Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 05: The Fifth Floor Of The Qi Refining Period

Hao Nande was a little panicked. He suspected that there was something wrong with Lu Chen's cultivation. Otherwise, twenty days had passed and he hadn't woken up from the meditation. Is it possible that Lu Chen will win the Integrated Union period in the future?

A disciple of the first-level mixed Spiritual Roots of the eight series, it is already a great good fortune to reach the Foundation Establishment period.

Hao Nande got up and went into the room, and saw that Lu Chen was still absorbing Spiritual Qi, with expressions of pain, doubt, and joy on his face.

Hao Nande hesitated, he was worried that if he forcibly stopped and ruined his disciple's chance, it would be a bad thing.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Lu Chen, Hao Nande decided to wait for Lu Chen to finish his work before making an inquiry, gently closed the door, and continued to lie on the armchair to protect Lu Chen.

At this time, Lu Chen didn't know what was happening outside. He was immersed in the empty world, constantly absorbing Spiritual Qi, which was snatched by Jinzhu again.

Fortunately, I don't know how long it took, Lu Chen found that the speed of absorbing Spiritual Qi by the gold beads was slowing down, but Lu Chen's speed of absorbing Spiritual Qi remained the same, so a part of Spiritual Qi was slowly stored in Dantian.

"Finally fed you?" Lu Chen was as happy as if he had won a battle, and continued to absorb the Spiritual Qi desperately, until Jin Zhu stopped absorbing the Spiritual Qi in Dantian, and Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Without the looting by the bandits, soon Lu Chen Dantian was filled with Spiritual Qi.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, stretched his body, and felt as comfortable as if he just had a massage. Biqu library

"You kid, finally woke up!" Hao Nande said with a dark face when he heard the movement in the house.

"Master! I have good news for you. I have just touched the threshold of the Qi refining period. There is a lot of Spiritual Qi stored in Dantian now, haha..." Lu Chen said happily.

"Just now? Do you know how long you have been in meditation?" Hao Nande asked angrily.

"What do you mean?" Lu Chen looked at Hao Nande in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

"What do you mean! Hmph! Daddy guarded you at the door for two full months. Do you know what you mean by asking?" Hao Nande roared, spit on Lu Chen's face, and then slapped Lu Chen hard Only when the brain collapses is the relief.

Lu Chen kept rubbing his head, knowing that the master had protected him for two months at the door, he was very moved, "Master! Thank you!"

"Forget it! What Cultivation Base are you now?" Hao Nande asked, seeing Lu Chen scratching his head, he knew that he would not know, so he said the method of self-examination.

With a thought, Lu Chen mobilized the Spiritual Qi in Dantian to condense in the palm of his hand, and a beautiful flower of Spiritual Qi emerged in the breath, with five petals, exuding a lively aura, very beautiful.

"Fifth level of Qi refining! It's really incredible! Put it away quickly." Hao Nande's expression became a little dignified.

"What's the matter, Master, is there a problem?" Lu Chen inhaled Spiritual Qi into his body again, and asked in confusion.

"Huh? Why can't I see your Cultivation Base? It's really strange, but I hope you can keep it a secret about your cultivation process, because..." Hao Nande then gave Lu Chen a popular science, about the knowledge of the first Qi gathering , Lu Chen's situation is indeed a bit different, but Lu Chen doesn't know what's going on, and Hao Nande couldn't explain clearly for a while, so the matter was abandoned.

You can't tell Jin Zhu's secret, right? Lu Chen knew a little bit about the cruelty of Cultivation World, so he didn't tell Hao Nande about Jin Zhu.

In the evening, Hornand

He taught Lu Chen a lot of cultivation knowledge, and he left with his own cultivation experience.

The next day, Hao Nande gave Lu Chen some Spirit Stones and an identity jade badge, saying that he would leave Sect for a period of time. During this time, Lu Chen could go to the Cultivation Technique hall to choose a Cultivation Technique by himself with the jade badge.

Seeing what the master did for him, Lu Chen was moved again.

Identity badges are like ID cards. Cultivation Base can only enter the gate of Cultivation World after reaching the Qi refining period. These disciples must register in Sect, and enjoy the benefits and treatment of Sect from then on. Of course, they also need to do some Sect task.

The main peak of Xuantian Sect is the administrative body of the entire Sect, and it is presided over by the real person Dongli. After inquiring, the Cultivation Technique Hall is located on the main peak.

Lu Chen also inquired about the news that the Canglan secret realm will be opened every sixty years in three months. At that time, the seven sects will jointly open the secret realm. Students under the Foundation Establishment period can sign up to participate. I heard that the secret realm There are many opportunities in the realm. For the disciples who come out alive, Sect not only rewards Magic Treasures, but also rewards Foundation Establishment pills.

So now the disciples of the Sect Qi refining period are all in Closed Door Training, desperately improving the Cultivation Base, hoping to get a place to go to Cangnan secret realm, among them are Liao Wei and Ye Rushuang.

Lu Chen was not interested in this news. With his five-level Cultivation Base, he didn't want to be cannon fodder. Wretched development is the kingly way.

When Lu Chen came to the Cultivation Technique hall, his own Cultivation Base appeared. He verified it with his master. As long as he deliberately hides the Cultivation Base, even Hao Nande in the Gold Core period can't see the clues. It's amazing.

After checking the identity information, Lu Chen went to the first floor of the Cultivation Technique Hall smoothly. The second floor needs the Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base to enter, so Lu Chen can only choose on the first floor.

There are several shelves on the first floor, all marked on the shelves, and each shelf has a different number of Jade Slips. Such as Cultivation Technique, pill refining, refining equipment, essays, maps, etc.

Lu Chen picked up a map Jade Slip, injected Divine Sense into Jade Slip, and a lot of information came to mind.

This is the distribution map of the seven sects, namely Tianyan Sect, Xuantian Sect, Hehuan Sect, Spirit Beast Mountain, Jade Girl Palace, Shennongmen, Xuanqi Pavilion, and a brief introduction of the seven sects.

Lu Chen quit Divine Sense, the knowledge on the map is mastered, it feels amazing and convenient.

If you use Divine Sense to study, it is estimated that Tsinghua University and Peking University will not be so difficult.

In order to learn more about Cultivation World, Lu Chen deliberately read more than a dozen Jade Slips in terms of history and essays.

He has mastered a lot of knowledge, and the Divine Sense is also consumed a lot. At this time, Lu Chen feels dizzy, so he hurried to the Cultivation Technique area, after all, the business is important.

There are not many Jade Slips on the shelf of Cultivation Technique, Lu Chen picked a few and felt good, and finally chose "Xuantianzheng Yijue", after all, this is the mainstream technique for Xuantian Sect disciples to cultivate.

After learning Xuan Tianzheng Yijue, Lu Chen felt that his Divine Sense was a bit difficult. After reading a few basic spells and a book of swordsmanship, Lu Chen was really dizzy and couldn't bear it, so he stopped learning. Lu Chen felt that if he forced himself to With Divine Sense, it is very likely that you will become an idiot, so it is not worth it.

The Poison Mist Swamp is located in the south of Beichen Continent, seven or eight hundred kilometers away from Xuantian Sect. It is shrouded in poisonous mist all year round. There are few high rank Demonic Beasts, but low-level Spiritual herbs are abundant, so many disciples in the Qi refining period, Will come here to collect low-level Spiritual herbs

In exchange for training resources.

It took Lu Chen a month to sort it out. After learning a variety of spells from the Cultivation Technique Hall, Lu Chen's Cultivation Base was upgraded to the sixth level of Qi Refining.

He found that the Spirit Stones left by the master had been exhausted, so he had no choice but to find a way to earn Spirit Stones by himself. Although absorbing Spiritual Qi alone could also increase the Cultivation Base, Lu Chen found that it was too slow.

In order to improve the Cultivation Base faster, Lu Chen went to the mission hall to do missions to earn Spirit Stones.

After comparing with his own conditions, Lu Chen finally chose the task of picking seven-star grass in the poisonous mist swamp. The risk factor of this task is relatively low, and the reward is relatively good. Ten seven-star grass can be exchanged for one low-grade Spirit Stones.

Coincidentally, Gu Feng, Li Haoyang, and Tong Wei, who were also in the Qi refining period, also took on the same task as Lu Chen.

Under the arrangement of the task Elder, several people got to know each other, and Lu Chen joined Gufeng's team.

Li Haoyang's Cultivation Base is the highest among the four, with seven layers of Qi refining period, while Gu Feng and Tong Wei have six levels of Qi refining period.

Moreover, this guy Li Haoyang has the richest family background. Not only does he have a storage bag, but he also takes out a flying boat of spiritual quality from the storage bag.

So in order to save time, everyone boarded Li Haoyang's flying boat.

On the flying boat, Lu Chen and the three of them didn't take the initiative to talk because they didn't know each other well. They just enjoyed the scenery along the way.

"Tong Wei! This is the Vajra talisman I bought in Fangshi. You can use it for self-defense." Gu Feng handed Tong Wei a palm-sized talisman.

"No need, you'd better keep it for yourself, Senior Brother Haoyang will protect me, right Senior Brother Li?" Tong Wei rejected Gu Feng and flattered Li Haoyang instead.

"Hehe! Don't worry, Junior Sister Tong. If you encounter danger, I will be the first to rush out to protect you." Li Haoyang said confidently.

"Tong Wei, just accept it, this Vajra talisman can withstand the full blow of the Foundation Establishment cultivator." Gu Feng looked at Tong Wei eagerly, and handed her the talisman again.

That Tong Wei knew that Gu Feng liked her, but Gu Feng's Cultivation Base was not high, and she didn't have any background, so she never accepted Gu Feng's confession, and instead chased after Li Haoyang.

But in Gufeng's words, Tong Wei's eyes lit up, and she was able to block the full blow of the Foundation Establishment cultivator. For the low-level cultivator in the refining period, it was undoubtedly an extra life guarantee.

Tong Wei did not refuse this time, took the talisman, put it away carefully, and said awkwardly: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, as long as you're happy." Gu Feng belonged to the type who was not good at words, but was absolutely reliable, and such people were often issued a good card.

Lu Chen secretly sighed for the ancient style in his heart, as expected, it is not easy to be a dog licking anywhere.

Although Li Haoyang was a little unhappy, he didn't show it.

The speed of the spirit level flying boat is fast, and it only took two hours to reach the periphery of the poisonous mist swamp.

The flying boat landed slowly.

The four of Lu Chen jumped off the flying boat, and Li Haoyang Divine Sense controlled the flying boat to turn into the size of a leaf and fly into Li Haoyang's storage bag, which was amazing.

Lu Chen was planning to buy a storage bag somewhere.

"Senior Brother Lu! Is this your first time doing a mission?" Gu Feng took the initiative to greet Lu Chen. Lu Chen didn't speak along the way, and it was difficult for others to talk to him.

"You can just call me Lu Chen, our Cultivation Base is the same, it's really the first time for me." Lu Chen felt that Gu Feng was not bad, and he also intended to make friends with him.

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