Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 267 Dai Zongxian's Courtesy

Therefore, when Hu Guangyi discovered that the soul jade tablet of his precious son Hu Shilong was shattered, he immediately took the teleportation array to the southern border with a murderous spirit,

On the way, in the name of the president of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and another mysterious identity, he issued a highest-level order.

For a time, all the industries under the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in Southern Xinjiang, as well as Tianyuan Pavilion, the number one organization in the underworld, were shocked by this order.

They organized cultivators above the Gold Core stage to go to Yinfeng Valley in Wuchuan Prefecture to meet up with their ancestors.

Hu Guangyi also knew about Xia Ji's affair with Hu Shilong, so after confirming that Xia Ji was indeed pregnant, the old guy's face changed several times.

In the end, he sighed softly, waved his hands and said, "Go down, all of you!"

Xia Ji and a group of cultivators from the Gold Core early stage felt amnesty upon hearing the words, and after glanced gratefully at Xia Ji, they retreated behind Hu Guangyi with their swords.

Now, several people in the secret realm have not met their son, so the only one who can kill their son is the late stage cultivator that broke the Movement Technique treasure on his son.

Even if it wasn't him, his son's death could not be separated from him.

Thinking of this, Hu Guangyi's Divine Sense extends overwhelmingly, with his Expanding Aperture late stage Divine Sense,

Almost all the faces of the tens of thousands of people on the scene could be seen, but he did not find the late stage cultivator.

Hu Guangyi's face became more and more ugly, guessing in his heart that the cultivator either died in the secret realm, or left early.

After tens of thousands of people present were enveloped by Hu Guangyi's Divine Sense, they all felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Even the cultivator in the Expanding Aperture period did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Hu Guangyi raised his hand and shot a white light beam towards the sky, which formed a huge light curtain in the air.

Immediately, a clear picture appeared on the light curtain. After the picture was frozen, a cultivator with a delicate figure and handsome appearance appeared in front of everyone.

The cultivator's body was flying upside down, obviously being knocked into the air by some kind of attack.

When everyone was wondering about Hu Guangyi's actions, Hu Guangyi's words sounded again in the air.

"You all look at the appearance of this cultivator, he broke my son Hu Shilong's protective treasure, presumably my son Hu Shilong must have been killed by him,

If any of you can capture him, or provide information about his whereabouts, my Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce will give 50 million middle-grade Spirit Stones as a reward. "

"Wow..." Hu

In a broad sense, it immediately caused an uproar from many cultivators,

After a long time, it turned out that the other party came to find the murderer who killed his son, but this formation is too scary!

"Uh... this kid is really a headache. Fortunately, he didn't agree to my request, otherwise Sect would have killed me."

Xia Housheng secretly squeezed a sweat in his heart and thought.

He recognized at a glance that the cultivator in the picture was Lu Chen. He remembered that when he saw that Lu Chen was quite talented in the way of formation, he took the initiative to invite him to join the Tianyan Sect.

He also vowed to help him settle, he robbed all the cultivator, but how to settle it now?

"Lu Chen? Oh my god, you're too good at breaking through! I can't help you now."

Young Master Yu Xiao frowned slightly and thought.

"Hey! Isn't that kid the one who robbed all of us in the medicine garden space? I didn't expect him to be so courageous that he dared to kill the prince of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce."

A cultivator in the crowd said in shock that the other robbed people also recognized Lu Chen, but most of the cultivators didn't speak.

However, as soon as the cultivator finished speaking, he found a ghostly figure around him out of thin air.

I saw that the man was tall and tall, with long silver-white hair and sharp eyes, looking at him indifferently. It wasn't Hu Guangyi, who else could it be?

Looking at the cultivators around him, they had already dodged far away.

"Ex...senior!" The cultivator knelt down in fright, tremblingly.

"You know this person? Tell me everything you know, or die!" Hu Guangyi said flatly.

The man dared not to obey when he heard the words, and told everything that happened in the medicine garden space like a potato.

In particular, it mentioned that a cultivator was blackmailed for 1 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, and roughly described the appearance of that cultivator.

When Hu Guangyi heard the words, he immediately knew that what he was talking about was his own son Hu Shilong, and he probably guessed that his son should not be angry with the other party.

After leaving the medicine garden space, I tried to find a way to find the other party, but I didn't expect the other party to be very difficult, and even broke the own protection Movement Technique treasure.

After Hu Guangyi listened to the cultivator's words, he did not embarrass him, but teleported away directly.

But the aura of the superior was almost overwhelming him, and after Hu Guangyi left, the cultivator collapsed to the ground,

I secretly vowed in my heart that I would never talk nonsense again.

"Brother Hu! Please forgive me

By the way..." Xuanyuan Zhen comforted with a sad expression on his face.

In fact, he also recognized Lu Chen, who was the little friend he had met in Zhongba City, Xizang Prefecture, Qiankun Shifang.

Originally, I was thinking about inquiring about the specific situation and seeing if there was any misunderstanding.

If it can help Lu Chen, it can be regarded as a gratitude to the good relationship formed when we met at the beginning,

But before Own finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hu Guangyi.

"Hey...Brother Xuanyuan!" Hu Guangyi shook his head sadly.

At this moment, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, and he didn't know what to say, he just wanted to do something more for his son.

At this time, Dai Zong flashed in front of Hu Guangyi, his appearance was very similar to that of a traitor offering advice to devils, cupped hands smiled and flattered him:

"Hahaha...President Hu! I am Dai Zong from Divine Beast Mountain. According to the news from my subordinates, this cultivator left through the northern exit, and it took only a few hours.

If President Hu wanted to catch the real culprit, it shouldn't be a problem to go north to look for it. "

After Dai Zong knew the whole story, he also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the other party didn't come for the secret realm of Yinfenggu, then the two sides would not fight.

If there was a real fight, the people I brought with me would probably be more or less ominous, so when I heard that Hu Guangyi was here to find the real culprit who killed his son,

Dai Zong asked the subordinates in charge of guarding the four exits through Divine Sense, and it turned out that he really found out where Lu Chen was.

"Oh? Thank you so much! I, Hu Guangyi, take advantage of your favor. If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me."

Hu Guangyi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he threw Dai Zong a black jade tablet the size of a palm.

"Hehehe...President Hu is being polite! This is what I should do."

Dai Zong happily took the black jade plaque, and smiled awkwardly with his cupped hands.

Just kidding, this is the favor of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. Do you think he can be unhappy?

However, Dai Zong did not notice that there was a person looking at him with deep meaning.

After getting the latest news, Hu Guangyi politely bid farewell to Dai Zong and Xuanyuan Zhen.

Then, Divine Sense ordered everyone to disperse in all directions, while he himself led a large group of people and flew northward.

Calculated according to the time, the cultivator should still be in Wuchuan Prefecture,

Even if Wuchuanzhou is turned upside down, he vows to find that cultivator and avenge his son's blood...

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