Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 289 Different Circles

"Hahahaha...a good sentence: so many things in ancient and modern times are all jokes, these brothers are really great talents,"

Just when the three young cultivators were standing over the Beichen River, admiring the majestic and majestic scene of the Beichen River.

A voice of praise came, and then a cultivator who also looked very young quickly came in front of the three of them with a sword.

I saw that man with red lips and white teeth, good facial features, wearing Jinglun on his head, and a white robe. He talked generously, but he gave people a feeling of gentleness and elegance.

"Senior! Senior!" The three young cultivators, seeing the Cultivation Base that they and others couldn't see, all respectfully cupped their hands and smiled.

"Hehehe... You are being polite, I don't know how to address the young masters? I love poetry and songs. When I passed by just now,

I happened to hear a few poems recited here, and I came here to pay my respects. I don't know which young master's masterpiece was just now. "

The handsome young man asked politely.

"Thank you for the love from senior. I'm afraid. I'm Zhao Chengzhi. It was Junior who expressed his feelings just now. It's not a masterpiece, it's just a little Doyle."

Among the three, one of them, the young cultivator, smiled humbly with cupped hands.

"Junior Yang Yunfei! Junior Qi Yutang! Greetings senior." The other two young cultivators respectfully cupped their hands almost at the same time.

These three brothers were Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi who had left Shun'an City and headed north all the way.

Because several people happened to be flying over the Beichen River with Yujian, and Zhao Chengzhi immediately became interested when he saw the waves of the Beichen River rushing down for thousands of miles.

Then I wrote this poem loudly out of feeling, and to the surprise of several people, it actually attracted the arrival of this young senior,

Because Yang Yunfei and the others couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, they behaved very politely.

"Hehehe...Brother Zhao! Brother Yang! Brother Qi! You really don't have to be so rigid, everyone is of the same age, and I like to make friends with Cultivation World."

Why don't you call us brothers! My name is Tong Minghong. "

The young son smiled and announced himself.

Yang Yunfei and the others heard the words and saw that the other party's expression did not seem to be fake, and they thought it was true as the other party said, because of a poem written by Zhao Chengzhi, they intended to make friends.

Otherwise, the Cultivation Base of yourself and others is low and poor, and the other party is a senior, so there is really no need to come and talk to him.

After thinking about this, Yang Yunfei and the others let go a little bit, and they started talking to each other.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Chengzhi and Tong Minghong are more topical.

As the saying goes: "A connoisseur can tell if there is one by opening his mouth."

Through simple conversations, several people were convinced that Tong Minghong, as he said, was a lover of poetry and songs.

At the same time, Tong Minghong also learned that Yang Yunfei and others came from southern Xinjiang and were going to the Central Plains.

"Hehehe...Brother Zhao! I wonder if the poem just now has a name?" Tong Minghong asked in a timely manner after they got acquainted with each other.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengzhi looked at the turbulent river under his feet, and then at the sky in the distance. After thinking for a while, he had an idea and said with a smile:

"Let's call it "Linjiang Immortal"!"

"Hahaha... Immortal Linjiang! Immortal Linjiang, what a Immortal Linjiang, Brother Zhao is indeed a great talent, I am fortunate to meet a few of you today,

Why don't you let me be the host, how about we have a few drinks? "

Tong Minghong murmured the three words Linjiangxian, and recalled the poem just now in his mind, and suddenly felt that Zhao Chengzhi's name Linjiangxian was very majestic.

There was a feeling in my heart that I hated seeing each other later, and immediately invited Yang Yunfei and others to drink.

"Hehehe... I really appreciate Brother Tong's kind invitation, but we still have important things to do, so let's do it next time!"

Zhao Chengzhi said with an apologetic smile. Then he glanced at Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang again, winking at them.

"Yes, Brother Tong! I'm really sorry, if we meet again some other day, we will definitely not return drunk,

But now we do have important things to do, so please forgive me, Brother Tong. "

Yang Yunfei smiled at Tong Minghong with self-blame.

Hearing this, Tong Minghong thought that Yang Yunfei and the others really had something important to do, so it was hard to say anything more.

After several people exchanged some pleasantries, Tong Minghong bid farewell to them and left alone with his sword.

When Tong Minghong's figure disappeared from the eyes of several people, Qi Yutang said doubtfully:

"I see Brother Tong is a generous person, since he intends to invite me to wait, why don't we go?

Besides, we are newcomers, so we can take advantage of Brother Tong's relationship so that we can gain a firm foothold in the Central Plains? "

"Hehehe... You don't understand the world of adults, but Brother Tong has an extraordinary status at first glance, and his cultivation base is so profound that it is not me who can climb it.

Besides, if someone is just being polite, but you and I are ignorant and follow along with licking our cheeks, wouldn't it be obvious to others? "

Zhao Chengzhi smiled old-fashionedly.

"The most important thing is, we don't have Spirit Stones on us, who will pay the bill? If we ask for something, do you still ask Brother Tong to pay the bill? Or is it us?

Hehehe... Let's not squeeze if the circle is different, understand? "

Photographed by Yang Yunfei

Patting Qi Yutang on the shoulder, he smiled meaningfully.

"Uh... alright! Assuming I didn't say anything! Where shall we go next? After crossing the Beichen River, we will enter the Central Plains. It is impossible to find a random place!"

Qi Yutang was not stupid, so he naturally understood what the two of them meant, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Hahaha... Isn't it just looking for a place? I can't help it. Now that I'm out, let us go together and be that carefree and happy fairy, hahaha..."

Yang Yunfei's momentum suddenly changed, and he laughed boldly and said,

Looking up at the mountain peaks that are about to be seen in Fang Yin in the north, with a firm look in his eyes, he took the lead and flew away with the sword.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang looked at each other, nodded lightly, and followed Yu Jian to fly north.

In the Shennongmen Branch of Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang, there is a mountain named Jian Lin Feng. This peak pierces into the sky like a sharp sword out of its sheath, so it gets its name.

Under the mountain peak, the clouds and mists were lingering, and the clouds cleared and the fog cleared in an instant, and the sea of ​​clouds rolled under the feet, and the peaks seemed to float and sink in the surging white waves, which was very beautiful and spectacular.

The top of the peak is relatively flat and there is a separate wooden house.

Sitting in the Lotus Position in the wooden house is a young cultivator, at this moment, he is constantly absorbing the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones.

And a middle-aged cultivator was standing outside the wooden house, looking very respectful waiting for something.

At this time, the door of the wooden house opened automatically, and then a tall, handsome man wearing a jade crown walked out, with a small black mole between his eyebrows, and his face was very cold.

The young cultivator, who looks twenty-seven or eighteen years old, gives people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

"Young master! Have you reached the Gold Core stage of breakthrough?" The middle-aged cultivator asked expectantly after seeing the young man.

He had been staying at the door before, just to protect the young master.

"Hey... It's a pity that I missed the last step after all, otherwise I could use Ling Manyu's pure yin body to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop. What a pity! By the way! So Ling Manyu has been keeping herself safe recently?"

The young cultivator asked lightly.

"Back to the young master! Miss Ling seems to be in a good mood recently, and she hasn't acted abnormally. Maybe... Maybe it's because her cousin came to see her!"

The middle-aged cultivator thought for a while and replied.

"Cousin? Cousin!" The young cultivator murmured in a low voice, squinting slightly and looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

Then, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and with a thought, a Flying Sword appeared out of thin air under his feet, regardless of the middle-aged cultivator, he flew towards the sea of ​​clouds...

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