Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 303 Extraterrestrial Meteorite

Seeing this cultivator who called himself Yao Yuanjie, Lu Chen took out a nine-ringed saber, which shone sharply under the infusion of its true essence.

But his words amused Lu Chen, and he couldn't help thinking:

"I don't need to fight to prove whether I am a man or not,

If you have the ability, go and call your Little Sister, see if I can make her belly bigger, hehehe..."

Of course, Lu Chen doesn't know if the other party has Little Sister or not.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't intend to do anything, but instead had a weird smile on his face, Yao Yuanjie felt annoyed.

urged loudly:

"Hurry up and take out your weapon! I must fight you today."

"Hehehe...Look! Your Cultivation Base is higher than mine, I definitely can't beat you, so it doesn't matter if you win,

Otherwise, wait for my Cultivation Base to breakthrough to the Gold Core early stage, shall we fight again?

Or how about I help you find a cultivator with Gold Core period or above to fight with you? "

Lu Chen, who came back to his senses, smiled and refused again,

He actually is not because he is afraid of this guy named Yao Yuanjie. You know, there are not a few cultivators in the Gold Core stage who died in Lu Chen's hands before.

It's just that now that I'm so busy with chores, I don't have the mood to engage in such unnecessary fights.

Yao Yuanjie thought for a while after hearing the words, and it seems to be the same reason, but when he thought that Lu Chen only had the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen fusion period, but possessed such a thick real essence,

He couldn't help but want to fight with Lu Chen. He was a temperamental person, and he said impatiently:

"I don't care about these, let's fight first! Look at the knife!"


Just as Yao Yuanjie was about to charge towards Lu Chen with his knife in hand, a huge roar sounded,

Then he saw Lu Chen, with a frightened expression on his face, pointing to the sky behind him on the left, as if he saw something terrible.

Immediately, Yao Yuanjie turned around instinctively, and what he saw immediately stunned him, with an inexplicable look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, a heat wave suddenly hit, blowing the robes of the two of them rattling.

In the sky far away, a huge fireball, shining with eye-catching flames, was flying towards them at top speed, carrying billowing black smoke, and then quickly passed through the sky above the heads of the two of them.

"Meteorite!" Yao Yuanjie said in shock.

Then he dropped Lu Chen, and quickly flew towards the direction where the meteorite was about to fall.

Extraterrestrial Meteorites are often accompanied by rare

Refining materials, or other precious training resources, so when Yao Yuanjie saw the meteorite, he directly ignored the matter of finding Lu Chen to fight.

Lu Chen smiled when he saw this,

The extraterrestrial meteorite is currently the main way for Cultivation World to obtain Star Sand, which is a ninth-level god-level refining material. Biqu library

At the same time, it is also one of the indispensable materials for building a large teleportation array, and its value can be said to be extremely precious.

But even knowing that the extraterrestrial meteorite will bring huge opportunities, Lu Chen is still unmoved.

Without Yao Yuanjie's entanglement, Lu Chen took out the flying boat again and continued to go north...

Wuchuan Prefecture Shennongmen branch, after Lu Chen's figure disappeared, Ling Manyu finally couldn't bear the pain of parting in her heart and shed silent tears.

On Misty Peak, Daoist Qingxu had a thought, and transmitted Divine Sense to many disciples. After listening to the order, all of them left with their swords.

Lin Zhiping watched Lu Chen leave viciously. Although he was very dissatisfied with Qingxu's actions, he couldn't help it.

Secretly thinking about how to get back the lost face from Ling Manyu.

"Manyu!" Mu Kexin came to Ling Manyu's side after recovering from her injuries, saw her crying because of Lu Chen's departure, and after yelling, she hesitated to speak.

"Senior Sister! Thank you! Thank you for going to inform Lu Dage, otherwise I will never see you again."

Ling Manyu said with tears in her eyes.

" and my sister are so affectionate, why are you still talking about these things, now the head of Qingxu has appointed you to stay,

Presumably he will take you to Yulin Prefecture, the headquarters of Shennongmen. At that time, can you ask the head of Qingxu to bring me too,

Otherwise, if you leave, I will be alone, really pitiful. "

As Mu Kexin was talking, the originally smiling face became bitter, and there was a crying voice, showing a lovely and pitiful posture.

Ling Manyu was also very moved when she heard the words. As an ordinary disciple, she probably didn't even dare to think about such a request.

But now she looked at Mu Kexin firmly and said: "Senior Sister! Don't worry, I will tell the head of Qingxu. In fact, I don't want to separate from Senior Sister."

"Really? That's really great, so we don't have to be separated, thank you Manyu!"

Mu Kexin said happily when she heard the words, holding Ling Manyu's hand like a happy child.

Because if things work out, she will

It means that you can directly become a disciple of the headquarters without taking part in the strict assessment.

Shennongmen's headquarters has frequent genius disciples, and they are all elites carefully selected from all over the place.

The supply of cultivation resources, whether it's Cultivation Technique spells or benefits, is much better than that of the branch. Biqu library

This is also the reason why the disciples in the branch all sharpen their heads and want to enter the headquarters.

When Mu Kexin heard the real person Qingxu's call to keep Ling Manyu, she guessed that the head of Qingxu might bring Ling Manyu to Shennongmen's headquarters.

So she had to greet her good sisters in advance.

Things really happened as Mu Kexin expected. After dealing with the affairs of the branch, Master Qingxu actually came to find Ling Manyu in person, ready to take her away.

And Ling Manyu also kept her promise, mustered up the courage to ask the real person Qingxu, and bring along her good sister Mu Kexin.

At that time, Daoist Qingxu just glanced at Mu Kexin indifferently when he heard the words, but Mu Kexin was taken aback by this one glance.

That gaze seemed to know everything, piercing Mu Kexin's heart, so frightened that she couldn't help trembling all over, she didn't dare to speak.

After a long time, Master Qingxu gave a faint "hmm", which was considered to be his agreement.

After that, Ling Manyu and Mu Kexin boarded a large flying ship, and under the watchful eyes of all the high-level officials of the branch, they left through the sea of ​​clouds and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Anxi Prefecture is located in the southwest of the Central Plains, northwest of the Beichen River, bordering the Qinling Mountains.

The Qinling Mountains belong to an ancient forest, covering a vast area. Inside, Demonic Beasts are criss-crossed and rich in cultivation resources. The surrounding cultivators or mercenary groups will come here to obtain cultivation resources.

At this time, there was a sudden strong wind in the Qinling Mountains, the trees swayed, and the smaller branches snapped and snapped.

Then, there was a sudden burst of thunder-like loud bangs in the sky,

Then, a powerful heat wave hit from the sky, which immediately attracted the attention of countless cultivators in the forest, and they fended off their swords or flew into the sky to check the situation.

But what they saw made their hair stand on end.

All I saw was a huge fireball, shining with eye-catching flames, with a terrifying aura, flying towards Shrouding the Heavens at an extreme speed like Shrouding the Heavens.

"Run!" Who knows who suddenly picked up the true energy and shouted.

All of a sudden, the cultivators who had stopped above the forest came back to their senses, and then scattered desperately to the surroundings...

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