Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 304: Zhong Fatty Gone


"Boom, boom, boom..."

When the huge meteorite hit the Qinling Mountains, there were bursts of rumbling and rumbling sounds.

Then landslides and ground cracks, sand and rocks flew, and the powerful energy turned everything around into nothingness. The cultivator who hadn't had time to escape was directly annihilated in the overflowing power.

A huge pothole instantly formed at the corner of the Qinling Mountains.

In the middle of the pit is a round meteorite the size of a mountain that is still burning with raging fire.

The surroundings are in a mess, and the place where the meteorite fell, within a radius of tens of kilometers, is a piece of scorched earth.

And Xianyang City, the closest comprehension city to the Qinling Mountains, when the meteorite hit the ground, the mountain shook suddenly and the houses collapsed.

At first the cultivators thought it was the "earth dragon" rolling, which is commonly known as an earthquake.

Countless cultivators flew into the sky to avoid the threat posed by the earthquake, but when these cultivators saw the direction of the Qinling Mountains, thick smoke billowed and flames shot into the sky.

When there are cultivators flying towards the Qinling Mountains all around, these people seem to have thought of something,

Then more cultivators, Yujian or Takong flew towards Qinling.

The news that the meteorite had landed in Anxi Prefecture and the Qinling Mountains spread rapidly with lightning speed.

After receiving the news, the top leaders of the seven major sects in southern Xinjiang shook their heads and sighed. The benefits brought by the extraterrestrial meteorite are naturally self-evident.

However, the meteorite fell in the Central Plains. If it fell in the southern border, then this meteorite belongs to the seven sects of the southern border.

But that piece of meteorite fell in the Central Plains, and this extraterrestrial meteorite has absolutely nothing to do with the seven major sects.

Because the Seven Sects and the Central Plains Family have signed related agreements,

Among them is a rule that cultivators belonging to the Expanding Aperture period of the Seven Sects are strictly prohibited from entering the Central Plains Half step, otherwise they will be besieged by the Central Plains family.

If the situation is serious, it may trigger a large-scale war between the Central Plains and southern Xinjiang. No one wants to see such a thing.

Because whether it is the Seven Sects or the Central Plains aristocratic family, they are all afraid of the might of the guardians of Beichen State.

Therefore, the Seven Sects can only look at it this time, and there is no fat-burning meteorite.

As for the Central Plains, there are countless forces of all sizes, and for tens of thousands of years, it has been in a state of contention among a hundred schools of thought and a hundred flowers blooming.

The most influential ones are the Ten Nine-Star Sect, the Ten Cultivation Families,

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Rogue Cultivators Alliance, Pill City, Fengtian City, Casting Sky City, etc.

When these forces received the news that an extraterrestrial meteorite had landed in the Qinling Mountains, they dispatched experts one after another to prepare for a share of the pie.

All of a sudden, the entire Anxi Prefecture became lively, and the extraterrestrial meteorite also became a hot topic among countless cultivators in the Central Plains.

In Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang, Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei were in the Immortal Cave where Li Xiaoyao sat down in ancient times.

Not only have they each obtained a spirit treasure, but there is also a huge breakthrough on the Cultivation Base.

But when they came out from the bottom of the pool, they bumped into two tall and short cultivators who had a grudge with Zhong Tao and Gu Feng in the endless forest before.

As the saying goes: "When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous," and the two sides fought immediately.

Gu Feng successfully killed the tall cultivator with the Lingbao chessboard.

Zhong Tao also used the Lingbao giant brush to defeat the short Tian cultivator,

However, to Zhong Tao's surprise, the cultivator surnamed Tian actually used his best talisman to entangle him and Gu Feng, and took the opportunity to escape.

This made Zhong Tao very angry, but the matter had come to this point, and the three had no choice but to let it go.

This time the three of them came out with a lot of harvest, especially Zhong Tao, who felt as if he was going to float, and his words were a lot more rigid.

"Hahaha... Xiaofeng! You see, I did nothing wrong with bringing you out this time! When we return to Sect this time, after we consolidate the Cultivation Base,

Next time I bring you out again, don't be coy like this time. "

Zhong Tao, who was side by side with Yu Jianfei and Gu Feng, smiled triumphantly, looking very angry.

"Damn Fatty! You call daddy Xiaofeng again, be careful that daddy is in a hurry with you."

Gu Feng's expression was displeased when he heard the words.

"Hehehehe... What's wrong with calling you Xiaofeng, doesn't it seem that we have a good relationship? Besides, I am now a Cultivation Base integrating the middle stage, and you are only integrating the early stage.

Logically speaking, you still have to call me senior. As a senior, I call you Xiaofeng, what's wrong? Do you think it makes sense? Ha ha ha ha……"

On Zhong Tao's chubby face, he laughed smugly.

"You..." Gu Feng turned his head and was about to turn back when he heard the words, but his expression suddenly changed.

I saw three figures flying towards them with Yujian quickly, because Zhong Tao and the others were not in a hurry, so the flying speed was not very fast.

By the time Gu Feng found out, it was too late.

Those three figures quickly surrounded Gu Feng, Zhong Tao and Tong Wei.


"Hmph... I'll see where you guys are going this time." A cold snort sounded.

The person who spoke was short and fat, with dark skin, an upturned nose, small eyes, and extremely ugly appearance.

It was the short cultivator surnamed Tian who was beaten away by Zhong Tao and others.

After he escaped, it didn't take long for him to meet two senior brothers in Sect, one named Ma Deyi and the other named Xia Liubo, and they were both Cultivation Bases fused with the middle stage.

He immediately called them and came back to seek revenge.

"Hey! Who do I think it is! It turns out that you are a dwarf,"

After Zhong Tao saw the face of the visitor, he smiled dismissively.

"Bold! Those who insult the young master will die!" Ma Deyi, who came with the short cultivator, immediately shouted after hearing the words,

Then he flew directly with the sword, and came to Zhong Tao as fast as lightning. Without saying a word, the true essence gathered in the fist, and directly hit Zhong Tao.

Zhong Tao's reaction was not slow, he also raised his fist, and due to the infusion of true energy, his fist made a sound of breaking through the air, and he punched the black-clothed cultivator without showing any weakness.


The two fists faced each other, and there was a muffled "touch", and then Zhong Tao and the black-clothed cultivator retreated one after another, and they stabilized their figures after retreating a certain distance.

But it was obvious that Zhong Tao's retreat distance was a few steps longer than that of the black-clothed cultivator.

"Hehehe... not bad! It's actually a Cultivation Base that integrates the middle stage." Zhong Tao put his right hand behind his back, felt a sharp pain in his fist, but smiled with force of composure.

But the burly, square-faced, black-clothed cultivator looked at Zhong Tao expressionlessly.

"Zhong Fatty! Are you okay!" Gu Feng yelled with concern, because he could clearly see that Zhong Tao seemed to have suffered a loss just now, and fell into a disadvantage.

"Hahaha... What a joke, what can I do, just take care of yourself, the idea is a bit tricky, be careful."

Zhong Tao smiled indifferently, and then a brush the size of a mop appeared in his hand.

"Kill them! I'll deal with this chick!"

The short cultivator ordered loudly, and then took out Fang Tian's painting halberd, Yu Jian confronted Tong Wei.

"Tong Wei, be careful!"

Gufeng shouted with concern, before he had time to think, a Tianyuan chessboard the size of a washbasin appeared in his hand,

Because another cultivator in white clothes has stood in front of Gu Feng, preventing him from helping Tong Wei.

Seeing this, Gu Feng frowned, because he couldn't feel the other party's Cultivation Base.

The war is imminent......

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