Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 301 Friendship Of Gentlemen

The sudden stop sound attracted everyone's attention.

Then a figure came with a smile on his face. Wherever he went, everyone stepped back to make way for him.

I saw that man with red lips and white teeth, good facial features, wearing Jinglun, a white robe, and a smile on his face, giving people the feeling of a gentle and elegant son.

When Zhao Chengzhi saw the visitor, his face showed surprise, and Qi Yutang and Yang Yunfei also smiled heartily, their eyes full of gratitude,

Because in any case, those who can stand up when they and others are in trouble are worthy of their gratitude.

"Where did the brat come from, to dare to meddle in our fourth master's affairs, are you going to kill yourself?"

Before Zhao Baosi could speak, one of his subordinates immediately yelled loudly when he saw Cultivation Base, who was only in the fusion period.

"Pa..." A slap sounded, but it was Zhao Baosi who slapped his subordinate on the face.

"Fourth Master?" The subordinate immediately covered his face and said aggrievedly.

"Shut up! Talk more, be careful that daddy will kill you!" Zhao Baosi yelled at his subordinates.

Then cupped fist with both hands, hurried up to greet him, and smiled shyly at the young cultivator:

"Hehehehe... so it's Young Master Tong! This subordinate has offended you just now, please don't take offense, Young Master Tong. I'm here to apologize to you."

"Oh? You actually recognize me? Then I won't talk nonsense. These are my friends. I want to take them away. Do you have any objections?"

The visitor smiled like a ray of spring breeze, but his words were full of undeniable taste.

Then he bypassed Zhao Baosi and walked towards Zhao Chengzhi and others.

Hearing this, Zhao Baosi showed a look of embarrassment, a little hesitant, and he was a little reluctant to let the duck fly away just like that.

"What? Do you think that my Cultivation Base is not as high as yours, and that I can't count what I say?"

The young cultivator, seeing that Zhao Baosi didn't agree immediately, immediately changed his face and said coldly.

"Uh...hehehe...Young Master Tong, you have misunderstood. Since these are your friends, please do as you please, please do as you please."

Hearing the words, Zhao Baosi was forced by the other party's identity, said with some panic, then greeted his subordinates, and left unwillingly.

Seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, the cultivators who were watching also left one after another.

The small vendor had disappeared at this moment, and he slipped away quietly at some point, not even taking away the talisman on the ground.

"Brother Tong!" Zhao Chengzhi showed embarrassment when the young cultivator approached him.

The cupped hands laughed.

Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang also had cupped hands, and greeted with somewhat reserved smiles.

Because the person who came here was the young cultivator Tong Minghong who was attracted by the poem "Linjiang Immortal" by Zhao Chengzhi who was on the Beichen River before.

At that time, Tong Minghong and Zhao Chengzhi, the three brothers, had a good chat because of poetry. It can be said that they hit it off at first sight, so they wanted to invite them to drink together.

As a result, Yang Yunfei and the others, knowing that they were too shy, and because they had complicated thoughts, directly refused.

But who would have thought that Tong Minghong would actually stand up when several people were in trouble in Xiling City,

And seeing Zhao Baosi's attitude, it is obvious that this Tong brother's identity must be extraordinary.

"Hahaha...Brother Zhao! Brother Yang! Brother Qi! I really didn't expect to meet you again in Xiling City. Let's go! Let's go drink, don't refuse me this time!"

Tong Minghong saluted Yang Yunfei and others cupped hands, and smiled boldly.

"Hehehe...Since Brother Tong has such kind intentions, of course we are disrespectful. I just want to take this opportunity to thank Brother Tong for his kindness in saving us."

Zhao Chengzhi smiled and Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang agreed.

"Hehehe... It's nothing to worry about, you just have to drink a few more glasses later,

It happened that last time I posted because of Brother Zhao's poems, and I also wrote a good sentence. I will invite a few appreciations later. "

When Tong Minghong thought of the poem he had written, he couldn't wait to share it with several people.

"Hahaha... Easy to talk! Easy to talk! Then let's go." Zhao Chengzhi laughed.

Not long after they left, the small peddler came back quietly, packed his things in a hurry, and fled the area directly.

Yang Yunfei and others were invited by Tong Minghong again, and they felt that the other party was a really bold person, and they couldn't help but feel ashamed in their hearts.

Especially Yang Yunfei, last time he also said that if the circle is different, don't force yourself. Now he feels that he is a bit of a villain, and he secretly decides to have a few more drinks with Tong Minghong later.

Next, Yang Yunfei and others, led by Tong Minghong, came to a well-known Lingxi Building in Xiling City, opened a private room, and several people sat down one after another.

Because Tong Minghong is more hospitable, he gave Yang Yunfei the initiative to order food. As a result, Yang Yunfei tried to order some more expensive dishes in order to express his apology.

Among them are: Kaishan bear's paw, wild abalone, multicolored lobster, pearl chicken wings and so on.

When Zhao Chengzhi heard the names of these dishes, he secretly kicked Yang Yunfei.

, staring at Yang Yunfei with squinted eyes, as if saying:

"You're crazy! If you order such an expensive dish, aren't your Spirit Stones used for business? If you spend them all, what will you do in the future?"

Yang Yunfei and the others had known each other for many years, so they could naturally understand Zhao Chengzhi's eyes. After giving him a blank look, he shook his head slightly and signaled him with his eyes, as if saying: "I know what's in my heart, so don't worry about it."

Qi Yutang's eyes lit up when he heard these dishes, because these are his favorites.

After the dishes were served, Yang Yunfei took the lead in using Divine Sense to control the jug and pour wine for several people.

"Come on! Brother Tong! I won't say much, everything is in the wine, I will do it first as a respect."

Yang Yunfei raised his glass high and drank it down in one gulp, looking very bold.

"Hahaha...Brother Yang is so polite, I, Tong Minghong, will accept your kindness."

Tong Minghong also drank it all in one gulp without dragging his feet.

The next few people exchanged cups and cups, and soon became more acquainted.

When the men at the wine table get together, they just talk about dreams, reality, regrets, and beauties.

As the saying goes: "Things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups."

After several conversations, Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi were surprised to find that Tong Minghong's temperament was very suitable for them, and they were almost like-minded.

And Tong Minghong also discovered this, so several of them had a feeling that they hated seeing each other late, and immediately threw their heads and blood, and called them brothers.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, the atmosphere in the private room was very harmonious, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time.

"Hahaha...Brother Tong! just... said that you wrote a good sentence out of feeling, can you read it out to cheer everyone up while everyone is happy now?"

Zhao Chengzhi smiled happily.

Because none of the people used their real energy to dispel the alcohol, at this moment, Zhao Chengzhi's eyes were a little blurred, and he felt like his tongue was knotted when he spoke.

"Yes! Brother Tong! I'm waiting...I'm still looking forward to your masterpiece, come on! After drinking this glass of wine, let's...appreciate Brother Tong's masterpiece together, hahaha...Today is really very happy gone."

Qi Yutang raised his wine glass unsteadily, laughed and said, it seems that he is also quite drunk.

"Hehehe...Tong...Brother Tong, please start your performance." Yang Yunfei said with the same sleepy eyes, and at the same time raised his wine glass, ready to toast everyone again.

"Hahaha...Okay! Then...then I'll be a clown...hehehe...I'm making a fool of myself."

Tong Minghong smiled and said with a flushed face, he belongs to the kind of person who looks good when he drinks alcohol.

Yang Yunfei and others stared at Tong Minghong expectantly...

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