Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 06: Poison Mist Swamp

"The three of us often team up to do some low-level tasks. We came to this poisonous fog swamp half a year ago. This is the information Jade Slip about the poisonous fog swamp. I hope it can help you." Gu Feng handed Lu Chen a Jade Slip and said.

"Hey! What are you two muttering over there? Brother Li told you to come here quickly." Tong Wei's voice came at this time.

"Uh! Okay, come here right away!" Lu Chen thanked Gu Feng, and the two walked towards Li Haoyang.

When Li Haoyang saw all the people, he said: "There is a puddle in the southeast of this place. There is the seven-star grass we need. I am familiar with this area. Follow me. If you accidentally fall into the swamp, you will be in trouble."

Everyone nodded in approval, and then Li Haoyang ejected at an extremely fast speed, and Gu Feng and Tong Wei also used Movement Technique to catch up.

Seeing this, Lu Chen threw an antidote pill into his mouth, smiled slightly, and cast Xuantian nine steps, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

The central area of ​​the poisonous mist swamp is filled with poisonous fog all the year round. I heard that cultivators in the Gold Core stage dare not touch it easily. Only the poisonous fog in the periphery is slightly thinner. Taking a detoxification pill can resist the erosion of the poisonous fog.

Li Haoyang turned his head and saw Lu Chen following closely behind, quickly catching up to him, and was amazed at the mystery of Lu Chen's Movement Technique.

But he didn't know that under the transformation of Lu Chen's golden particles, the Dantian Meridians are different from ordinary people, and the spiritual Qi is as thick as the Dzogchen in the Qi refining period.

If it wasn't for finding a place, Lu Chen would have surpassed the others a long time ago and was one step ahead.

Not long after, Li Haoyang stayed in a small hill with Gu Feng and others.

"Look, what is that?" Li Haoyang pointed to a low-lying place in front of him and said.

Lu Chen and the others looked in the direction, and there was a water area in the low-lying area ahead. On the wetland in the middle of the water area, there were more than a dozen green plants growing sporadically. With a purple halo, it is very coquettish.

"Third-level Spiritual herbs Wisteria, we have developed." Tong Wei exclaimed happily, wanting to rush over to pick it.

"Don't be impulsive, use Divine Sense to check it out!" Lu Chen stopped him.

After Tong Wei Divine Sense checked it, her complexion turned pale, obviously frightened.

Lu Chen checked it with Divine Sense when he first arrived, and he was comparable to the Divine Sense of the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period. He found that there were more than a dozen first-order Demonic Beasts hidden under the calm water surface, and there was even a second-order Demonic Beasts in the distance. The sawtooth crocodile should be the master of this water area.

"It's just a dozen first-order saw-toothed crocodiles. I'll lure the group of animals away later. The three of you go pick wisteria flowers and go together." Li Haoyang volunteered and said.

"Isn't this too risky? We can't deal with more than a dozen sawtoothed crocodiles. Let's go pick seven-star grass." Gu Feng put forward his own opinion.

"Senior brother Li is not afraid, we are just responsible for picking wisteria flowers, what dangers may there be, if you are afraid of death, you can stay here." Tong Wei Yin & Yang said strangely.

Lu Chen felt a little weird. Logically speaking, Li Haoyang's Divine Sense should be able to detect the second-order sawtooth crocodile, but why didn't he remind everyone? Beasts.

"The first-order sawtooth crocodile can't leave the water for too long, let's move quickly, it's not a big problem." After finishing speaking, Li Haoyang cast Movement Technique and rushed towards the water.

The three of Lu Chen waited for the opportunity at the soil bag.


Li Haoyang just arrived at the water

He took out a big knife and slashed at the water, a shadow of several feet long knife fell into the water, making a loud noise, the saw-toothed crocodiles in the water felt the provocation of human beings, and swam towards Li Haoyang at once. Extremely fast.

The one in the front came in front of Li Haoyang in an instant, galloped up, and bit Li Haoyang with its bloody mouth open.

Li Haoyang snorted coldly, and slashed out a saber light again, the flying saw-toothed crocodile was sent flying, fell to the ground and rolled a few times, then got up again, its defense ability is really strong.

More and more saw-toothed crocodiles rushed towards Li Haoyang within a few breaths. Seeing that the goal of owning had been achieved, Li Haoyang's figure flashed and ran away.

"Let's hurry to pick wisteria flowers!" Tong Wei said and ran to the water, followed closely by Gu Feng.

Lu Chen sighed, and they rushed out before he could remind them that a second-order sawtooth crocodile comparable to the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period was swimming towards him.

Lu Chen had no choice but to follow, hoping to save them.

Tong Wei approached the wetland in the middle of the water area, and was just about to reach out to pick wisteria flowers when her heart throbbed suddenly.


Suddenly, a saw-toothed crocodile the size of a small boat rushed out of the water, pounced on Tong Wei, and opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth.

"Second...Tier two...Demonic Beasts." Tong Wei was so terrified that it was too late to dodge.

"Don't...!" Seeing that Tong Wei was in danger, Gu Feng rushed forward desperately, pushing away the panicked Tong Wei. But he didn't have time to dodge, the bloody mouth just bit at Gu Feng.

"call out……"

Seeing that Gu Feng was in danger, Lu Chen threw the sword in his hand with all his strength. The huge impact hit the neck of the saw-toothed crocodile, and it flew out obliquely with its body, saving Gu Feng with great danger.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

"Go!" Lu Chen yelled, and the Divine Sense control sword returned to his hand.

Gu Feng and Tong Wei took advantage of this gap and ran away quickly.

Lu Chen tore off a few wisterias without any hassle, and performed the Xuantian Nine Steps with all his strength, leaving a phantom on the spot.


As soon as Lu Chen left, a large crater was blasted out by a wave of light where he was standing.

The second-order sawtooth crocodile had already activated its spiritual intelligence. Seeing that the attack was dodged by Lu Chen, it opened its mouth again to face Lu Chen, and another blow of light wave shot out.

Seeing this, Lu Chen changed the direction again to avoid the attack, and then threw a fireball backhand at the crocodile.


Flames radiated from the sawtooth crocodile, but it didn't hurt it. Instead, it rushed towards Lu Chen. Seeing this, Lu Chen used Xuantian Nine Steps to the extreme, and avoided the attack again.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lu Chen felt that the Spirit Power was not enough, and if he continued to entangle like this, he might become the prey of this beast.

At this moment, Gu Feng came to support him. Although he did not cause any harm to the saw-toothed crocodile, it gave Lu Chen a chance to escape.

Hearing the noise from Lu Chen's side, Li Haoyang showed a genuine smile, his speed increased to the extreme, he threw off the first-order sawtooth crocodile chasing him, rushed directly to the wetland, quickly put a dozen wisteria flowers into the storage bag, and then changed to another The direction fled away without delay.

Li Haoyang's behavior, Lu Chen, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei all noticed it, but there was nothing they could do to stop it.

When Li Haoyang was approaching the wetland, the second-order sawtooth crocodile let out a roar, dropped Lu Chen, and rushed towards the wetland with a fast crawl, trying to stop Li Haoyang from picking wisteria flowers.

Lu Chen and Gu Feng looked at each other and nodded, and called Tong Wei to run away together. The unwilling roar of the saw-toothed crocodile kept coming from behind, presumably the saw-toothed crocodile did not catch up to Li Haoyang.

Half an hour later, Lu Chen, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei panted heavily and stopped under a tree.

"Li Haoyang really went too far this time. He actually used us as bait. If it weren't for you, Lu Chen, we would have died." Although Gu Fengren is honest, he is definitely not stupid.

"Gu Feng! Don't speak ill of Senior Brother Li behind your back, maybe there is some misunderstanding in it." Tong Wei reprimanded Gu Feng with some displeasure, completely forgetting that if Gu Feng hadn't sacrificed her life to save her, she would have become the slave of the saw-toothed crocodile. I have lunch.

Gu Feng felt a little wronged, but he didn't dare to get angry with Tong Wei. Love really makes people lose themselves.

Lu Chen looked at Si Zhou Dao: "Justice is at the mercy of the people. Let's quickly recover our Spirit Power and go pick the Seven Star Grass again, otherwise this trip will be in vain."

"Lu Chen! Thank you so much just now, otherwise I would have died." Gu Feng said gratefully.

"We are all from the same school, so you don't have to be so polite." Lu Chen smiled.

After Lu Chen and the others recovered their Spirit Power, they continued to head southeast according to the information provided by Li Haoyang, and they found a low-lying land where many seven-star grasses grew, but there were not many mature seven-star grasses left.

Lu Chen Divine Sense scanned, and the number of seven-star grass came directly to his mind, and said: "There are a total of 180 mature seven-star grass, and we each have sixty plants. Judging from the traces at the scene, Li Haoyang should have picked a lot. Seven Star Grass."

Gu Feng and Tong Wei had no objection to Lu Chen's allocation, and each took action.

Lu Chen really wanted to buy a storage bag now. Seeing more than a hundred seven-star grasses being bundled into three balls by the three of them like hogweed, Lu Chen was speechless for a while.

"What's wrong with Lu Chen? Why does he have such an expression?" Gu Feng asked strangely, but he and Tong Wei were indifferent, and they should be familiar with it.

"Don't you think the three of us holding the Seven Star Grass like this are a bit like farmers hunting hogweed?" Lu Chen joked.

Hearing this, Tong Wei and Gu Feng blushed instantly in embarrassment.

"Hmph! You are the pig farmer. If you are capable, go buy a storage bag." Tong Wei pouted.

"Tong Wei, Lu Chen was just joking, why do you take it seriously. Besides, few disciples in the Qi refining period have storage bags." Gu Feng said.

"I don't care, here you are, you hold it for me." Tong Wei handed Gu Feng her bundle of seven-star grass.

"Good brother! Take it for me too. I'll give you two storage bags in the future." Lu Chen also put the bundle in his hand at Gu Feng's feet, and walked away confidently.

" know how to bully me, but you wait for me!" So Gu Feng chased after Lu Chen with three bundles of seven-star grass, looking a little funny.

Lu Chen, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei headed towards Tianxuanzong all the way. They were still in the Qi refining stage, and their Spirit Power had not yet been converted into real energy, so they could not fly with the sword yet.

Coupled with the absence of Li Haoyang's flying boat, the distance of seven or eight hundred miles, several people estimated that it would take five or six days to return to Tianxuanzong.

Cultivators absorb Spiritual Qi and store it in Dantian through corresponding formulas to form Spirit Power.

When the Cultivation Base reaches the Dzogchen period of Qi refining, it is necessary to convert the Spirit Power in Dantian into real energy.

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