After Lu Chen bid farewell to his parents, he saw Master Dongli waving at him, and the two disappeared in the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen instinctively closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was almost scared to death by the scene in front of him, his heart was almost in his throat.

At this time, they were at an altitude of several thousand meters, and the scene in their eyes flashed quickly.

Master Dongli supported Lu Chen's shoulders with one hand, and the two stood on a giant sword as wide as a door panel. The distant clouds approached them almost in the blink of an eye, so frightened that Lu Chen instinctively stretched out his hands, wanting to hug him. Daoist Dongli was just avoided by Daoist Dongli.

"Master... Master! You have to hold on tight, I... I'm scared!" Lu Chen said with a mournful face, his legs trembling uncontrollably, he didn't dare to move an inch, for fear of falling.

Master Dongli gave Lu Chen a blank look, and his thoughts moved.

The giant sword carried the two people with a halo of light, and a green long rainbow was drawn across the sky.

What surprised Lu Chen was that he couldn't feel the wind. Looking ahead carefully, a light curtain appeared vaguely, blocking the wind.

"This is the legendary Yujian flying! What a word, cool!" Lu Chen thought that in the future, he could also fly on the sword and soar into the sky like the real Dongli, and his heart was full of confidence and hope for the future of own .

Xuantian Sect is located in the west of Beichen Island, among the high mountains, the terrain is dangerous and insurmountable for ordinary people.

More than a dozen peaks rise from the ground, the mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, the lakes below the mountains are green, and the jade trees are lush. From time to time, someone flies from the sky with a sword, passing through the clouds and mist to enter the ancient buildings on the mountain.

At this time, in the main peak of Xuantian Sect, in the hall of Tai Xuan, there were already four Elders waiting here.

A blue light flashed, and the four of them stood up one after another to salute, and the figures of Dongli Daoist and Lu Chen appeared in the hall.

"Meet the master brother!" The four Elders said in unison.

"You don't have to be polite, junior." Master Dongli put down Lu Chen and lifted the Restrictions on Lu Chen.

"Ugh..." Lu Chen, who had regained his freedom, couldn't help throwing up on the ground. He suspected that the real Dongli intended to punish him. Not only did he speed up the flight, but the flight path also fluctuated up and down, making him dizzy. What was even more exasperating was that Master Dongli didn't know what kind of spell he had cast to freeze Lu Chen's body. He couldn't even shout, and could only feel the free fall motion with his eyes.

"Bold boy, how dare you do such dirty things in my Xuantian Sect!" the bearded Elder Qiu Gongming scolded, wanting to restrain Lu Chen.

"No problem!" Daoist Dongli was still humane, and he stood up to make a rescue.

"I owed a Karma a hundred years ago, and now the descendants want to worship me as a teacher, but I have already stopped accepting disciples, four junior brothers, let's see who is willing to accept this child, it's okay to end my trouble Karma." Daoist Dongli pointed at Lu Chen, which meant that you guys could figure it out.

Lu Chen was surprised by Dongli's real identity. Looking at these four Elders again, the first three were lucky to be a bit of a fairy, and if the last one hadn't known his Elder identity in advance, Lu Chen would have thought it was a beggar There is something wrong, unkempt, unkempt, and a pungent smell.

The scene where Lu Chen was looking forward to scrambling for own did not appear. Several Elders have long seen that Lu Chen's qualifications are extremely poor and he will not achieve much in the future. You look at me and I look at you. No one is willing to accept Lu Chen as Dude, the scene became embarrassing for a while


The sloppy Elder at the end took out the Calabash jug on his waist, took a sip of the wine, grinned with black teeth and said, "I happen to have no apprentice, so let him follow me!"

"It's so good! It's so good!" The other three Elders quickly echoed, for fear that he would regret it.

In this way, Lu Chen was ruthlessly thrown to Hao Nande Elder, and he kowtowed three times. Under the witness of Master Dongli, Lu Chen had completed the apprenticeship ceremony.

Then he followed Hao Nande to his small courtyard. Lu Chen was dumbfounded when he first entered the courtyard. The courtyard was full of rubbish, accompanied by a strong pungent smell. Lu Chen quickly covered his mouth and nose, Disgusted face.

"Is this where people live? We can't go to the wrong place."

" generation of cultivators pay attention to following one's heart and mind. If you don't understand now, you will understand in the future. You will live in that room in the future, and you will get used to it after a long time." Hao Nande pointed casually and skillfully He took out the jug, took a sip, turned around to give Lu Chen a back view, and went into the room by himself.

"Hey... let's live in peace if you come here!" Lu Chen pushed the own room away, feeling a little bit in his heart, except that there was a lot of dust, everything else was fine, and it could be lived in simply by cleaning it up.

After cleaning his own room and cleaning up the garbage in the yard, Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction.

no words all night

The next day, Hao Nande gave Lu Chen a copy of "Cultivation and Entrainment of Qi", explaining in detail some key points, and his previous experience, and told him that cultivation is a struggle with the sky, everything needs to be done by oneself, and the master is just play a leading role.

Lu Chen didn't expect this master to look rough and have such a responsible side, he was very moved.

Next, Lu Chen happily followed the content in the book, sat down in Lotus Position, and felt the Spiritual Qi in the air, and the Spiritual Qi was stored in Dantian through Meridians for its use.

However, the reality is that Lu Chen almost fell asleep after sitting for several hours, and felt nothing but the air, but Lu Chen was not discouraged.

Hao Nande once said that a cultivator must possess Spiritual Roots in order to cultivate. Common Spiritual Roots include five attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Uncommon special Spiritual Roots are further divided into three types: wind, thunder, and ice.

The simpler the Spiritual Roots, the easier it is to represent the speed of cultivation and the difficulty of breakthrough bottleneck.

Double Spiritual Roots or triple Spiritual Roots are relatively heterogeneous. When breaking through the bottleneck, they are often more hindered than single spirits. However, multiple Spiritual Roots are also beneficial. You can choose several or more Cultivation Techniques based on attributes, and match them with The use of power is also extraordinary.

And Lu Chen belongs to eight series of mixed Spiritual Roots, and each Spiritual Roots has only first-level. In the current cognition of Cultivation World, this kind of Spiritual Roots is equivalent to waste materials among waste materials.

Lu Chen doesn't think so, he thinks that existence is truth, as long as he persists in his efforts, one day he will be able to breakthrough a higher Realm.

So Lu Chen practiced in addition to practicing every day. When he was hungry, he ran to the back mountain of Xuantian Sect to pick some fruits, or catch some pheasants to eat.

Although he knows that the master is a cultivator in the Gold Core period and has already fasted, Lu Chen always prepares an extra serving of food every time.

Time passed like this for half a year.

That night, Lu Chen kicked open the door, "Kang..."

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Hao Nande, who was lying on the rocking chair in the yard, was drinking leisurely when he was suddenly

The sound was startled.

Lu Chen looked at Hao Nande with red eyes and said nothing, grabbed the Calabash from his hand, slumped on the ground, drank it gulply, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Seeing this, Hao Nande no longer cared about his rude behavior just now, and sighed: "Lu Chen! If you can't do it, just give up! Sometimes there is nothing wrong with being an ordinary person."

For half a year, the two masters and apprentices have been deeply in love. Hao Nande knew that his disciple was always joking on the outside, but he was suffering in his heart. It stands to reason that no matter how poor his aptitude is, he would always enter the Qi refining period in half a year, even at the first level of Qi refining, but Lu Chen stared blankly.

Hao Nande thought there was something wrong with Lu Chen’s Meridians during the period. After the inspection, everything was normal. In the end, it could only be attributed to Lu Chen’s poor qualifications. He hoped that he would give up as soon as possible, but Lu Chen still persisted for half a year.

"Cough...cough..." Lu Chen took a sip of his wine, looked at Hao Nande with tears streaming down his face, and said in a hoarse and bitter voice, "Master! I'm so unwilling!"

"I have worked very hard, why has half a year passed, and I have not felt the existence of Spiritual Qi? Why did God let me come to this world, but made such a joke on me?" Lu Chen cried, saying After that, he picked up the jug again and drank suddenly.

Hao Nande shook his head, took out a Calabash flagon from the storage bag again, drank it self-consciously, and patiently acted as a listener until Lu Chen gradually fell asleep after getting drunk.

Noon the next day.

It was rare for Lu Chen to wake up until this hour. He rubbed his drowsy head, washed up briefly, took homemade bows and arrows, and prepared to get some food before practicing.

The back mountain of Xuantian Sect is connected to a vast forest. It is said that Demonic Beasts often appear in the deepest part of the forest, but even the first-order Demonic Beasts are not something Lu Chen can deal with, so although he is curious, Lu Chen never dared to touch it. Hunt some small animals such as rabbits and pheasants in the periphery.

Lu Chen laid out the bait with ease, then hid in the grass not far away, and waited for the prey with his cat's body so that he could shoot at any time.

"Senior Sister Ye! Wait for me!" A man's voice came.

Through a gap in the grass, Lu Chen saw two men and women wearing Xuantian Sect costumes approaching one after the other. Lu Chen didn't intend to disturb them, so he continued to cat.

"Junior Brother Liao, the task has been completed, why are you still following me?" Senior Sister Ye said in a very pleasant voice.

Lu Chen in the grass couldn't help but look around, and saw that Senior Sister Ye was tall and tall, with a white jade-like oval face, a pair of autumn-like eyes under her eyebrows, and a refined temperament, she was really a stunning beauty.

Lu Chen felt his heart beating fast, and the heart of admiration spontaneously arose.

"Senior Sister Ye! Why do you reject people thousands of miles away like this? You and I started together. Although we usually practice separately, don't you understand my feelings for Senior Sister after so many years?" Then Junior Brother Liao opened his hands to block it. That's it, Senior Sister Ye's way to go.

"Senior Sister Ye? Could it be Ye Rushuang who ranks third on the Sect genius list? It is said that she has upgraded third-level ice Spiritual Roots, was accepted as a personal disciple by Elder Hongfu, and broke through to the ninth level of the Qi refining period in just one year. Then Junior Brother Liao should be the elder's grandson, Liao Wei, who is said to have the Cultivation Base of the ninth level of Qi Refining." Lu Chen was shocked to think that he did not expect to meet the Sect goddess Ye Rushuang here today.

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