"By the way, senior sister! Why are you here?"

In order to cover for Lu Chen, Ling Manyu timely diverted Mu Kexin's attention and asked.

"Isn't it because you are worried about your safety? You have been out for so long and haven't seen you back. If something happens, what should you do?"

Mu Kexin showed a resentful look on his face, and while speaking, he glanced pointedly at the so-called cousin standing beside him, that is, Lu Chen in disguise.

"Hehehe... Manyu! If you don't introduce me to your senior sister, we can get to know each other better."

Lu Chen smiled shyly,

Regarding what Mu Kexin was secretly referring to, he pretended to be indifferent.

Ling Manyu gave Lu Chen a blank look when she heard the words, but she still did her tricks and introduced the two of them to each other.

"Hmph!" No matter how Mu Kexin looked at Lu Chen, he felt that he was very frivolous, he didn't look like a good person, and he was ugly.

I thought to myself, "It's fine if you say you are ugly, but you have the nerve to ask me my name. What do you want? Does it mean anything to me?

It's really a toad who wants to eat swan meat, and doesn't know what to do. "

Lu Chen didn't know what Mu Kexin was thinking, he just wanted to say hello.

However, what Mu Kexin said next made Lu Chen lose all affection for her.

"Manyu! Lin Dage came to you again today, and sent a lot of cultivation resources, not to mention the head has given a marriage contract,

I advise you to agree, as women, sometimes we still have to accept our fate,

What's more, you have such good conditions, fortunately the head of the family has taken a fancy to it, if you don't seize this opportunity, if you miss the future, you will regret it. "

Mu Kexin spoke earnestly.

"Senior Sister! Don't try to persuade me anymore. I have thought about it for a long time. I only have Lu Dage in my heart. It is impossible to change this life."

Ling Manyu said with firm eyes, now that she has become Lu Chen's woman, it is naturally impossible to listen to Mu Kexin's persuasion.

"Hmph! Manyu! You don't know

Say it! Lu Chen is in a catastrophe now, there is absolutely no possibility of him surviving, I advise you to give up this idea! "

Mu Kexin continued.

"Senior Sister!" Ling Manyu subconsciously glanced at Lu Chen when she heard this, and looked at Mu Kexin suspiciously.

Lu Chen also looked puzzled when he heard the words, and looked at Mu Kexin curiously.

Mu Kexin accepted Lin Zhiping's favor, and naturally spared no effort to help him persuade Ling Manyu.

I saw her continue:

"Lu Chen killed Hu Shilong, the prince of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, and now the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is offering a reward of 100 million middle-grade Spirit Stones to arrest Lu Chen,

Now the whole southern border is boiling, do you think he still has a life to live in this situation?

So, I advise you not to waste your time and youth on him, it's really not worth it. "

"Ah? How could this be? Lu Da..." Ling Manyu's face changed suddenly when she heard the words, and she subconsciously looked at Lu Chen worriedly.

But Lu Chen gently shook his head, his eyes signaled her to stop talking.

In fact, when Lu Chen heard that the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce raised the bounty to 100 million mid-grade Spirit Stones, he was also taken aback by the news.

At the same time, I also guessed that the current situation is not optimistic for me.

Maybe there are a lot of Cultivation Bases now, looking for themselves all over the world.

Mu Kexin was very satisfied with Ling Manyu's surprised gaze, thinking how wise her original decision was,

"Hehehe...Manyu! Didn't you invite me to visit your Sect just now? Then what are we waiting for?" Lu Chen looked at Ling Manyu and smiled.

Before that, maybe Lu Chen still wanted to take Ling Manyu away like Liang Shanbo did.

But I'm afraid it won't work now, he knows that such a high bounty is enough to drive countless cultivators into a frenzy,

God knows if those cultivators will have any way to see through their own outfits.

If Lu Chen was alone, he could still hide in the world of golden beads to save his life, but what about Ling Manyu.

Lu Chen is a cautious

People can't tolerate a little sloppy.

Therefore, Lu Chen decided to go to Shennongmen to temporarily avoid the limelight, and then wait for the opportunity.

"Uh... well... Cousin, did you agree? That's really great."

Upon hearing this, Ling Manyu quickly realized Lu Chen's intentions, and smiled joyfully,

Now as long as Lu Chen is there, he will feel at ease, not to mention that she also understands that Lu Chen wants to go to Sect to find a place to live, so of course she is very happy to welcome her.

Mu Kexin was very unhappy when he heard that Lu Chen was going to Sect, but he couldn't stop him. After all, she knew that she had no right to speak in this matter.

So, Lu Chen turned into Ling Manyu's cousins, that is, Lu Xiaotian and Mu Kexin, and the three of them flew to the Shennongmen branch with their swords...

After learning Li Xiaoyao's "Thousands of Transformations", Gu Feng successfully cracked the method of leaving Immortal Cave.

But when the three of them flew out of the pool and landed on the shore, they found two cultivators, one tall and one short.

After the four eyes met, both sides recognized each other, and they all showed surprised eyes.

"It's you?" The tall and short cultivators said in unison in surprise.

"It's you guys! Hahaha... It's really a narrow road!"

Zhong Tao recognized the two cultivators at a glance, and exclaimed in the same surprise.

At the same time, a giant brush the size of a mop appeared in Zhong Tao's hand, ready to fight.

Because these two people are none other than the two tall and short cultivators who had a dispute with Zhong Tao and Gu Feng over a spiritual herb in the endless forest.

Later, these two people were beaten by Zhong Tao with various talismans and fled.

Then the two called for help to find a place, and finally forced Zhong Tao and Gu Feng to inadvertently enter the signal coverage area of ​​the Foundation Establishment period,

If it wasn't for their good luck, when they met Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang and others, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng would have died long ago, unable to get out of the endless forest.

Therefore, when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous...

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