Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 302 I Want To Fight With You

Tong Minghong glanced at Yang Yunfei and the others, cleared his throat, and said with a smile:

"The majestic river is picturesque,

I come to sing poems to the world,

However, I have little knowledge

I can only sigh how big the waves are. "

"Pfft...hahahaha...good poems, good poems, really good poems, Brother Tong's poems are amazing, come on! Let's have another drink."

Hearing this, Qi Yutang spit out the wine just after he drank it into his mouth. After being secretly kicked by Yang Yunfei, he hurriedly said haha, raised his wine glass, and complimented him.

"Well! It's really good, come on! Let's have another drink." Yang Yunfei affirmed at the right time.

"Hehehe... I also think it's good, but it always feels a bit lacking in flavor, Brother Cheng Zhi! Can you give me some pointers?"

Tong Minghong, who was drunk, obviously didn't take Qi Yutang's spouting of wine to heart, but he himself was quite satisfied with his own works.

But I always felt that something was missing, so I asked Zhao Chengzhi, after all, Zhao Chengzhi had a masterpiece like "Linjiang Fairy" before him.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengzhi first raised his wine glass and walked away with Tong Minghong and others. After thinking for a while, he had an idea.

He didn't directly make any changes to Tong Minghong's doggerel, but introduced him to a good friend.

And this good friend is Lu Chen. When talking about Lu Chen, you have to mention Lu Chen's catchphrase, and how many people know Lu Chen.

As soon as Lu Chen was mentioned, Zhao Chengzhi also got excited, and also mentioned the matter of Qian Kun Stone imitation in Zhongba City,

And Lu Chen knelt down and begged for the blessing of the heavens, and the process of selecting the original stone.

Immediately, it attracted laughter from Yang Yunfei and others.

Hearing the words, Tong Minghong felt that Lu Chen was a wonderful person who was worthy of dating, and shouted that Zhao Chengzhi must introduce Lu Chen to him if he had the opportunity.

"Hehehe...Brother Tong! you know what the hell it means!"

Zhao Chengzhi smiled. Just now he explained many mantras he learned from Lu Chen.

Among them is the meaning and usage of the word "fuck".

" difficult is this, isn't it just a word used to express exclamation?

But what does this have to do with my poems? "

Tong Minghong rubbed his blurred eyes and smiled.

"Hehehe...Brother Tong, you can listen to it again. I have slightly modified it according to your poem."

Zhao Chengzhi pretended to be mysterious with a smile.

Both Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang gave Zhao Chengzhi a blank look, knowing that this guy was showing off his talent again.

Zhao Chengzhi cleared his throat and recited emotionally:

"The majestic river is picturesque


I wanted to recite poems and present them to the world,

How can I have no culture

A word of shit is so big. "

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As soon as Zhao Chengzhi finished reading, he couldn't help laughing "hahaha".

At the same time, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang laughed loudly.

Tong Minghong muttered, "Fuck, the waves are so big!"

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and the sigh in his heart seemed to be vented in an instant, how should I put it? It must be the way I feel very refreshed in my heart.

"Hahaha... wonderful! Really wonderful! In this way, the whole poem is smooth and can fully express emotions. Brother Cheng Zhi is indeed a great talent. I am really ashamed of myself."

Tong Minghong smiled vigorously.

"Hehehe...Brother Tong is over the top. I thought it would be better to modify it because of Lu Chen's catchphrase." Zhao Chengzhi put all the credit on Lu Chen.

But Lu Chen didn't know that he would be shot while lying down,

At this moment, he was driving the flying boat all the way north, planning to go to Yidu Prefecture first to see how the Horn couple managed the Chinese Mercenary Group.

Then go to Zhutian City in Zhongzhou to have a look, and first solve the three problems, the problem of weapons.

Because Casting Sky City is famous all over the world, the refining tool Sacred Land.

"Stop! Stop for me!"

Just as Lu Chen was driving the flying boat and thinking about the next plan,

A word shouted by Zhen Yuan suddenly came from behind.

Lu Chen looked back subconsciously,

I saw a young cultivator dressed in a white robe, with handsome features, and wearing Jinglun, with a rather scholarly air.

As if he was stepping on a skateboard, he stepped on the blue brilliance of the Flying Sword and flew towards him quickly.

Lu Chen frowned slightly when he saw this, because this person was the young cultivator who chased and killed Dian Buwei before.

From the conversation between the two, Lu Chen learned that this young cultivator has a quirk, he likes to find people to fight, and if he wins, he has to remove the opponent's arm or kill him.

From the bottom of his heart, Lu Chen didn't want to have too much to do with such a lunatic.

Therefore, Lu Chen quickly replaced the flying boat with the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, and with a thought, the Flying Sword brought out a cyan streamer, and it really accelerated a lot.

Flying boats belong to the endurance capability, relatively strong flying Magic Treasures, as long as there are Spirit Stones, they can fly non-stop, but the disadvantage is that the speed is much slower than Flying Sword.

The Flying Sword belongs to the high-explosive flying Magic Treasures, with strong maneuverability and fast speed. The defect is that it consumes the cultivator's true energy as power, so there is a huge defect in battery life.


Hehehe... I, Yao Yuanjie, have my eye on the opponent, even if you run to Tianya Cape, I will definitely catch up with you. "

Yao Yuanjie smiled, and then desperately Yu Jian continued to chase Lu Chen.

As time went by, Yao Yuanjie gradually drew closer to Lu Chen with his Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base.

The two just chased each other one after the other, neither giving way to the other.

After crossing countless mountains and rivers and Lin Hai, when Lu Chen saw the young cultivator, he was still relentless,

I couldn't help but yell at the other party for being a lunatic, chasing me for so long, but I didn't let go of my own meaning.

Immediately, Lu Chen thought of a very serious problem. If he kept running like this, in case the real energy was exhausted, and the opponent chased him again, how would he fight without his real energy? Say it with your mouth?

So, Lu Chen simply stopped, ready to wait for the cultivator to come, and then discuss with him to see if he could win without a fight.

As soon as Lu Chen stopped, Yao Yuanjie behind him quickly caught up with Yu Jian.

"Hahaha... I am Yao Yuanjie, I want to fight with you,"

Yao Yuanjie smiled directly at Lu Chen, cupped hands straight to the point.

Lu Chen heard that there were many black lines on his forehead, and looked at this young cultivator who claimed to be Yao Yuanjie in astonishment. He didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

"Do we have any grievances? Or is there any hatred?" Lu Chen asked lightly.

"Uh...the first time we met, there was no grievance or hatred." Yao Yuanjie thought for a while and said seriously.

"Hehehe... You still know that we have no grievances and no enmity! Since we have no grievances and no enmity, why should I fight with you?" Lu Chen smiled angrily.

"Because my Master sent me down the mountain to practice, I saw that your Cultivation Base is good, so I want to fight with you."

When Yao Yuanjie talked about his Master, his eyes showed admiration, and he said with an unquestionable tone.

It seems that it is such an amazing thing to be taken a fancy to by him.

"Then let me ask you, what Cultivation Base are you? What Cultivation Base am I?" Lu Chen asked again,

He felt that this cultivator should belong to the kind of bastard who doesn't know much about vulgarities, otherwise how could a normal person make such an unreasonable request.

"You are Dzogchen at the fusion stage, and I am Cultivation Base at the Gold Core early stage, is there any problem with this?

I could feel it before, your true energy is thick and powerful, stronger than mine,

If you're still a man, we'll have a fight. "

Yao Yuanjie said eagerly, a big knife appeared in his hand...

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