Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 265 Sealing The Sky, Locking The Land, Formation

"Father!" Hu Shilong, who was seriously injured by Lu Chen, cried out with difficulty when he saw the familiar back of the phantom in front of him.

That's right! The phantom clone of Hu Shilong's father Hu Guangyi, the head of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, was sealed inside Hu Shilong's treasure.

Gold Core stage After the Gold Core in cultivator Dantian breaks its shell and becomes a baby, it is the Nascent Soul stage.

In the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivator can use the true essence to copy the Nascent Soul in the body, seal the Nascent Soul clone in Magic Treasures, and then refine it into a Movement Technique treasure.

When the wearer receives fatal damage, the movement technique treasure will automatically break open, releasing the Nascent Soul clone.

Of course, it is impossible for Nascent Soul cultivator to copy Nascent Soul clones without limit. If Nascent Soul clones are duplicated too much, it will affect the breakthrough of cultivator late stage, and even cause the Cultivation Base to drop due to excessive consumption of Nascent Soul power.

So it is not an unusual relationship, almost no Nascent Soul stage cultivator will copy its own Nascent Soul to refine Movement Technique treasures.

As the Expanding Aperture late stage Cultivation Base, Hu Guangyi, for Hu Shilong, his precious son, naturally spared no effort of Expanding Aperture to refine the Movement Technique treasure for him.

"Hey... my son, you shouldn't risk your life! That cultivator is not a simple person, you should run away quickly!"

Hu Guangyi's phantom clone said with a worried expression on his face.

Because he found that Lu Chen did not die on the spot after being hit by him. You must know that he is a Cultivation Base with Expanding Aperture late stage,

Even if it is a phantom clone, it can at least display the attack power of the Expanding Aperture early stage. It is very strange that it was not able to kill a late stage cultivator on the spot.

However, the phantom clone can't last too long, so Hu Guangyi's phantom clone can only persuade his son to escape here as soon as possible.

"Father... puff..." Hu Shilong shouted anxiously after seeing his father finished speaking, the phantom slowly dissipated, and then disappeared in front of his eyes,

However, because the wound was affected, another mouthful of blood spewed out. Hu Shilong quickly took a healing Medicine Pill, circulated his true energy and began to heal his wounds while fleeing with his sword.

As for Mu Nianci's life and death, he couldn't care that much anymore.

Because Lu Chen had learned from the past in the endless forest, when he was knocked away by the huge power emerging from Hu Shilong's protective Movement Technique treasure,

To be on the safe side, Lu Chen, who was flying upside down, secretly drank a big mouthful of Wannian stone marrow dew,

Sure enough, it didn't take long before he was hit by a bolt of true energy that was as fast as lightning. Lu Chen desperately used the Chaos Dao Shengjue to resist the powerful lethality of that true essence.

Coupled with the miraculous effect of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew, it barely saved his life.

Lu Chen also didn't care so much.

During the rapid fall of the body, he quickly hid in the golden bead world.

After another day of recovery, Lu Chen recovered slightly from his injuries.

Not long after coming out of the world of golden beads, Lu Chen felt that he was surrounded by a mysterious force, and then he was teleported out.

Wuchuan Prefecture is in a jungle about 200 kilometers away from the secret realm of Yinfenggu. At this moment, the world of Jinzhu has turned into a speck of dust, lying quietly under a dead leaf. It is so natural that no one can discover its existence. .

Ever since Lu Chen came out of the secret realm of Yinfenggu, he felt inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. He thought that he had offended Hu Shilong and was sent by Hu Shilong to hunt him down.

So I plan to wait for the injury to recover before making plans.

Outside the formation light curtain of Yinfeng Valley, some cultivators left directly after withdrawing, and some cultivators were led to the market not far away by the cultivators who were responsible for leading the work at the exit.

The teams sent by the chambers of commerce, large and small, set up temporary booths here to collect the resources from the cultivators who came out of the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley. Biqu library

As soon as Yan Zixia came out, she was immediately found by her anxious aunt Wang Xiumei, who said that her father Yan Dingkun sent a message that something big might happen in southern Xinjiang.

He told her to return to the Central Plains immediately, but he didn't explain the specifics.

Yan Zixia knew that her father would not target indiscriminately, and after receiving the news, she led a group of people to rush to Yan's house in the Central Plains.

Mei Ye Qing and Hua Weiyang were always talking and laughing together, so that Song Wanting felt awkward following them.

After saying goodbye to his cousin, he left alone and headed towards the Central Plains. During this period, Hua Weiyang also invited Song Wanting to travel together, but Song Wanting refused.

After parting with Mr. Yuxiao and Shang Zhenrong, they made an appointment to meet again in Xiling City, Yichang Prefecture in the Central Plains.

Because the Yichang prefecture where Shang Zhenrong was located happened to be adjacent to Yidu prefecture where Young Master Yu Xiao was, so it has to be said that the two really had some fate.

Young Master Yu Xiao came to the market alone, ready to exchange the resources in his hands for Spirit Stones.

After all the cultivators had withdrawn from the range of the formation light curtain, An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen teleported to the periphery of the formation light curtain again.

After the two looked at each other, An Lushan teleported to the other end of the formation light curtain again, facing Xuanyuan Zhen two by two.

After the Divine Sense sound transmission, the two of them shot a light beam as thick as an electric pole towards Fengtian and Locked Earth.

An Lushan shot a blue beam, and Xuanyuan Zhen shot a purple beam.

Two beams of light converge in the sky to form a

A huge Yin & Yang Tai Chi pattern rotates slowly in the sky, flashing blue and purple brilliance, which is very mysterious.

Blue is yin, purple is yang, Yin & Yang meet, seal the sky, lock the ground, and form a formation!

The huge Tai Chi pattern descended from the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye from top to bottom.

Then a miraculous scene happened.

As the Tai Chi pattern descends from the sky, wherever it goes, it is like an eraser, removing the dark clouds of lightning and thunder in the sky,

As well as the flashing golden portal, as well as the huge tornado, all wiped away and disappeared.

As soon as it reached the ground, the Tai Chi pattern also disappeared, turning into seven golden beams and flying to An Lushan's hand, forming seven palm-sized jade tablets.

These seven jade tablets are the seven keys to open the Great Formation of Sealing Heaven and Locking Earth, and will be in charge of each of the seven sects of Southern Border in the future.

At this time, people discovered that there were no valleys and tornadoes in the original Yinfeng Valley, but now it has become a dense forest.

If it hadn't been witnessed by many cultivators, who would have believed that this place would actually be the location of the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley?

"Hahaha... Mr. An! Mr. Xuan! You two have worked so hard! I prepared a little wine on the flying ship, and I hope you will visit me."

Seeing that the secret realm of Yinfenggu was successfully sealed, Dai Zong stepped forward at the right time, cupped hands laughed.

"Hehehe... Dai Zong is too polite, so we won't bother you!" An Lushan smiled back with his cupped hands.

"Hahaha... Dai Zong has a heart, so I will be disrespectful," Xuanyuan Zhen laughed.

"Hahaha... It's a real honor to have a drink with the two of you, come on! This way, please!"

Dai Zong waved his hands as a gesture of invitation.

"Please!" An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen laughed and signaled Dai Zong to lead the way first.

However, the faces of the three of them suddenly changed slightly, and they all raised their eyes to look to the north.

Not long after, a murderous aura filled the sky, overwhelming the sky,

Immediately afterwards, a large number of black-clothed and masked cultivators appeared in the sky, densely packed, a large black area, almost covering the entire sky, giving people a terrifying sense of oppression.

"Fa... what happened? Is it going to start a war?" All the cultivators in the market felt the terrifying momentum, stopped what they were holding, and looked up at the sky.

The cultivators of the major chambers of commerce guessed that something big would happen, and those who left no traces began to pack their things, ready to run away at any time.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom Dai Zong saw this, and hurriedly transmitted the voice through Divine Sense, ordering people to blow the horn to order the assembly......

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