The small merchant's words immediately attracted all around, and there was a lot of discussion on the crowd watching the cultivator.

In addition, he always showed respect and aggrieved, which immediately attracted the sympathy of many cultivators.

"Hey... this damn Cultivation World, if the Cultivation Base is low, it's easy to be bullied. I really didn't expect that this cultivator would actually blackmail a small vendor for just two hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones."

Among the cultivators watching, a cultivator who was also at the Foundation Establishment early stage sighed. There is a feeling of empathy.

Then various voices of abuse and accusations sounded, but there were also cultivators who persuaded Qi Yutang.

"Young man! I think your Cultivation Base is just the completion of the Foundation Establishment period, you should work hard to find resources,

Like the Half Moon Mountains, there are many Demonic Beasts for you to hunt. Why do you want to blackmail low-level cultivators, which is shameful? "

Among the cultivators watching, there was another old man who integrated the middle stage, persuading him earnestly.

"Yes! I think you should leave quickly! Otherwise, the guards from the block will come, and it will be very unfavorable for you to behave like this."

The other cultivator persuaded Qi Yutang and the others, but he was actually helping the small vendor with good words.

"" Qi Yutang felt like a dumb man who couldn't tell if he was suffering from eating Coptis chinensis after hearing the discussions around him.

He hesitated for a long time, and didn't know what to say.

After Yang Yunfei and Zhao Chengzhi heard the discussions around them, they knew that today's loss, Qi Yutang might be determined.

Seeing that the cultivators around him were all talking to him, the small trader pretended to be aggrieved, but his heart was full of joy, and his eyes showed a little smugness.

"Yutang! How about just forgetting about it! Just spend money to buy a lesson."

Yang Yunfei persuaded.

"That's right! Yutang! Just think of it as giving up money to avoid disaster, I think it's better to forget it!"

Zhao Chengzhi also persuaded, and pulled Qi

Yutang's arm, ready to leave the small booth.

"Hmph... I see who dares to cause trouble in the neighborhood under my Yu Baosi's jurisdiction and commit this kind of blackmail."

At this time, a rough and powerful voice sounded.

I saw a burly figure, tall and mighty, wearing a vest-like animal skin, revealing the thick flesh of a black bear, with red and yellow eyebrows, and big gong-like eyes, giving people a feeling of calm and majesty.

The man stepped out from the crowd, followed by four or five equally tall and mighty cultivators.

The person who came was Xiling City, the captain of the guard team in charge of this block, Zhao Baosi.

"It's broken! It's the captain of the guard of this block, Mr. Yu Sibao is here, this young man is in danger now."

Among the crowd was a cultivator who knew the identity of the visitor, and whispered.

Qi Yutang saw the sturdy appearance of the visitor, and thought to himself:

"Fuck! This fucking captain is actually the captain of the neighborhood guards? It's a pity not to be a bandit with such a vicious appearance."

"Hehehe... Fourth Master! You can be regarded as here, the thing is like this..."

Seeing Zhao Baosi and his men coming, the small trader quickly nodded and bowed respectfully as if he had seen the backbone.

Then he gave the general outline of the matter. Although this master also sent a secret message to ask for it, after all, he only said a general outline, and now he only needs to add something.

"Oh? There is such a thing? In that case, arrest that kid and his accomplices together,

At the same time, each person will be fined 50,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones, or they will be convicted of disturbing order and arrested for mining. "

Zhao Baosi heard the words, glanced at Yang Yunfei and the others, and said calmly.

When Yang Yunfei saw the two singing together, it was obvious that they had colluded. Maybe they often cooperate to rob some strange pedestrian cultivators.

but this

At that time, several of Yu Baosi's subordinates had already pulled out their weapons, preparing to take down Yang Yunfei and others.

"Senior! You can't just listen to what the small peddler said about this matter. Please listen to me, senior, and uphold justice for us, otherwise we will not accept it."

Zhao Chengzhi didn't want to go mining, so he mustered up his courage and said loudly and respectfully,

I hope that I can use the power of public opinion of the people around me to excuse myself and others.

Hearing this, Zhao Baosi looked at the crowd around him, then at Yang Yunfei and others, and said with a deep smile:

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Therefore, Zhao Chengzhi also said in the tone of the victim, aggrieved,

He told how several people purchased the talisman, and then how they found that the talisman was all blank paper.

Speaking of the latter, Zhao Chengzhi had a runny nose and tears, as if several people were wronged more than Dou E.

Many cultivators watching around were moved by Zhao Chengzhi's eloquent words.

They all speculated whether there might be some misunderstanding, and even some cultivators have begun to change their attitudes, fighting for Qi Yutang and the three of them.

However, Zhao Baosi didn't seem to be moved when he heard the words, he just said lightly:

"Do you have evidence? If you can't produce any evidence, don't blame me for not giving you a chance.

"Er... evidence? senior! I mean, we're not going to get our Spirit Stones back now. So there's no need to prove anything,

I just hope that the senior can give us a chance and let us leave safely. "

Zhao Chengzhi continued to fight for opportunities.

Qi Yutang couldn't help but give Zhao Chengzhi a thumbs up when he heard the words. According to him,

As long as he gave up on getting back the two hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones, then he would not be considered extorting the other party, nor would he constitute a crime of trouble, and the other party would have no reason to arrest him and others.

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