Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 305: Tong Wei's Sorrow

Somewhere in the low altitude of the mountains and forests in Wuchuan Prefecture, Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei were once again surrounded by the short cultivator surnamed Tian.

Zhong Tao was fighting a big cultivator named Ma Deyi in a black robe, and Gu Feng was fighting a young cultivator in a white plain robe named Xia Liubo.

With the addition of the short cultivator named Tian, ​​the opponent has a total of three cultivators that integrate the middle stage.

As for the three of Gufeng, except for Zhong Tao who is fused with the middle stage, Gufeng and Tong Wei only have the Cultivation Base fused with the early stage, so the hearts of the three of them can't help showing a heavy look.

But even so, Zhong Tao still took the lead, waving a big writing brush to attack first, trying to find a breakthrough and buy time for everyone.

Seeing this, Gu Feng followed closely behind, the chessboard in his hand was shining with golden brilliance, and rushed towards the white-clothed cultivator.

For a moment, afterimages flickered, different colors of primordial essence collided with each other, and suddenly there was a strong wind all around, and the trees swayed.

But the short cultivator was not in a hurry to launch an attack, I saw him sizing up maliciously, Tong Wei's exquisite figure, and said with a lewd smile:

"Hehehe...Little lady, they will definitely die today, I advise you to catch them without a fight, I see that you are quite beautiful, why not follow me from now on and be my Human Cauldron!

If you take good care of me, maybe when I am happy, I will give you a lot of cultivation resources, how about it? Hahaha……"

Seeing the other party's eyes, Tong Wei got goosebumps all over her body. After hearing the words, she felt even more annoyed. With a thought, a folding fan with no visible material appeared in her hand.

Once the folding fan is opened, it reveals a simple and elegant fan surface, and an emerald round pendant hangs at the end of the fan, making the whole fan look delicate and unique.

But such a small and unique folding fan exudes a vicissitudes of life and simplicity under the perfusion of Tong Wei's true energy.

The short cultivator narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and he saw at a glance that the folding fan in Tong Wei's hand was a spiritual treasure, and it was very powerful.

Quickly put away his contempt, took out a Fang Tian painted halberd with a length of two or three meters without leaving a trace, and then launched an attack first.

In his eyes, there is no need to talk about Rivers and Lakes morality in life and death fights, and the first strike is the kingly way, even if the opponent is a woman.

Fang Tian's painted halberd flashed fiercely under the infusion of his true energy, mixed with a sizzling purple thunder arc, and with a terrifying aura, he slashed at Tong Wei from top to bottom.

At this time, Tong Wei's cold-faced Queen of the Speedy Sword

retreating, avoiding its sharp edge, waving the fan back and forth non-stop,

Every time it is swung, there will be a powerful wind that strikes the short cultivator like a substance.

"Dang..." "Dang..." "Boom..."

The crescent-like wind collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd, making a "dang, clang, clang" sound.

"Hehehe...Little lady, your broken fan is nothing more than that! Let me ask you one last question, will you agree to be my Human Cauldron?"

The short cultivator waved the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand to block the oncoming wind. He threatened with a calm smile.

Tong Wei was also secretly anxious when she heard the words. The gap between Realm lies here, and she has just broken through to the fusion early stage, and she is still unable to fully exert the full power of the Lingbao, so Tong Wei seems to be struggling at the moment.

"Hmph! Since you don't eat the toast, and take the fine wine, then don't blame me for being cruel, and die! You bitch."

The short cultivator suddenly changed his expression and let out a loud drink.

Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand suddenly shone brightly, and his true essence instantly condensed into a giant Fang Tian's painted halberd, tens of meters long,

The giant Fang Tian painted halberd rotated at a high speed, like a giant electric spinner, poking at Tong Wei directly with the momentum of destroying everything.

The speed is so fast that it arrives almost in the blink of an eye.

"Tong Wei be careful!" Feeling Fang Tian's ancient style of painting halberds, knowing that Tong Wei is in danger, he hurriedly shouted desperately.

Yu Jian wanted to go to the rescue, but was blocked by the attack of white-clothed cultivator Xia Liubo.

"Damn it!" Gu Feng, who was concerned about Tong Wei's safety, roared angrily, and frantically poured his true energy into the chessboard in his hand.

The chessboard instantly became the size of a basketball court, Shrouding the Heavens shrouded Xia Liubo like the sun,

Then, the vertical and horizontal grooves on the chessboard flashed with brilliance, and quickly formed a net-like line of light beams, which slid down instantly like a guillotine with a sharp momentum.

Almost all of this happened in the blink of an eye, so Xia Liubo never expected that Gufeng's chessboard would be so powerful and weird, and he was enveloped by the huge chessboard before he even realized it.

After doing this, Gu Feng desperately flew towards Tong Wei with Yu Jian.

Xia Liubo, who was in the space below the huge chessboard, instinctively felt the danger of the net beam above his head. Hurry up and activate the body protection qi.

At the same time, a shield the size of a door panel appeared in his hand instantly. Under the infusion of true essence, the shield exuded a dazzling golden light.

"Boom..." A huge boom sounded.

The moment the net beam fell, it was just blocked by Xia Liubo's shield, and there was a burst of bang.

Of course, Zhong Tao saw everything that happened here, but he was fighting against the black-clothed cultivator Ma Deyi at the moment, and he was still faintly at a disadvantage.

So although he also felt that Tong Wei was in danger, he couldn't escape to rescue her.

It's too late, but it's fast.

When the huge Fang Tian painting halberd stabbed at Tong Wei with lightning speed, Tong Wei was frightened immediately when she saw this, and she wanted to avoid it with Yujian but it was too late.

"No! Tong Wei!" Gu Feng yelled heart-piercingly.

Even though he rushed to Yujian desperately, he was still half a beat late, and could only watch helplessly as the huge Fang Tian painted halberd poked at Tong Wei.

At this time, a golden light flashed across Gu Feng's body, which was clearly a fixed word.

Then, a miraculous scene happened, I saw that the giant Fang Tian painted halberd was about to hit Tong Wei's body, but there was a sudden pause, as if time stood still.

Seeing this, Gu Feng showed joy, and Tong Wei hurriedly flew to the side with his sword.

However, the moment Tong Wei left, the huge Fang Tian painted halberd seemed to return to normal, although it didn't hit Tong Wei directly,

But Fang Tian's painting halberd, which was rotating at high speed, still brushed against Tong Wei's back, with powerful destructive power,

After Tong Wei let out a scream, her body staggered and fell to the ground at a high speed, her life and death unknown.

"No..." Gu Feng yelled, his body swooped down, and he flew desperately towards Tong Wei, who was falling extremely fast.

"Damn it!" Zhong Tao cursed secretly.

He originally thought that with all his strength, he could save Tong Wei with the fixed-character formula written with the Tianzhu pen.

But who would have thought that the hastily issued fixed-word formula did not last long, and Tong Wei still could not escape the catastrophe.

The unknown of Tong Wei's life and death made Zhong Tao very angry. After all, we used to get along day and night and have deep feelings. No one would like to see own's good friend die in front of own.

But Zhong Tao couldn't get away to check, because the cultivator in black on the opposite side was very difficult to deal with.

"Tong Wei! Tong Wei!" Gu Feng, who caught Tong Wei's body, called out anxiously, but Tong Wei didn't respond in any way.

At this moment, Tong Wei was seriously injured, her face was pale, and her breathing was weak. If she was not treated in time, her life might be in danger.

The anxious Gu Feng quickly took out a healing Medicine Pill and gave it to Tong Wei.

However, a bigger crisis is approaching them...

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