Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 04 Nine Beads Return To Self

Seeing Liao Wei blocking the way, Ye Rushuang frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Junior Brother Liao, I have no intention of finding a companion, so please don't bother me in the future, if Master didn't send me this time, I wouldn't be able to worked with you."

After Ye Rushuang finished speaking, she cast Movement Technique, her body turned into an afterimage, and flew in the direction of Xuantian Sect. The speed was so fast that Ye Rushuang disappeared before Lu Chen could even react.

"Hmph! You bitch with a not wanting face! One day daddy will crush you under his crotch, and see how you are still proud of me." Liao Wei gritted his teeth with a dark face, in order to vent his anger , kicked a tree as thick as an electric pole beside him.

With a sound of "pa...", the big tree fell down in response.

"Damn!" Lu Chen yelled and jumped out of the grass, secretly feeling unlucky. If he hadn't reacted quickly, the fallen tree would have just hit him.


"Haha... Brother Liao is me, Lu Chen, a disciple of Elder Hao Nande! We are fellow students, and we were sleeping here just now. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hear anything." Lu Chen patted the weeds on his body and said fawningly.

"Oh! I've heard that Uncle Hao Nande has a disciple under his seat, a first-level miscellaneous Spiritual Roots of the eight departments, who has been practicing for half a year and has not broken through the qi refining period. It turns out that it is you!" Liao Wei showed a dazed look. Laughing, that smile made Lu Chen very uncomfortable.

"Hehe...I haven't eaten yet, why don't I go first," Lu Chen felt that Liao Wei was a bit dangerous, so he turned around and ran away with an embarrassed smile.

Liao Wei watched Lu Chen run away jokingly, and with a light swipe of his right hand, an invisible force came out, heading straight for Lu Chen.

"Ah..." Lu Chen, who was running desperately, suddenly felt as if his back was being whipped with a long stick, and his body suddenly fell to the ground, letting out a scream.

Lu Chen knew that Liao Wei must have done it, and he hated and was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to provoke Liao Wei. After all, he was at the ninth level of Qi refining, and killing him was as easy as trampling an ant to death.

"Junior Brother Lu! Why are you running? Why don't you run away?" Liao Wei cast Movement Technique and came to Lu Chen's side in breath.

"Accidentally fell down. Brother Liao can go first if you have something to do. I'm tired from running and want to rest for a while. Haha..." Lu Chen turned around and supported the ground with his hands, and smiled.

"I'm not in a hurry. I have a chance to meet my junior brother today. I just want to play a game with my junior brother. I don't know if my junior brother is willing." As he spoke, Liao Wei took out a dagger from his storage bag, licked it with his tongue, and then He gestured a few times on Lu Chen's wrist.

"Senior brother Liao, you also know that I am stupid and I don't know how to play games. I think it's better to forget it! Hehe!" Lu Chen moved his hands back to keep his body as far away from Liao Wei as possible.

"It's okay! Brother can teach you!" Liao Wei squatted down with an evil smile on his lips, the dagger in his hand slashed Lu Chen's wrist, and blood gushed out instantly.

"Ah...f*ck Liao Wei, did daddy provoke you?" Lu Chen, who fell to the ground, cursed angrily, his right hand tightly grasped his left wrist, and his left arm was soaked in blood.

"Trick me? That's not right, you don't deserve it. Senior brother just wants to teach Junior Brother Lu some truths. This Cultivation World is very cruel. A waste like you is not suitable. Death! It's a matter of time, it's better to give it to me." Let me be happy, senior brother, it is a worthy death." Liao Wei then went to Lu Chen again.

His right wrist was cut with a knife.

The rope broke, and nine grape-sized beads rolled down the body and fell to the ground.

Lu Chen screamed again, his face turned pale, and he collapsed on the ground. He saw blood gushing from his own wrists, and looked at Liao Wei with cannibalistic eyes: "I...I swear! As long long as I don't die today, I will always One day I...I want you to die badly."

"Just you? Haha... Then it depends on whether you can see the sun tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Liao Wei scratched Lu Chen's feet twice.

Lu Chen's face was ashen, and his feet trembled. He no longer had the strength to shout, and his body was numb due to excessive blood loss. The only thing he could do was to look sideways at the distant scenery. This might be his last look.

Liao Wei saw that Lu Chen was still and lost interest. The arteries in his hands and feet were cut off by him, and he bled so much. He didn't believe that Lu Chen could survive as a mortal.

So Liao Wei cast Movement Technique, the figure flashed, and disappeared after a few breaths.

Lu Chen felt dry mouth and heavy eyelids. He really wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep, and sighed in his heart: "Am I going to die again? I finally crossed once, so I died like this?"

Various figures such as Dongli Zhenren, Ye Rushuang, Liao Wei, parents, and masters quickly flowed through his mind, Lu Chen sighed slightly in his heart, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Huh? This is?"

Just as Lu Chen was about to close his eyes and wait for Death's arrival, a scene of ecstasy appeared in front of his eyes, Lu Chen fixedly stared at his right wrist.

I saw the nine beads scattered on the ground, floating automatically, rotating from slow to fast, shining with faint golden light, countless golden particles visible to the naked eye, entering Lu Chen's body from the wound, very mysterious.

As a large number of golden particles drove Spiritual Qi for several miles into Lu Chen's body, Lu Chen felt warm all over his body, and the wound no longer hurt, but was healing continuously. Lu Chen gradually entered a wonderful state .

At this moment, a naked transparent body appeared in Lu Chen's mind, internal organs, bones, blood, and golden particles in Meridians were all clearly visible.

Like a large army attacking the city, the golden particles wandered through the Meridians all over Lu Chen's body, forming a universe cycle, and finally charged into Dantian's camp, condensing into a golden bead the size of a mung bean.

Under the continuous scouring of golden particles, Lu Chen's Meridians and Dantian fully expanded several times.

For example, the size of a normal person's tendons is as thick as a wire, but now Lu Chen's Meridians are comparable to the size of a water pipe.

For example, an ordinary person's Dantian is the size of a shot put, while Lu Chen's Dantian is the size of a basketball.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on Lu Chen's face through the leaves, Lu Chen suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly.

Recalling yesterday's experience, Lu Chen's face was still in shock, and he was glad that he was not dead. He raised his wrist and pulled off his sleeve. The wound was no longer there, and he was full of energy.

When I was about to look for the bead chain, the picture of Dantian automatically appeared in my mind. In the picture, a golden bead the size of a mung bean was shining faintly, floating quietly in Dantian.

" it Divine Sense? Doesn't it mean that only a cultivator in the Qi refining stage can derive Divine Sense? Could it be that I am in the Qi refining stage?" Lu Chen said to himself.

Immediately Lu Chen laughed at himself, he hadn't had a breakthrough for half a year, how could he

It can breakthrough in one night.

So I attribute all the credit to that mysterious golden bead.

He remembered that this was the first time he was shopping in Yunluo Cheng half a year ago, and he saw an old man selling Magical Items, saying that he could turn bad luck into good luck, dispel evil spirits and avoid disasters. At that time, Lu Chen didn't believe it at all. , I just randomly chose a bunch of bracelets to wear on my hand, threw down a hundred taels of silver bills and left, not caring at all.

It seems that this string of bracelets should be some kind of great treasure, and I must thank the old man when I have the opportunity.

Lu Chen collected his thoughts and ran towards Xuantian Sect. He didn't understand many things about his own changes, and now he was eager to find the answer from Hao Nande.

Lu Chen tried his best to avoid other disciples along the way, and carefully returned to his residence. Seeing that Hao Nande was not there, he took a shower, changed into a set of clean clothes, and began to practice.

Soon Lu Chen noticed the difference. In the past, he basically didn't feel anything while meditating, but this time it was different. Lu Chen obviously had some other substances in the air during his breathing. Once this substance entered the body, his body couldn't help but feel comfortable.

"Spiritual Qi!" Lu Chen exclaimed happily. Have you finally touched the threshold of cultivation after half a year? At that moment, Lu Chen hurriedly absorbed Spiritual Qi according to the method he had memorized by heart.

Soon Spiritual Qi entered Lu Chen's body, and completed a universe cycle through the Meridians all over the body. In the end, you only need to store Spiritual Qi in Dantian, but when Spiritual Qi entered Dantian, the golden beads in Dantian suddenly trembled, sucking up the few Spiritual Qi in Dantian.

"Huh?" Lu Chen frowned slightly, and continued to absorb Spiritual Qi, but the golden bead was like desert meeting water, absorbing all the Spiritual Qi in Dantian in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen vowed to find out the situation, so he continued to recruit Spiritual Qi, and let the bandit Jin Zhu snatch him away, and the two were at a stalemate.

As soon as Hao Nande returned to the courtyard, he noticed that the surrounding Spiritual Qi was fluctuating. These Spiritual Qis were all gathered in Lu Chen's room. He thought that something had happened. When he opened the door, he saw that his own disciples were absorbing Spiritual Qi like an old monk sitting still. Qi.

Hao Nande smiled knowingly, it seems that he, a silly apprentice, has finally touched the threshold of cultivation. Immediately, he took out the armchair from the storage bag and lay down, took a sip of wine, and got up to protect Lu Chen.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lu Chen showed no signs of resigning.

At the beginning of Qi refining, it is necessary to absorb the Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth to scour Meridians and Dantian. Often, the time of the first meditation determines the future achievements and heights. The effect of subsequent practice is basically not obvious. The longer the time, the greater the expansion of Meridians and Dantian. The more Spiritual Qi will be stored in the future.

It took ten days for Hao Nande to enter the dharma for the first time, so his current Cultivation Base is the Gold Core stage. If there is no adventure, it may be difficult to breakthrough. Now that three days have passed, it means that this disciple can at least reach the Foundation Establishment period.

Cultivation Realm is divided into: Refining Qi, Foundation Establishment, Fusion, Gold Core, Nascent Soul, Expanding Aperture, Fractionated Divinity, Integrated Union, Mahayana, Transcend Tribulation, Huashen, and each Realm is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage and big stage Consummation.

Hao Nande sighed: "The difficulty of cultivating the truth is more difficult than going to the blue sky."

Time flies, ten days have passed, Hao Nande is a little excited, this shows that Lu Chen may aspire to the Gold Core stage, immediately took out the wine Calabash and drank it, he was really happy for this disciple.

Twenty days passed in a blink of an eye.

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