Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 285 I'm Her Cousin

Xia Ji regretted it very much. She regretted that she didn't directly kill the maid Xiao Taohong that night.

Because she received the news the next day that Xiao Taohong hadn't returned all night and disappeared.

This startled Xia Ji, and at the same time, she wanted to understand that Xiao Taohong must have heard something she shouldn't have heard that night, and she was afraid of killing herself to silence her.

Therefore, Xia Ji made up a reason, saying that the maid Xiao Taohong stole the own storage bag, which contained a lot of precious resources.

And sent someone to hunt down the maid Xiao Taohong. When the housekeeper reported this matter to Hu Guangyi, Hu Guangyi just nodded lightly and agreed to this matter.

Because Hu Guangyi has been in a very bad mood recently.

The reason is that several days have passed since the release of the Tianyuan reward order.

The allure of 50 million middle-grade Spirit Stones made cultivators in almost the entire Wuchuan Prefecture crazy about it, and they searched for Lu Chen's whereabouts everywhere.

Almost the entire Wuchuan Prefecture has been turned over, and it is only three feet away from digging.

But who can imagine that under such a large-scale search, the boy Lu Chen was not found.

This made Hu Guangyi very angry, but there was nothing he could do. After all, looking for someone among countless cultivators was undoubtedly equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

If Lu Chen hides deliberately, it is hard to say whether he can be found in a short time.

So Hu Guangyi issued an order that shocked the entire Beichen continent.

The content of the order is very simple, that is to directly increase the reward amount for capturing Lu Chen to 100 million middle-grade Spirit Stones.

As soon as this news was sent out, there was an uproar in the entire Beichen Continent.

The cultivator in the Northern Territory is fine. After all, the southern border and the Northern Territory are far apart. They just heard a hot news, but they can't rule out being curious about this cultivator named Lu Chen.

When the cultivators in the Central Plains heard the news, they all asked who is Lu Chen? What did he do? Why would Tianyuan Pavilion issue such a high amount of reward to catch him.

After hearing the news, the cultivators in Southern Xinjiang immediately exploded. Many cultivators vowed to find Lu Chen.

You know, 100 million middle-grade Spirit Stones is equivalent to one billion low-grade Spirit Stones, which can be said to be a sky-high price!

Grabbing this task of Lu Chen in a short time, directly boarded the Tianyuan reward order, the top ten of the task leaderboard,

Compared with other difficult tasks, this task should be regarded as the easiest.

But Lu Chen didn't know anything about these things. He was at the lake about ten kilometers away from Shennongmen, having a good time with Ling Manyu.

In order to make Ling Manyu happy, Lu Chen also specially put on a mask, making up as before

With a bad face, the two were chasing and fighting by the lake, very happy to leave.

Mu Kexin hasn't seen Ling Manyu for a long time. Before leaving, Ling Manyu said that she went out to relax.

But after such a long time, Ling Manyu did not come back. Out of worry, Mu Kexin flew to the back mountain lake of Sect with his sword.

Ling Manyu has been to this place several times, and Mu Kexin knows about it.

However, when Mu Kexin Yujian came to the lake, what he saw made his face suddenly change,

Immediately took out the Magic Treasures long sword and rushed forward.

I saw a male cultivator wearing a navy blue robe, with a straight nose and square mouth, dark skin, and a little stubble on his face, rushing towards Ling Manyu.

"Hahahaha... chick! I see where you are going, why don't you follow my uncle! My uncle has a mine at home,

If you follow my uncle, I will guarantee you delicious food and spicy food from now on. "

Lu Chen grinned, with greedy eyes in his eyes, and smiled triumphantly.

As he spoke, he threw himself on Ling Manyu, intending to execute her on the spot.

"Ah...don't come here! Please, please let me go!"

Ling Manyu screamed, and begged with a mournful face. Narrowly dodging Lu Chen's approaching figure.

"Hahaha... My little lady, wouldn't it be a pity to let you go? I advise you not to waste your efforts,

In this wilderness, even if your throat is broken, no one will come to help you, come on! My little beauty, just follow me! "

Lu Chen laughed triumphantly, and threw himself at Ling Manyu again after speaking.

"Stop the pervert!" At this moment, a yelling voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Lu Chen's movements.

"Uh..." Lu Chen showed a stunned expression when he heard the sound, his forehead was covered with black lines, how did he become a prostitute?

In order to please Ling Manyu, he dragged her to play role-playing, and Lu Chen played the role of a villain who robs civilian women and commits all kinds of crimes.

Ling Manyu played the role of a civilian girl who was raped. At the beginning, Ling Manyu laughed so hard that she couldn't even remember her lines.

In order to find excitement, Lu Chen strictly asked Ling Manyu to act realistically, otherwise she would be spanked.

As a result, as soon as the two entered their roles, there was a voice of scolding.

Lu Chen looked back, and saw Mu Kexin holding the Magic Treasures long sword. Under the infusion of true energy, the long sword flashed a sharp Sword Ray, and directly aimed at own's heart, stabbing fiercely.

"Senior sister, stop!" Seeing Mu Kexin's sudden attack, Ling Manyu knew she must have misunderstood, and hurriedly stopped her loudly.

However, it was too late to say it, and it was so fast, before Ling Manyu finished speaking, Mu Kexin's long sword stabbed at Lu Chen.

Seeing that Mu Kexin was an old acquaintance, Lu Chen was heartbroken.

Riley suddenly thought of joking with her.

I saw the corner of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, and his whole body vibrated, secretly running the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and Chaos Body Refining Technique,

He didn't dodge either, and directly faced the opponent's long sword with his chest.

"Ding..." In the blink of an eye, Mu Kexin's long sword pierced Lu Chen's body with a crisp ding sound, but he could no longer advance an inch.

But the other party looked at him with a playful face.

" is it possible? Damn it! You are a cultivator!" Mu Kexin exclaimed in shock, her face becoming ugly.

Immediately cast Movement Technique to retreat quickly, keeping a certain safe distance from the villain.

Almost at the same moment, he took out a golden talisman,

Under the infusion of true essence, the talisman shone with golden light, and instantly turned into a big bird burning with raging fire.

Then, a fiery energy quickly spread to the surroundings.

"It's actually a talisman! It looks very bluffing!" Lu Chen murmured as he narrowed his eyes and looked at the big flaming bird.

"Senior sister don't want it! This is Lu Dage!" Ling Manyu knew the power of senior sister's talisman, worried about Lu Chen's safety, and hurriedly stopped her loudly.

Seeing Ling Manyu using her own body to block the prostitute, Mu Kexin was at a loss as to what Ling Manyu was doing.

"Manyu! What's going on here? Why are you still protecting this prostitute?" Mu Kexin wondered,

Divine Sense controls the flame bird, ready to attack at any time.

Ling Manyu was about to explain when she heard the words, but was stopped by Lu Chen, who even winked at herself, signaling for herself not to speak.

"Hehehe... Girl, I think you may have misunderstood. I am Manyu's cousin, and my name is Lu Xiaotian. We were just playing games just now, so please forgive me."

Lu Chen smiled embarrassingly. After thinking about it, he didn't intend to reveal his true identity to Mu Kexin.

After all, I am being wanted by someone offering a reward, sometimes it is better to be careful.

"Cousin? Man Yu, do you have a cousin? Why don't I know?" Mu Kexin looked at Ling Manyu in surprise when she heard this, and asked in confusion.

"Uh...he is indeed my cousin, knowing that I was promoted to Samsung Sect, he came to see me specially."

Although Ling Manyu didn't know why Lu Chen wanted to hide his own identity, he still lied casually.

"Oh? Really?" Mu Kexin looked at Ling Manyu and then at Lu Chen after hearing the words, but she didn't quite believe it.

However, if it was said that these two people were having an affair, or that they were having a relationship between a man and a woman, Mu Kexin would not believe it even more.

Because he believed that Ling Manyu's taste could not be so strong......

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