After Lu Chen left Misty Peak, he put on the mask of a middle-aged man with stubble on his face again, and also changed into a suit of clothes, and galloped cautiously all the way.

Before leaving, Daoist Qingxu sent a voice transmission to Lu Chen Divine Sense, and only said one sentence, telling Lu Chen that Ling Manyu would go back to Yulin Prefecture with him, the headquarters of Shennongmen.

It is precisely because of this sentence that Lu Chen is relieved of Ling Manyu's safety. What he needs to do now is to continuously improve the Cultivation Base.

Only when the Cultivation Base is strong enough can we solve the current predicament, otherwise I dare not show my true colors to others.

Although his heart was on fire, Lu Chen had no choice but to go home and see his parents before, but now he doesn't have that thought anymore.

If you want to quickly breakthrough the Cultivation Base, you must get a lot of Spirit Stones. I don't have many Spirit Stones, but I have a lot of Spiritual Herbs and other resources.

The question now is where to sell these resources.

Another one is that after these few battles, Lu Chen realized two serious problems.

The first problem is that the own attack method is still too single, Buddha Palm and Wanfo Chaozong cannot fully deal with the current enemy.

And when he left Xuantian Sect, Realm was humble, and he didn't learn any powerful spells or other means of attack.

The second problem is that I don't have a weapon at hand, so I hit people with black stones every time. The key black stones are also flawed and can be easily avoided by the opponent.

Black stones are actually used as defensive equipment, which is the best choice.

Therefore, next Lu Chen plans to start from three aspects: engaging in Spirit Stones, learning new spells and finding a suitable weapon.

Now that he has decided not to go home to visit his parents, Lu Chen directly turns north.

He had a plan before, to go to the Central Plains to develop, not to mention that now the whole world in southern Xinjiang is looking for him, it is really no longer suitable for him to stay any longer.

Yichang Prefecture in the Central Plains is located on the north bank of the Beichen River and borders Yidu Prefecture.

After Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi crossed the Beichen River, they followed the idea of ​​being happy with the situation, and when they saw a city of self-cultivation appearing in front of them, they directly landed on the gate of the city with their swords.

"Xiling City! It looks pretty good!" Qi Yutang pointed to the tall city wall with the words "Xiling City" flying like a phoenix, and said happily.

"Hehehe... More

Passing here is a north-south hub city.

In addition, the mercenary group of the Banyue Mountains will also come here to increase supplies, so Xiling City is very prosperous and can be said to be famous far and wide. "

Zhao Chengzhi proudly showed off.

"Hmm! That's right! Sure enough, your book is not in vain, so let's start our great cause from Xiling City!"

Yang Yunfei smiled and walked towards the city gate first.

"Hahaha...Let's go! I want to set up an own chamber of commerce in Xiling City, and then open the chamber of commerce to southern Xinjiang in the future, so that the short-sighted old guys in the family can see how outstanding I am, Qi Yutang."

Qi Yutang smiled with confidence in his eyes, and then walked into the city gate with Yang Yunfei, followed closely by Zhao Chengzhi.

At the same time, I also expressed my own idea:

"That's a good idea. I'll work with you when the time comes. I actually don't like it a long time ago. The family runs the Jade Slip book business."

The three followed the bustling crowd and entered the city of Xiling.

What came into view was a wide street, crowded with people, and buildings on both sides of the street, including single-story courtyards, nine-story towers, and stilted buildings.

There are row upon row of buildings on both sides, including Dan Building, Qi Pavilion, Ling Tea House, Ling Wine Shop, Demonic Beasts Butcher Shop, etc., which are so diverse that it is dazzling.

"Passing by, don't miss it, the god-level talisman is sold cheap, senior! Do you want to take a look, if you buy more, you can get a discount." Biquku

A young vendor at the Foundation Establishment early stage yelled loudly. A piece of gray cloth the size of a tablecloth was spread on the ground in front of him, and various talismans were placed on the gray cloth in an orderly manner.

As long as a passing cultivator looks at him, he will greet him warmly.

"Several seniors! Would you like to take a look at the Talisman Records? These Talisman Records of mine are all made by the master of the Talisman, and the price is relatively cheap."

The young peddler, seeing Yang Yunfei and the other three passing by, greeted him politely and warmly.

"Huh? These Talisman Records seem to be quite good, brother Yunfei, should we buy some for emergencies?"

Qi Yutang squatted down, picked up a stack of Fireball Talismans, and looked at them.

After the Fireball Talisman is activated, an encircling fireball can appear out of thin air. The higher the level of the Talisman, the greater its power.

"Buy it if you like it! After buying it, let's go quickly." Zhao Chengzhi urged.

After Qi Yutang bargained several times, finally the small vendor reluctantly agreed to sell the price of 500 low-grade Spirit Stones to

Qi Yutang,

Qi Yutang picked out a stack of Fireball Talismans and a stack of Lightning Talismans, about twenty pieces in each stack, a total of 20,000 low-grade Spirit Stones.

According to the ratio that one mid-grade Spirit Stones can be exchanged for one hundred low-grade Spirit Stones, Qi Yutang finally paid two hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones.

After paying for the Spirit Stones, the small vendor took out two stacks of relatively new talismans from the storage bag and handed them to Qi Yutang on the grounds that the samples on the stall were a bit worn out.

Qi Yutang took the talisman without paying attention, and caught up with Yang Yunfei and Zhao Chengzhi who had already walked away.

"Hahaha... You see, I'm amazing! The fireball and lightning charms that were originally 800 low-rank Spirit Stones were cut down to 500 low-rank Spirit Stones by me.

This saved more than a hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones at once, which shows that what I said is still relatively valuable. "

Qi Yutang smiled triumphantly, holding two stacks of Talismans in his hands, and swayed towards Yang Yunfei and Zhao Chengzhi, as if he had taken advantage of the sky, and looked very proud.

However, Yang Yunfei frowned slightly, because when Qi Yutang was shaking around, he clearly saw a touch of white.

"Show me!" Yang Yunfei frowned.

"Uh...what's the matter? Is there any problem?" Qi Yutang asked in doubt, but still handed Yang Yunfei the talisman in his hand.

Yang Yunfei, who took the talisman, pressed one end of the stack of fireball talismans, flipping through it like a book.

"Fuck! I was fooled!" Qi Yutang said with a dark face in surprise.

At this time, there is no need for Yang Yunfei to say anything more, Qi Yutang's eyes have followed Yang Yunfei in the process of flipping through, and he can see clearly that, except for the first few pieces of talisman records,

The rest are blank white paper, Qi Yutang quickly checked the lightning symbol, the result is still the same.

Of the twenty talisman records, except for two or three on the surface that are real lightning talismans, the rest are blank white paper.

What's even more exasperating is that some kind of paint has been painted on the sides of the white paper. If you don't check one by one, you can't see it at all. The white paper is pressed in the middle.

"Hahaha...Cousin Yu is really good at haggling. You can cut down a pile of worthless white paper to the price of 200 middle-grade Spirit Stones. I really admire you! Admire!"

Zhao Chengzhi saw Qi Yutang's deflated look after being fooled, Yin & Yang smiled strangely.

Qi Yutang, who was already angry at being cheated, became even more angry after hearing Zhao Chengzhi's mocking words.

"Fuck him! Let's go! Let's settle the score with that small trader!"

Qi Yutang cursed and turned back aggressively...

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