"Uh...uncle! I am Lu Chen! Have you forgotten? This jade medal was given by Elder Hongfu,

At the beginning, I still held this jade tablet and stayed in your Shennongmen for more than two years, Master! Do you remember? "

Seeing that he had already revealed his identity, but Master Qingxu still had an expression of not knowing own, Lu Chen felt anxious and hurriedly reminded him.

I prayed in my heart: "Boss! You old man, don't forget me! I risked my life and property to show my identity to you. If you pretend that you don't know me, then I won't let you know me." Is it a calf?"

Lu Chen just looked at Master Qingxu in such embarrassment, waiting for him to make a statement, when a breeze blew past, Lu Chen felt a chill, and his heart was pounding.

At this time, Master Qingxu gave Lu Chen a cold look, then raised his hand, and an invisible force struck Lu Chen as fast as lightning. Biqu library

"Ah..." Lu Chen who was hit immediately let out a scream, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably. The long sword under his feet lost the support of his true energy, and instantly fell to the ground together with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen, whose body was falling extremely fast, felt the qi and blood in his body tumbling, dizzy, and his bones seemed to be falling apart. Just this moment, Lu Chen was seriously injured.

Subconsciously took out a Ten Thousand Years Stone Essence Vitality Pill and swallowed it. At this moment, a Daoist figure flew over quickly, and Ling Manyu caught Lu Chen firmly.

Feeling the softness of the beautiful woman's arms, Lu Chen smiled gratifiedly.

"Thank you!" Lu Chen smiled, feeling that he was not alone. Unconsciously, she wrapped her arms around Ling Manyu's slender waist.

"It's good that you're fine, if something happens to you, I won't live on," Ling Manyu said sincerely.

"Hmph... what a couple of dogs," Lin Zhiping snorted coldly when he saw Lu Chen being held in Ling Manyu's arms, feeling as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

Fortunately, Daoist Qingxu didn't intend to kill Lu Chen, otherwise with his tyrannical strength, Lu Chen wouldn't have a chance to breathe.

Under the powerful medicinal power of the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, Lu Chen quickly recovered from his injuries.

Divine Sense controlled the Magic Treasures long sword that had already fallen to the ground, and the long sword flew back to Lu Chen's feet quickly with a stream of light.

Lu Chen, who once again stood in the air with Yujian, looked at Master Qingxu with a cold expression, although his heart felt

He was angry, but he was not dazzled by anger, otherwise he would not know how he died.

"Lu Dage! What shall we do next?" Ling Manyu asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry! I'll take care of it," Lu Chen gave Ling Manyu a reassuring look.

Then it seemed like a difficult decision had been made.

I saw Lu Chen kneeling on the Magic Treasures long sword in the air, and said with a serious expression:

"Uncle! The boy knows that he deserves to die, but the ants still steal their lives, so the boy is also very afraid of death.

I have no intention of destroying your treasure temple today, so I ask my master to spare my life for the sake of Elder Hongfu, and let me leave with Manyu,

This kindness, I will keep it in my heart, and if I have the opportunity in the future, I will go all out to repay my uncle for today's kindness..."

Daoist Qingxu is now Lu Chen's only life-saving straw, so Lu Chen can only beg him to let him go.

"Lu Dage!" Seeing the man she loves begging for others in front of her own, Ling Manyu felt very uncomfortable.

To be honest, Lu Chen seldom begged others in this life and in his previous life, let alone begging on his knees like today.

In my previous life, because I was in a society ruled by law, not asking for help was nothing more than living in isolation, and my life would not be in danger.

But in this life, in this comprehension world where people kill people without blinking an eye, and kill people at the slightest disagreement, sometimes dignity really doesn't matter that much.

Because Lu Chen has the Golden Pearl World, it has always been smooth sailing. Even if there is any crisis, he will immediately hide in the Golden Pearl World.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen himself does not know how many times he has died.

Now that he is under siege, it is impossible for Lu Chen to leave Ling Manyu behind and ignore him, so he can only put down his damn face and dignity, hoping to get a chance to leave safely with Ling Manyu.

After Lu Chen finished speaking sincerely, he still knelt in the air, like a prisoner waiting for trial, quietly waiting for the real Qingxu's reply.

After a long time, an understatement sounded:

"You can leave! But she must stay."

It was the real Qingxu who spoke.

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled bitterly. Ling Manyu is now an own woman. If she leaves alone, and put her alone in Shennongmen, with Lin Zhiping's nature, Lu Chen

I'm really worried,

So I asked: Biquku

"Uh...uncle! Can I take Manyu with me? After all, she is my wife now."

"Hmph!" Master Qingxu didn't answer, but snorted coldly, obviously disagreeing with Lu Chen's idea.

Lu Chen originally wanted to fight for it again, but Master Qingxu's eyes suddenly became sharp, making Lu Chen's heart shudder.

Also helplessly stopped. She looked at Ling Manyu apologetically, not knowing how to speak.

"Hehehe...Lu Dage! Why don't you leave alone first! Since the head of the sect intends to keep me, she has her reasons, and besides, I don't want to be your burden."

Ling Manyu said in an understanding way.

"I..." Hearing this, Lu Chen was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say, with a look of self-blame on his face.

"Lu Dage! Don't worry! I will take good care of own. When you have a breakthrough in Cultivation Base, you can come to Shennongmen to pick me up."

Ling Manyu said with a forced smile.

The matter has come to this point, Lu Chen knows that no matter how hard he tries, he can't change the fact, only blame own's too low strength, after saying goodbye to Ling Manyu.

Lu Chen turned around and made a big salute to Master Qingxu, and after looking at Ling Manyu reluctantly again, he was about to leave with his sword.

At this time, a burst of words suddenly came from his ear. After Lu Chen listened, his eyes lit up, and then he showed a reassuring smile.

After respectfully saluting Daoist Qingxu again, Lu Chen left directly with his sword,

Wherever he went, the disciples of Shennongmen made way for him one after another, and soon disappeared into the sky.

After Lu Chen's figure disappeared, Ling Manyu finally couldn't bear the pain of parting in her heart and shed silent tears.

On Misty Peak, Daoist Qingxu had a thought, and transmitted Divine Sense to many disciples. After listening, everyone left with their swords.

Seeing that Lu Chen was let go so easily, Lin Zhiping was very dissatisfied with the actions of the head of Qingxu, but he couldn't help it.

He was thinking about how to get back his lost face from Ling Manyu.

As the head of the branch, Lin Dahai then arranged for manpower to rebuild the destroyed tower, and he himself invited head Qingxu to continue to inspect other situations of the entire branch...

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