Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 284: Great Consummation Of The Fusion Period

Lu Chen's combination of meat and vegetables, based on the tragic love story of Liang Zhu in the previous life, adapted a comprehension version of Liang Zhu, and told Ling Manyu.

Ling Manyu burst into tears after hearing this, and Lu Chen also managed to take the opportunity to get Ling Manyu's oil, but Ling Manyu didn't know it,

But when Ling Manyu was crying more and more sadly, the tears flowed like no money, soaking a lot of the clothes on Lu Chen's shoulders.

At this time, Lu Chen also realized that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that no matter how vivid, touching and fascinating the story she told, Ling Manyu wouldn't cry like this!

"Okay! Okay! Isn't it just a story? Why cry like this? At worst, I'll change the ending, can't it?"

Lu Chen patted Ling Manyu on the back and comforted her.

He also hugged Ling Manyu tightly in an extremely unkind way, rubbing his body back and forth from time to time, intentionally or unintentionally,

Feeling the turbulent softness of the other party, it felt very irritating in my heart, and I swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva in a dry throat.

However, Lu Chen didn't know that after hearing the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Ling Manyu felt the same.

Thus, it occurred to me that I was forced to marry by the son of the head of Sect? Own's fate is so similar to Zhu Yingtai's, that's why Ling Manyu cried so sadly.

Lu Chen sighed softly and continued:

"I'll change the solution, can you listen again?"

So Lu Chen started with Zhu Yingtai inviting Liang Shanbo to the cave.

"In other words, after Zhu Yingtai revealed her daughter to Liang Shanbo, the two had a three-year relationship, and the next step will be a matter of course.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai had sex, and after the affair, Zhu Yingtai snuggled into Liang Shanbo's arms and told about Ma Wencai's persecution of her.

When Liang Shanbo heard this, he immediately became unhappy. How could an own woman marry someone else?

So, Liang Shanbo invited Ma Wencai out to fight, and in the end, Ma Wencai was beheaded in two or three blows.

Then, Liang Shanbo took Zhu Yingtai to fly away,

From then on, the two lived a shameless life, hahahaha... How does this ending end? "

Lu Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and laughed hahaha.

"Pfft... Lu Dage, you're so bad! You're really not ashamed!" After hearing the new ending of Butterfly Lovers and Lu Chen's funny tone, Ling Manyu really didn't feel so uncomfortable in her heart.

"Hehehe... that's right! Why did you appear here, shouldn't you be in Anlin Prefecture?"

Lu Chen hurriedly changed the subject and asked.

Next, Ling Manyu heard how she passed the assessment and was promoted to Samsung Sect.

The thing was said again.

It also included that he was forced to marry by Lin Zhiping, the head's son, and that the head gave the two marriages.

Then he looked at Lu Chen with deep meaning and said:

"Lu Dage! What do you think I should do? Are you willing to be my Liang Shanbo?"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Lu Chen showed a smile that was uglier than crying,

I thought: "It's broken! This girl wants to drag herself into the water and help him solve the troubles in front of him.

But Own still has a lot of troublesome things, so I don't have the time to take care of her affairs,

It just happened to be such a coincidence that what happened to this girl was so similar to what happened to Zhu Yingtai.

What a crime! Why do you talk so much when you are a good self? What stories are you telling! This is just great! Riding a tiger is hard! "

Lu Chen was full of thoughts, and really regretted taking advantage of Ling Manyu, subconsciously pushed her away gently, and wanted to reject her outright.

But then I thought again, what a fucking big deal! How can it be important to live in the moment?

So, with a smile, he said:

"Hehehe... Let it go! I have everything, since you trust me so much, how can I let you down?

In fact, I have fallen in love with you a long time ago, and I am willing to use my life to love you and protect you forever and ever. "

Lu Chen has a lot of sensational words in his mind, which can be said to be easy to come by.

"Hmm!" Ling Manyu felt as sweet as molasses when she heard Lu Chen's explicit expression.

Shyly, he gave a soft "hmm", buried his head very low, not daring to look directly at Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen pulled Ling Manyu into his arms again.

Such a beautiful day, accompanied by a beautiful woman, Lu Chen felt that since he was already in trouble, he didn't care what he did, and we'll talk about it later when the sky falls.

Ling Manyu responded shyly, being rescued by Lu Chen twice, she was already in love with her, and she was very upset after suffering for several months.

Now, with the appearance of Lu Chen, she seems to have found a vent, not to mention that she doesn't reject Lu Chen in her heart, so under the situation of half pushing and half letting go,

With the sky as the quilt and the ground as the mat, everything will come naturally.

This is the case with women, when they are most painful and helpless in their hearts, they are more likely to be taken advantage of by others.

Ling Manyu showed pain.


At this time, Lu Chen suddenly felt a powerful force of Yuan Yin pouring into Own's body like a tide.

Then it was imported into Dantian through Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and the true essence in Dantian seemed to have encountered a coagulant, changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In simple terms, the cultivator's gaseous Spirit Power is converted into a liquid state and stored in Dantian

, is for the Foundation Establishment period.

Transforming the liquid true essence into a viscous state is the fusion period.

Transforming the viscous true essence into a jelly shape is the Dzogchen fusion period.

Harden the jelly-like true essence and knead it into a ball, which is the Gold Core stage.

Lu Chen never dreamed that such an accident would happen, and the love affair between men and women would allow him to make progress on Cultivation Base.

But why, the previous Ye Rushuang, Zou Hongfu and Yu Qian didn't have such an effect?

The Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in Lu Chen's body was operating to the extreme, until the last trace of true energy in Dantian turned into jelly,

Only then did Lu Chen open his eyes joyfully, and laughed happily in a low voice:

"Hahaha... The integration period is perfect! Am I breaking through now? It's unbelievable. If I do it again, will I breakthrough directly to the Gold Core period?"

"Lu Dage!" Ling Manyu was frightened when she heard the words, and said shyly and pointedly.

"Hahahaha... I'm just kidding, it scares you, am I so scary?" Lu Chen smiled obediently when he got a bargain.

Seeing Ling Manyu's face showing a little bit of embarrassment, Lu Chen understood in seconds, and finally let Ling Manyu go.

After the two got dressed, they sat side by side intimately.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Ling Manyu, as a woman, is leaning on Lu Chen's arms with a face of happiness. Now she looks at the scenery in front of her and feels extraordinarily beautiful.

In this muddled situation, Cultivation Base got breakthrough again, and Lu Chen also didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Then he smiled and asked:

"Hehehe... Manyu... There is a strange problem, do you know the reason?

That's...why did my Cultivation Base increase suddenly when the two of us were doing that? Hahaha... I don't mean anything else, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious and want to ask you. "

Ling Manyu was very shy when she heard the words, and after thinking for a while, she smiled softly and said:

"Lu Dage! Actually... Actually, I am a pure yin body."

After Ling Manyu was detected to be a pure yin body, she specifically inquired about the relevant information about the pure yin body,

It is natural to know that this special physique is of great benefit to a male cultivator.

"What? A body of pure yin! Uh...hehehe...then didn't I pick up a treasure?"

Lu Chen exclaimed with an exaggerated expression upon hearing this.

Perhaps realizing that own's expression was too exaggerated, Lu Chen hurriedly changed the subject.

Regarding the body of pure yin, Lu Chen also knew something about it, and he felt that he was careless.

But after thinking about it, because I practiced the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and didn't practice the theory of bottleneck, I was relieved......

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