Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 268 Attitude Change

"Wow..." Hu Guangyi walked away with many subordinates,

Immediately, it aroused the sighs of all the cultivators present, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

"It's's really scary. I thought that today's battle would be inevitable. If that's the case, few people will survive."

A cultivator in the crowd sighed, unconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and left as if fleeing for his life with his sword.

"I didn't expect the strength of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce to be so powerful. You said that if the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce confronts the seven sects, who will prevail?"

There is a Fatty cultivator terrified of asking own companions.

"Hehehe... They should not be able to fight at the moment, because the Seven Sects and the Central Plains family seem to have signed some agreement that the two sides must not invade each other, otherwise they will be judged."

The fellow Fatty cultivator smiled.

"Oh? Agreement? What agreement? Who has the qualifications and strength? Come to judge the Seven Sects or the Central Plains family?" Fatty cultivator asked curiously after hearing the words.

"I don't know what the specific situation is. Let's leave Wuchuan Prefecture as soon as possible. I feel that Wuchuan Prefecture may be very unstable in the future."

The companion of the Fatty cultivator said impatiently, then threw the Magic Treasures long sword and Yu Jian left.

"Brother Lu! Brother Lu! I hope you have a good fortune," Young Master Yu Xiao thought to himself.

Seeing everyone leaving one after another, he glanced at the north worriedly, and then left with his sword.

Seeing Hu Guangyi leaving hand in hand, Dai Zong took out the black jade tablet and played with it carefully.

I saw that the jade tablet was about the size of a palm, dark and oval in shape, with the word "Tianyuan" carved in the middle.

The lower right corner is engraved with three small characters "Hu Guangyi".

"Hahaha... It was a worthwhile trip, I didn't expect to get Hu Guangyi's favor," Dai Zong murmured uncontrollably.

At this time, he found that Xuanyuan Zhen and An Lushan had teleported to the flying ship they were riding on before, and hurried to the deck.

"Hahaha... Mr. An! Mr. Xuan! Didn't we agree to go to my place, have a drink, and celebrate?"

Dai Zong said with a happy smile on his face because of Hu Guangyi's favor.

"Hehehe... Dai Sect Leader is too polite,

Now that this incident has happened, and this incident has happened again, it has delayed a lot of time,

We still have to rush back to Qianyang City to return to our orders. It’s not too late to meet again when we have the opportunity. Let’s say goodbye! "

Xuanyuan Zhen laughed with his cupped hands, and politely refused.

An Lushan obviously felt the change in his old friend's mood, and also politely declined Dai Zong's invitation.

"Uh..." Dai Zong was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but at this moment the defensive formation of the flying ship had slowly closed, so he had no choice but to leave in a flash. Biqu library

The only thing he couldn't figure out was that they were fine before, so why did the two of them suddenly seem to have become colder towards own?

He was not stupid, so he naturally felt that An Lushan and Xuanyuan Zhen were deliberately refusing him.

And found a particularly lame reason,

You know, I am also going back to Qianyang City, and the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center is returning, so everyone is going the same way, okay?

But since the other party had already explained what he said, Dai Zong had nothing to say, he only thought that these two old men had weird personalities and were not easy to get along with.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Dai Zong didn't bother to think about it, and then flashed to the flying ship he was on, ready to return to Qianyang City to report.

On the flying ship, seeing Dai Zong leaving in embarrassment, An Lushan showed an expression of "I understand you" to Xuanyuan Zhen, and said with a deep smile:

"Hehehe...why did brother Xuanyuan suddenly change his mind?"

He and Xuanyuan Zhen have known each other for hundreds of years, and he is naturally aware of the sudden change in his old friend's attitude towards Dai Zong.

So when Xuanyuan Zhen suddenly rejected Dai Zong's invitation, An Lushan was naturally on Xuanyuan Zhen's side.

"'s nothing! It's just that I suddenly can't understand Dai Zong's sycophancy." Xuanyuan Zhen smiled indifferently.

"Hahaha... It seems that you and I have thought of going together. I also have some fine wines here. How about a game of chess?"

An Lushan suggested,

Regardless of whether Xuanyuan Zhen agrees or not, he waved his hand self-consciously after speaking, and a table and chair appeared between the two of them, and a pair of "Tianyuan Chess" just happened to be placed on the table

"Hehehe...please!" Xuanyuan Zhen waved his hands and smiled, and he took the seat first, followed by An Lushan.

The two played chess while tasting wine, and the surrounding scene quickly flew backwards.

flying ship in the sky

After passing through countless clouds, it turned into a long rainbow and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

In the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen didn't know that Hu Guangyi was desperately looking for himself.

With the help of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew, Lu Chen quickly recovered from his injuries and reached his best condition.

After the two incidents between Lei's son and Hu Shilong, I was injured twice by the opponent's guardian treasure,

And every time there are dangers, Lu Chen really can't guarantee that he can have such good luck every time he survives a catastrophe.

Therefore, Lu Chen secretly decided that if he meets a child from an aristocratic family next time, he must first take off the movement technique treasure of the other party.

Lu Chen was really frightened by the phantom of this or that old man who suddenly appeared when he was about to kill the other party.

Another is that the own attack method is still too simple,

When I first left Xuantian Sect, Realm was humble and didn't learn any powerful spells or other means of attack.

What's more, I don't have a weapon at hand, so I hit people with black stones every time. The key black stones are also flawed, and they are easy to be avoided by opponents.

So, next, I have to start with these two aspects first.

After a short thought, Lu Chen took out all the spiritual herbs he got in the medicine garden space,

Use the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and use its powerful analysis function to analyze these Spiritual herbs one by one.

Chaos Dao Sheng Jue is a formula that co-existed with the universe in the chaotic period, when the world first opened.

Cultivator practice Chaos Dao Sheng Jue not only does not have the limitation of breakthrough bottleneck, but also has powerful analysis function.

For example, give Lu Chen a never-before-seen Spiritual herbs, under the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue,

Lu Chen can easily obtain the properties, age, and uses of this spiritual herbs.

If you give Lu Chen a Medicine Pill, hehehe... that would be even more serious,

Chaos Daosheng Jue can directly analyze the ingredients of Medicine Pill, the dosage of medicinal materials, and the method of refining Medicine Pill, etc. It is very mysterious and magical.

As for whether there are other functions, Lu Chen has not discovered it yet, but Lu Chen has a faint feeling that the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue is far more than these functions.

It's just because the own Cultivation Base is too low, and it hasn't been developed by itself...

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