Xuanyun Pill is a seventh-grade elixir, its main function is to increase the cultivator's understanding to a certain extent, whether it is a basic disciple or an Elder, it has a certain effect.

As for how much understanding can be increased, it depends on one's good fortune.

Even if you don't eat it, you can get a lot of Spirit Stones if you exchange it for Spirit Stones.

So when they heard that everyone could get a Xuanyun Pill, the momentum of Shennongmen was unprecedentedly high.

It has to be said that as a big boss, Daoist Qingxu is quite good at management.

In today's words, Qingxu Daoist uses a strong corporate culture as a credit endorsement, which makes disciples feel proud,

Then distribute appropriate rewards to win people's hearts. As a leader, it is precisely because of these measures that he has easily won the support and trust of many people.

Lin Dahai welcomed Daoist Qingxu into the Great Hall, and the rest of the Elders followed one after another.

According to the usual practice, the arrival of the headquarter boss must hold a meeting first, listen to Lin Dahai's work report, and then inspect the entire Sect.

After the head master and many Elders entered the Great Hall, the rest of the disciples on Misty Peak left one after another, and returned to their own jobs, waiting for the inspection of the boss of the headquarters.

Ling Manyu's heart was on Lu Chen, and as soon as it was over, she dragged Mu Kexin to go back to her small courtyard, but was stopped by a shout.

"Hehehehe... Manyu! Kexin!"

Ling Manyu and Mu Kexin followed the prestige, and saw a Daoist figure flying towards them with a sword flying towards them, and it was within a breath.

"Young master! Kexin pays homage to the young master!" Mu Kexin nodded and saluted with a smile.

Seeing that it was Lin Zhiping who came, Ling Manyu frowned slightly, but still nodded politely and said:

"Little Lord!"

"Hehehe...Manyu...huh?" Lin Zhiping took a look at Ling Manyu, but his face suddenly changed, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes. Biqu library

"Slap!" Lin Zhiping made a sudden move, and slapped Ling Manyu hard on the face, making a crisp slap.

"Ah..." Ling Manyu screamed, fell down on the square, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, Lin Zhiping didn't kill him, otherwise Ling Manyu's early stage Cultivation Base would not be able to resist Lin Zhiping's Gold Core late stage Cultivation Base. It is estimated that this would be enough to instantly kill Ling Manyu.

Ling Manyu, who was beaten, instantly had a terrifying palm print on his face, which landed on that peerless face, making people unable to help feeling pity.

"Young master!" Mu Kexin exclaimed in surprise,

The sudden change made her at a loss. She didn't know why Lin Zhiping would suddenly hit Ling Manyu, and he was so vicious.

Quickly ran over and squatted down to check Ling Manyu's injuries.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of those disciples who hadn't left Misty Peak, and they all stopped to watch.

Same door

It is strictly forbidden to kill each other, but these people are forced by Lin Zhiping's identity and dare not step forward to stop it.

Lin Zhiping can't control that much, at this moment, his heart is full of anger, he looks at Ling Manyu who was helped by Mu Kexin with almost cannibalistic eyes, and said angrily:

"Hmph! You bitch! Your vital yin was broken by someone? Who is it? Who is it? You bitch!

To find a wild man behind my back while I was practicing? Who is it? I must peel off his skin! "

Originally, the woman he had chosen by default thought that he could use her pure yin body to help him improve his Cultivation Base, but now, Lin Zhiping was going crazy because someone else picked the peaches.

"What? Manyu, you?" Mu Kexin looked at Ling Manyu in surprise.

She also couldn't believe that Man Yu broke her vital yin, and she was with her every day. When did this happen?

But she soon became suspicious of Ling Manyu's cousin Lu Xiaotian. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

No wonder I always feel that the two of them are tricky, but why can't I see that Ling Manyu has been broken?

"Hehehe... Lin Zhiping, who do you think you are? Even if I, Ling Manyu, die, I won't be able to marry you,"

The beaten Ling Manyu sneered as she called her by his first name. It is not intended to confess Lu Chen.

When Lin Zhiping heard this, his face became even more gloomy, and he flocked towards Ling Manyu with overwhelming momentum, and said fiercely:

"Let me ask you one last question, are you telling me or not, who is that adulterer? Otherwise, I'll kill you right now!"

Raise your hand in a hands-on gesture.

"No! Young Master! There is an order in the sect that prohibits Sect disciples from killing each other, please think twice, Young Master!"

Mu Kexin saw that Lin Zhiping didn't seem to be cheating, but out of sisterhood, he still bit the bullet and stood in front of Ling Manyu, and said anxiously.

"Go away! Touch!" The angry Lin Zhiping couldn't control the rules of the house. In his eyes, the so-called rules of the house were only used to restrain ordinary disciples.

Seeing that he raised his hand and shot out a burst of real energy, Mu Kexin was immediately knocked into the air, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the way of flying backwards. When he fell to the ground, his face instantly turned pale.

Then he shot at Ling Manyu again, Ling Manyu screamed again, and stopped after rolling continuously on the ground, dragging a long bloodstain.

But he never paid attention to Lin Zhiping, which made Lin Zhiping very angry.

"Slut! Let me ask you, who is the adulterer who did that shitty thing with you?" Lin Zhiping said angrily again,

The more Ling Manyu resisted and defended that adulterer, the angrier he became.

Even though Ling Manyu was lying on the ground at this moment, she was already breathing in less and exhaling more, but there was no pity in her heart.

Instead, he wanted to kill her first to relieve the hatred in his heart. Just as Lin Zhiping was walking towards Ling Manyu, in his eyes

When the killing intent was activated.

"Assistant! Brother Lin! Is it a little too much for you to do this, after all, we are all in the same sect,"

Among the onlookers, finally someone couldn't bear to watch Ling Manyu's fragrance disappear, so he plucked up the courage to persuade him.

Someone took the lead, and immediately aroused the sympathy of others, who accused Lin Zhiping's behavior in low voices.

"That's right! What matters should be decided by the Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall. Brother Lin is just the son of the head of the sect. How can he attack his fellow disciples like this?"

There is a cultivator of Dzogchen in the fusion period, said in a low voice.

"That's right! Lin Zhiping really went too far." A disciple of Gold Core late stage accused.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, aren't you afraid that he will retaliate against you?" The Gold Core late stage cultivator standing there, another disciple next to him, quickly reminded him in a low voice.

"Hmph! Now that the head of the headquarters is here, if he really dares to attack me, I believe that the head of Qingxu will uphold justice for me.

Besides, we are also Gold Core late stage Cultivation Base, if we really want to fight, I am not afraid of him. "The cultivator of the Gold Core late stage said angrily.

With Lin Zhiping's Cultivation Base, the discussions of the disciples around him can be heard clearly, especially when one of them mentioned that the head of the headquarters is here.

Cold sweat dripped down Lin Zhiping's back, and he was also dazzled by anger just now.

Now I felt a little bit of fear after knowing it, and worried that if the head of the headquarters blamed him, it would not be something he could afford.

But after thinking about it, he and Ling Manyu had a marriage contract bestowed by the head of the sect, but this bitch put on a cuckold for him, and it was reasonable to kill her by himself.

After thinking about this, Lin Zhiping got up without any scruples. With a thought, a long sword appeared in front of him. The long sword pointed at Ling Manyu with a threatening cold light.

"Hehehe... Bitch! I'll kill you first, and then I'll kill your cousin. I think that adulterer is your so-called cousin!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that you would be broken as soon as he came. "

Lin Zhiping said with a ghostly smile on his face.

Ling Manyu, who was lying on the ground, heard the words, and hurriedly said anxiously: "No...it's not like this, this matter has nothing to do with my cousin, please don't go to him."

"Hmph... you damn bitch, go to hell!"

Seeing Ling Manyu's expression, Lin Zhiping knew he had guessed it right. After a cold snort, his eyes were filled with strong murderous intent.

Divine Sense locked on, and the long sword in front of him shot directly at Ling Manyu's heart with a "swish".

Feeling Lin Zhiping's murderous intent, Ling Manyu knew that she might be doomed today, so she sighed softly in her heart,

Subconsciously looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance of Misty Peak, there was a look of reluctance in his eyes.

Then he closed his eyes slowly, with a relieved smile on his face, waiting for Death to come...

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