan Yun, who possesses Gold Core early stage strength, the next battle against Hu Shilong will be much easier.

"You! How is that possible?" Hu Shilong exclaimed when he saw Own's men die suddenly,

Although he didn't know why his subordinates died suddenly, it's not difficult to guess that it all had something to do with Lu Chen.

At the same time, he was also shocked why, Lu Chen did not

Poisoning, logically speaking, even the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage may not be able to live in peace with own poison.

But the facts are in front of his eyes, Lu Chen is just like a normal person.

"Nothing is impossible, go to hell!" Lu Chen said indifferently, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Since the other party wants to kill him, then Lu Chen will not spare the other party, because if it is not for him, he still has some means.

Then the one buried here is myself, the Cultivation World is so cruel, you can't be merciful and kind when you come out, otherwise you don't know how you died.

I saw Lu Chen stepping on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, and under Hu Shilong's shocked eyes, he came to Hu Shilong almost in the blink of an eye.

Divine Sense locked on Hu Shilong firmly, and beat Hu Shilong terribly after a few back and forth, with no power to fight back.

In the end, Wanfo Chaozong swarmed towards Hu Shilong with a terrifying aura, countless invisible small palm prints, and strong will, ready to send him to get a box lunch.

"No..." Feeling Lu Chen's murderous intent, Hu Shilong roared unwillingly with the last bit of strength,

"Hu Dage!" Mu Nianci exclaimed when he saw that Hu Shilong was in danger.

I don't know where she got the courage, and quickly flew Yujian towards Hu Shilong, ready to protect Hu Shilong with her body.

However, before Mu Nianci got close to Hu Shilong, a jade tablet on Hu Shilong's chest suddenly shattered, making a crisp sound of "click".

Immediately, a terrifying energy spread to the surroundings, both Mu Nianci and Lu Chen were hit by this energy and flew backwards one after another.

"Ah..." Mu Nianci screamed tenderly, her body fell extremely quickly, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

"Pfft..." Lu Chen, who flew upside down, felt as if his bones were about to fall apart. He spat out a mouthful of blood in the air and suffered quite a bit of injury.

At this time, a phantom appeared in front of Hu Shilong, who looked to be in his sixties, tall and tall, with long silver-white hair and a cold face, looking at Lu Chen indifferently.

"Protective Jade Plaque!" Lu Chen steadied his figure and exclaimed, and hurriedly tried his best to escape with Yu Jian.

In the endless forest before, when he was killing Lei Junjie, a phantom suddenly appeared, and he almost died on the spot.

"Hmph!" Seeing Lu Chen running away, the phantom snorted coldly, then raised its hand and shot a beam of true energy at Lu Chen, almost in the blink of an eye.

"Ah..." Lu Chen, who was hit, let out a scream of pain, and then his body fell directly from the air to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead...

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