Dian Buwei was very angry because he was played by Lu Chen, and immediately threw a Lingbao lock fairy ring, but Lu Chen dodged it.

Just as he raised his sword and was about to attack Lu Chen again, a Daoist suddenly stood in front of him.

Dian Buwei saw that it was the young cultivator who had hunted down Own before, and his eyes showed horror.

Because this cultivator who called himself Yao Yuanjie was a lunatic, and he didn't provoke or provoke him, but he clamored to fight and learn from him as soon as he came up.

At first, Dian Buwei thought that the young boy who called himself Yao Yuanjie was overestimated, and planned to teach him a lesson.

However, after dozens of rounds of competition between the two, Dian Buwei was surprised to find that although the opponent was also a Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base,

At first, I could rely on my seasoned experience to do a job with ease, but as time went by, I soon fell into a disadvantage, while the opponent became stronger and stronger.

Dian Buwei, who became more and more frightened during the Vietnam War, tried all means, but in the end he still lost to this cultivator named Yao Yuanjie.

But when Dian Buwei surrendered regardless of Face, Yao Yuanjie insisted on keeping Dian Buwei's hand.

That Dian Buwei definitely wouldn't do it, and immediately scolded Yao Yuanjie as a lunatic, so he ran away with Yu Jian desperately, and the previous scene happened.

"Either die? Or keep your right hand, you choose!" The young cultivator said lightly.

A big knife appeared in his hand, and his words were full of unquestionable taste.

"You lunatic! The old man has already bowed his head to you, why don't you spare the old man?" Dian Buwei said loudly with a complicated expression.

From their conversation, Lu Chen probably also got some clues, thinking: "I can't tell, this young cultivator is gentle and looks like a scholar, but he still has such a hobby. It's really a wonder in the world."

But none of this has anything to do with me, now "Qinghong" Flying Sword has returned from his own hands,

Lu Chen didn't bother to care about their lives, so he left Yujian directly and continued northward.

Seeing Lu Chen leave, Yao Yuanjie turned his head without saying a word, the true energy was poured on the road, and the Divine Sense locked on Dianbuwei firmly,

Zhenyuan instantly condensed a huge knife shadow tens of meters long, ready to strike Dian Buwei from top to bottom.

"You forced me, the old man fought with you!" Seeing that Yao Yuanjie still refused to let him go, Dian Buwei shouted with viciousness in his eyes.

A black banner appeared in his hand, with true essence poured into it, and the whole banner flashed with a strange light,

After that, countless phantoms of souls rushed towards Yao Yuanjie like a flood gate.

with this

At the same time, a large amount of black death energy instantly diffused.

"Hey hey hey...hahahaha..." With the phantoms of souls constantly gushing out, there were bursts of ghostly and creepy laughter.

"Hmph! It's the Soul Devourer. It seems that you are not a good person. Today I will kill you for Tian Xingdao."

Yao Yuanjie recognized the origin of the flag at a glance,

The so-called Soul Eater Banner is to collect the souls of countless cultivators. The more souls there are, the greater the power of the Soul Eater Banner.

Some cultivators do not hesitate to kill mortals in order to refine the Soul-Eating Banner, in order to devour their souls to strengthen the Soul-Eating Banner.

Therefore, every cultivator who uses the Soul Devouring Banner has countless innocent lives on his hands.

Yao Yuanjie yelled loudly, raised the light and shadow of the tens of meters long sword with both hands, and slammed it down.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that after Yao Yuanjie slashed with one knife, there are two, two, three, and three lives infinitely chopping down huge knife shadows continuously, overlapping with the first knife shadow.

"Boom..." Countless gigantic sword shadows overlapped together, slashing at the countless souls that struck, making a huge bang.

The powerful energy quickly spread to the surroundings, and countless souls showed panic instinctively, and then disappeared in the powerful energy.

After the sword slashed countless souls, it then slashed at Dian Buwei, because all this happened in the blink of an eye,

So before Dian Buwei could react, he saw a huge knife shadow coming over Own's head.

"No...you are Kuang Dao..." Dian Buwei felt the great breath of Death, and let out an unwilling roar before dying.

After the knife light dissipated, a smear of blood flowed from the top of Dian Buwei's head, and then the Soul Eater banner slipped from his hand, and Dian Buwei's body also fell to the ground.

Yao Yuanjie Divine Sense controlled the storage bag on Dian Buwei's waist, and the storage bag automatically flew into his hand.

After finishing all this, Yao Yuanjie looked at the north, the corners of his mouth slightly raised,

Then the figure flashed, and the Flying Sword under his feet drew a light blue long rainbow in the air, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Because of carelessness, Qi Yutang spent two hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones in Xiling City, Yichang Prefecture, Central Plains, but bought two stacks of useless white paper.

In addition to Zhao Chengzhi's scolding words, he immediately turned back aggressively, wanting to settle accounts with that small vendor.

"Passing by, don't miss it, the god-level talisman is sold cheap, senior! Why don't you take a look, if you buy more, you can get a discount."

When Qi Yutang approached the stall selling Talismans, he heard the warm greeting from that small vendor from afar.

However, when the small trader saw Qi Yutang, he seemed not to know him, and took the initiative to warm up to him.

He greeted Qi Yutang affectionately and asked him if he wanted to buy some talismans.

Qi Yutang saw that the peddler looked like he didn't know own, so he immediately threw two stacks of talismans in the other's face, and said furiously:

"You fucking look for yourself, this is the talisman I just bought from you, it's full of useless white paper, refund the money! Return the Spirit Stones to me quickly."

Because Qi Yutang's voice was full of anger, almost roaring, it immediately attracted many passers-by cultivators to watch.

However, the peddler looked at the talisman in his hand, then at Qi Yutang, with a professional smile on his face and said:

"This senior! Hello! Although the small one also sells talisman records, the talisman records here are all made by famous masters.

In the lower right corner of each talisman, there is Master Zhao's inscription, which is absolutely innocent.

But senior, you don't have these talisman records, so senior, do you remember the wrong places? These Talismans were not bought here when I was a child. "

As the small trader spoke, he picked up a stack of talismans on the ground, and compared them with each other in front of Qi Yutang.

At the same time, he also showed it to the surrounding crowd, and he was short of directly saying that Qi Yutang used fake products to blackmail blackmail because of his high Cultivation Base.

Qi Yutang's eyes widened, and he suddenly became furious. He never imagined that this small vendor at the Foundation Establishment early stage would turn black and white and deny it directly.

At this time, Yang Yunfei and Zhao Chengzhi squeezed out from the crowd and stood beside Qi Yutang, looking at the small vendor with a slight frown.

"You fucking fart! Daddy bought the talisman from you just now. You said 800 low-grade Spirit Stones, and I counter-offered 500 low-grade Spirit Stones.

The two stacks of Talismans have a total of 200 medium-grade Spirit Stones, but what you gave me was a pile of waste paper. Why don't you admit it now? "

Qi Yutang jumped into a rage and scolded.

As a result, when the small vendor heard the words, he showed a look of grievance, and said loudly to the surrounding cultivators:

"Oh my God! Seniors, please comment on the young one. Although the young one is low in strength, he has been doing business in this neighborhood for more than ten years, and he has always done his duty.

But this senior is holding a pile of blank papers, insisting that he bought it from me, and also said that the sixth-level talisman worth 800 low-rank Spirit Stones, I sold him 500 low-rank Spirit Stones,

How is this possible? It is well known that Talisman Records are difficult to refine, and there are generally no discounts. Who would reduce the value of 800 low-grade Spirit Stones Talisman Records to 500 low-grade Spirit Stones?

I'm afraid it's not even enough for the capital, so I ask the seniors to make decisions for the little ones! "

The little merchant was hoarse, as if he had been wronged by the heavens...

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