On Misty Peak, there is a majestic and majestic octagonal nine-story tower, which is equivalent to the high-rise office building of the Shennongmen Branch of Wuchuan Prefecture.

At this moment, in a room on the first floor of the tower, which is somewhat similar to a modern medium-sized conference room, Daoist Qingxu is sitting at the head.

Branch head Lin Dahai is next, deputy head Yan Chao, Law Enforcement Hall Elder Song Fazheng, Cultivation Technique Hall Elder Xu Sheng, Mission Hall Elder Han Gandang, and other Elders are sitting on the left hand seat in turn.

The people who came with Daoist Qingxu sat on the right hand one by one.

According to the usual practice, Lin Dahai first reported on the divisions of these years, from the basic disciple to the cultivator of the Expanding Aperture period.

As well as the statistics of various data such as the resources paid by the divisions to the headquarters in these years.

The second is to report on the emergence of the secret realm of Yinfenggu in Wuchuan Prefecture, the specific deployment made by our branch, and so on.

In the end, he reported his plan for the future development of the branch, as well as the expected indicators for sending outstanding disciples to the headquarters, etc.

When it comes to talent transfer, Yan Chao, the deputy head, stood up and gave a detailed report.

He also listed dozens of outstanding disciples who are both good in character and learning, among them is Lin Zhiping, who broke through to Cultivation Base of Gold Core late stage at a young age.

Daoist Qingxu listened carefully throughout the meeting. When he heard the names of Lin Zhiping's dozens of outstanding disciples, Daoist Qingxu showed joy and kept nodding his head in agreement.

After all, talent is the foundation of the clan, and in this regard, it is particularly important for any Sect.

Seeing this, Lin Dahai secretly rejoiced, because he specially arranged for Deputy Sect Leader Yan Chao to do all this.

He also wanted to send his son to the headquarters, so he had to subtly let his son Lin Zhiping appear in front of Daoist Qingxu and leave a good impression on him.

As for the assessment, Lin Dahai, as the head of Shennongmen's three-star sect, is equivalent to a big official in the frontier. Isn't it a piece of cake to do something secretly?

The difficult thing is to impress the bosses at the headquarters, so Lin Dahai made arrangements in advance when he learned that the real person Qingxu would visit the branch.

After the deputy head Yan Chao finished his report, the other Elders would report on their own work in turn.

The whole meeting is still going on.

But at this moment, in the square of Misty Peak, when Ling Manyu knew that she was doomed today, she took a last nostalgic look at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, then closed her eyes and showed a relieved smile.

Seeing that Lin Zhiping's long sword was about to pierce into Ling Man with a sharp cold light.

Jade's body.

At this time, many disciples who were onlookers sighed slightly. Due to Lin Zhiping's status, they dared not speak out.

They all looked sideways, unable to bear the sight of the beautiful woman dying tragically on the spot like this.

However, it was too late to say, and then soon, at this critical moment, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Ling Manyu,

Then a black stone appeared in an instant, narrowly blocking Lin Zhiping's long sword.

"Ding..." The long sword shot at the black stone, made a crisp sound of "Ding!", and then cut into three small pieces and fell to the ground.

"Who is that person? He doesn't seem to be a disciple of our Shennongmen, so why did he appear here?"

Among the disciples watching, they saw a male cultivator wearing a navy blue robe, with a straight nose and square mouth, dark skin, and some stubble on his face.

Suddenly appeared to rescue Ling Manyu, someone asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but I think his Cultivation Base is just a Dzogchen in the integration period. If it comes, it's probably going to die."

Some Gold Core disciples said calmly after seeing the Cultivation Base.

Lin Zhiping saw that someone dared to block Own's attack, and then saw that he was ugly, but he held that bitch Ling Manyu in his arms with a concerned face,

He immediately guessed that this person should be the adulterer who cuckolded him, and his heart was filled with rage.

At this time, Mu Kexin happened to land on the square with his sword, and Lin Zhiping immediately showed a clear expression, guessing that it must be this bitch, who just sent the news while he was not paying attention,

But that's fine, I'm worried that I won't be able to find this adulterer.

It is said that Lu Chen was resting in Ling Manyu's small courtyard, when Mu Kexin suddenly came back with Yujian anxiously, with a pale face and blood on his body,

Lu Chen immediately realized that something might happen to Ling Manyu, and when Mu Kexin said that Ling Manyu's life was in danger on Misty Peak,

Lu Chen was furious immediately, and rushed over with his sword desperately. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lu Chen narrowly blocked it and shot at Ling Manyu's long sword.

This saved Ling Manyu's life, but when she saw that Ling Manyu was seriously injured, her face was deformed, and she looked miserable,

Lu Chen felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart, so he quickly took out a Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill and gave it to her, and transported his true essence to help her refine the medicinal power of the Medicine Pill.

The Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill is worthy of being a holy medicine for healing. After Ling Manyu took the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, her injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


! What kind of Medicine Pill did that man feed that girl, and why was there such a strong vitality? "

As soon as Lu Chen's Medicine Pill was taken out, a powerful vitality immediately permeated it, which immediately attracted the amazement of the onlookers.

"Look quickly! That girl's injury has healed? Could it be... Could it be that the man gave her some kind of holy medicine for healing?"

Another disciple pointed at Ling Manyu and exclaimed, because in just a dozen or so breaths, Ling Manyu's injuries had already healed, and her face was radiant again, returning to that peerless appearance, so beautiful .

Seeing this, Lin Zhiping had a greedy look in his eyes, because this kind of holy medicine for healing is undoubtedly the best way to save his life, and even his Shennongmen don't have it.

For a while, Lin Zhiping's heart began to heat up, thinking: Since that kid took out a Medicine Pill so easily, maybe that kid has more healing medicines.

"Lu Dage!" Ling Manyu, who was recovering quickly, exclaimed with surprise after seeing Lu Chen.

However, when she saw Lin Zhiping's face, Ling Manyu said with a frightened expression:

"Cousin! Hurry up and leave me alone, someone wants to kill you."

"Hehehe...Silly girl! It's okay, I'm here for everything, so don't worry! I'll be your Liang Shanbo today and take you away."

Lu Chen pinched Ling Manyu's cheek affectionately, and smiled.

Ling Manyu's originally pink face immediately turned red.

"Hmph! Hand over your storage bag, I can think about not killing you."

Seeing Lu Chen and Ling Manyu's love for each other, Lin Zhiping felt angry.

But in order to get the holy medicine for healing, he chose to endure it first, and it would not be too late to kill the couple after getting the holy medicine for healing.

"Stupid!" Lu Chen looked at Lin Zhiping contemptuously upon hearing this, and rolled his eyes at him.

Now that Ling Manyu had been appeased, he turned around and faced Lin Zhiping who had the Gold Core late stage Cultivation Base directly.

Lin Zhiping's mind, Lu Chen's heart is like a mirror, how could he believe his nonsense.

Besides, since he dared to beat his own woman like this, Lu Chen didn't intend to let Lin Zhiping go.

Although Lin Zhiping didn't know what "stupid" means, but seeing Lu Chen's white eyes,

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows the word "stupid", it won't be a good word.

"You are courting death!" Lin Zhiping snorted coldly.

After speaking, he disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Lu Chen, which shows how terrifying the opponent's speed is...

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