Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 290 Qingxu's Arrival

"Dang...dang...dang..." Suddenly, three loud bells rang on Misty Peak, the main peak of the Shennongmen branch in Wuchuan Prefecture. The sound has a long history, and almost the thousands of disciples in the entire mountain gate can clearly hear it.

For a moment, almost all the disciples and the Elder put down their things, except of course the disciples of Closed Door Training, all rushed to Misty Peak with their swords flying.

At this moment, in a quiet and elegant small courtyard, Lu Chen is disguised as Lu Xiaotian, lying leisurely on the recliner in the courtyard, no matter how many cultivators there are outside, they are desperately looking for him.

Zhenyuan controls the reclining chair to shake automatically, and from time to time sends the spiritual fruit next to it into the mouth, so relaxed and comfortable,

Ling Manyu and Mu Kexin were sitting in the living room in Lotus Position, practicing separately.

After all, this was in Sect, and Lu Chen appeared as her cousin. In order to avoid suspicion, Lu Chen deliberately kept a certain distance from Ling Manyu.

However, Mu Kexin looked at Lu Xiaotian from time to time, pretending to be contemplative, she didn't pay much attention before, but after a brief contact, it was out of a woman's intuition.

She always felt that there was something wrong with the way Ling Manyu looked at her cousin, but if there was something wrong, Mu Kexin couldn't tell why.

At this time, a melodious bell rang, and both Ling Manyu and Mu Kexin raised their eyes to Misty Peak.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Lu Chen heard the bell and saw disciple Yu Jian flying towards the main peak in the sky.

Sitting up with a rub of the body, he asked suspiciously.

"It's Sect calling all the disciples, Cousin! We'll go back as soon as we go, you can rest here for a while!"

Ling Manyu looked at the main peak, then at Lu Chen and smiled.

"Hehehe... Go! Go! Don't worry about me, I'll just stay here quietly."

Lu Chen smiled, and continued to lie down, enjoying the peaceful moment.

Seeing this, Ling Manyu had no objection, threw out the Magic Treasures long sword and Mu Kexin's two swords, and flew towards Misty Peak as well.

Misty Peak is the main peak of the Shennongmen branch. There is a majestic octagonal nine-story tower on the main peak.

The interior space of each floor is set up with space formation.

So each floor has at least the size of a football field.

At this moment, disciples kept flying towards Yujian quickly and landed on the square in front of the tower.

Then there is a special cultivator to maintain order, and all the disciples are distributed on both sides of the square according to the height of the cultivation base.

to get close to the tower

The building is the starting point, and they line up in order from near to far, forming several small square arrays.

At the moment, Lin Dahai, the leader, is leading a group of Elders, standing in front of the tower looking forward, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"Father! The child has lost his father's high hopes and failed to break through to Gold Core Dzogchen. Please punish him."

At this time, a young cultivator came to the front of the tower quickly with Yujian, and respectfully cupped hands to the head Lin Dahai.

I saw that young son, tall and tall, wearing a jade crown, with a dignified appearance, and a small black mole between his eyebrows.

It was the young son who failed in the breakthrough on the sword Lin Feng before.

Hearing this, Lin Dahai glanced at his son's Cultivation Base and confirmed that it was exactly as the other party said, a slight disappointment flashed in his eyes,

But he quickly adjusted his mood and smiled: "Hehehe... Don't worry about it, my son, the way of comprehension is not something that happens overnight, and your foundation is not yet stable.

It is normal to not have a breakthrough. In the future, remember to proceed step by step and not to rush. "

Several other Elders heard that the young master Lin Zhiping had failed in the Gold Core stage, and they all spoke to comfort Lin Zhiping.

After Lin Zhiping learned that Ling Manyu is a pure yin body, he couldn't wait to break through to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen sooner.

Then he managed to break through to the Nascent Soul stage, but haste makes waste, and Lin Zhiping still failed to get his wish.

If he uses Ling Manyu's pure yin body now to break through to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen, he is not reconciled, and he is based on the idea of ​​using good steel on the blade.

That's why he planned to breakthrough to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen, and then use Ling Manyu's pure yin body to breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage. Only then did Lu Chen have the opportunity to pick peaches.

And the reason why Lin Dahai didn't stop it was because he knew very well that there were some things that his son had to experience for himself in order to comprehend them more thoroughly.

"My child will follow the instructions," Lin Zhiping responded with cupped hands upon hearing the words.

"Headmaster, look!"

At this time, among the Elders, someone pointed to the distant sky and exclaimed.

Then, everyone looked up in the direction of the Elder's finger.

I saw a large flying ship floating above the sea of ​​clouds, like a ship in the vast ocean, flying towards this side at a very fast speed, within a few breaths, it came before everyone's eyes .

Seeing this, the disciples in the square discussed in low voices one after another, guessing what kind of important person would come, and the headmaster would personally lead a team to greet him,

And even engage in such a big ostentation to welcome each other.

After the flying ship stopped, the looming formation light curtain quickly opened,

Then a figure took the lead, flying heroically through the air, followed by the cultivator on the flying ship.

The leader was tall and tall, with fair skin, a sculpture-like face, distinct facial features, and a sharp face. He was extremely handsome. At first glance, he thought he was a peerless beauty.

Looking at it again, it looks like a sword fairy who has been refined from the world, and one can't help but feel a sense of worship.

If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely recognize this person at a glance, because the person who came was the head of Shennongmen Headquarters, Master Qingxu.

"Welcome Sect Leader to visit our branch in Wuchuan Prefecture. Please forgive me if we are far away from welcoming you."

Lin Dahai took a step forward, took the lead in cupped hands and said respectfully,

The rest of the Elders, as well as the disciples in the square, echoed Lin Dahai loudly, and suddenly there was a resounding welcome from Misty Peak.

Then, everyone looked at the man solemnly.

"What? That person is actually the head of our Shennongmen headquarters. The head looks so young!"

After the disciples on the square heard Lin Dahai's welcome, some disciples were shocked in a low voice.

"Hahaha... It's really lucky for Sansheng. It is said that the head of the branch rarely visits the branch. I didn't expect to come to our branch today. It is really rare."

Another disciple said in a low voice with excitement on his face.

After learning the identity of the person who came, many disciples showed surprises on their faces, as ecstatic and passionate as mortals seeing the God of Nine Heavens.

" don't need to be too polite, I am Shennongmen..."

Master Qingxu said with a smile like a spring breeze,

First, briefly describe the historical development of Shennongmen and the great achievements Shennongmen has made for southern Xinjiang.

He also talked about the current planning and development of Shennongmen. Hearing that, the hearts of all the disciples were boiling with enthusiasm, and they felt like they would sacrifice their lives for Sect immediately.

"Hehehe... Alright! I won't say much, I hope you will continue to practice hard, and you can get what you want in our Shennongmen.

Let us work together to make Shennongmen our common beautiful home.

Today, each person will give out a Xuanyun Pill as a meeting gift. "

Master Qingxu continued to smile.

"Wow..." There was an uproar immediately after hearing that the head general handed out Xuan Yun Pill as a greeting gift.

All the disciples present cheered and shouted in unison, the words Shennongmen...

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