During the process of transforming the true essence, Spiritual Qi changes from gaseous state to liquid state, the lifespan of the cultivator can be increased by two hundred years, and the extension of Divine Sense is doubled. The higher the speed, the faster.

Cultivation Technique levels are divided into top grade, middle grade, low grade, spiritual grade, heavenly grade and divine grade. The Xuantian Zheng Yijue practiced by Lu Chen belongs to the low-level Cultivation Technique.

"There are Spiritual Qi fluctuations ahead, as if someone is fighting. Let's be careful and go see what's going on." Lu Chen's Divine Sense is much stronger than Gu Feng and Tong Wei, so he noticed the movement first.

With a thought, Lu Chen hid the Cultivation Base, and pointed to a few boulders in front of him. Those boulders were as tall as people, enough for several people to hide, and they carefully cated over.

"It's Senior Brother Li!" Tong Wei said in surprise after seeing it clearly.

At this time, Li Haoyang was fighting with another tall cultivator. Lu Chen Divine Sense looked at the cultivator and his expression became dignified. The tall cultivator was obviously at the level of Qi Refining Dzogchen, but he obviously didn't use all his strength, otherwise he could breathe. Kill Li Haoyang.

The tall cultivator was very sharp, and he noticed Lu Chen's Divine Sense just approaching him, and at the same time Lu Chen also felt the opponent's Divine Sense, at this moment Li Haoyang screamed and was knocked down to the ground.

"Come out! Do you want me to do it?" The tall cultivator shouted in the direction where Lu Chen was hiding, with a thick and confident voice.

"Brother Li, are you okay!" Tong Wei ran to help Li Haoyang up first.

Lu Chen and Gu Feng also appeared one after another.

The tall cultivator saw that Gu Feng and Tong Wei only had the Cultivation Base on the sixth floor of the Qi Refining Stage, so he felt relieved. Although he couldn't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, but it could be mixed with the cultivators of several Qi Refining Stages, the Cultivation Base must not be too high Where to go.

"Lu Chen, I admit that I was wrong. I shouldn't have used you as bait and swallowed more than a dozen wisteria flowers by myself. In fact, I already knew that there were second-order Demonic Beasts saw-toothed crocodiles there. In order to express my apology, I would like to put the storage bag I'll give it to you, and let you handle it." Li Haoyang stood up, took out the storage bag in his arms, and threw it to Lu Chen without hesitation.

Lu Chen focused his eyes and thought: "This kid has no good intentions!" With a movement of his body, he didn't take the storage bag, and the storage bag fell to the ground.

"Young Master Yin, the storage bag is not mine anymore, if you want it, just ask Lu Chen." After saying that, Li Haoyang turned around and was about to run away.

"Hmph! Did I tell you that you can leave?" The yin boy Divine Sense controlled the Flying Sword, and the Flying Sword instantly stabbed Li Haoyang.

Li Haoyang felt shrouded in an aura of Death, knowing that he would be finished if he didn't block it with a sword, so he grabbed Tong Wei and stood in front of him with a ruthless heart.

"Ah..." Tong Wei's face was terrified, she never thought that Li Haoyang would use herself as a shield, and she was caught off guard and didn't know what to do.

"Li Haoyang, what are you doing?" Gu Feng shouted angrily, wanting to rush to save people, but it was too late.


Tong Wei, whose life was hanging by a thread, instinctively inspired the Vajra talisman that Gu Feng gave her. The palm-sized talisman instantly became the size of a door panel, and the golden rune kept flickering, standing upright in front of Tong Wei. Yin Gongzi's swords collided.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Haoyang has already taken the opportunity to run away.

Gu Feng was relieved to see that Tong Wei was fine.

Seeing that the defensive effect of Fulu is so good, Lu Chen felt

Make up your mind to get a few more for self-defense in the future.

"Vajra talisman? It's really good, and it blocked my full blow." Mr. Yin snorted coldly when he saw Li Haoyang running away, and his body disappeared in place. After a few vertical leaps, the one who came later blocked Li Haoyang's front.

Because of Tong Wei's desperate efforts to activate the Vajra Talisman, the Spirit Power was exhausted at this time, her face was pale, her body was very weak and she almost fell down, and was hugged by Gu Feng who rushed over.

Li Haoyang sensed that he was locked by Lord Yin's Divine Sense, and knew that he could not escape, but facing Lord Yin who was in the Qi refining period, he didn't have the courage to make another move, so he took out a small carrot-sized tower from his arms and said : "Yin Shou! I am from the Li family in Nanyang, and my father is the current head of the family. As long as you let me go today, I will give you this Magic Treasures."

Cultivation World weapon levels are divided into: Magical Item, Magic Treasures, Lingbao, Houtian Lingbao, Innate Lingbao, Dongtian Lingbao, and Ancient Xuanbao.

Li Haoyang gave away Magic Treasures in order to save his life, which can be regarded as a big expense.

"Haha...Nanyang Li family? Do you think I, Tian Yanzong, will be afraid of your Li family? But your Magic Treasures are pretty good, I will let you leave the Magic Treasures." Yin Shou laughed.

"Okay! I hope you keep your word." Li Haoyang threw Magic Treasures to Yinshou, turned around and desperately cast Movement Technique to escape.

Seeing that Yinshou had no intention of making a move, Li Haoyang lowered his vigilance and ran desperately.

The corner of Yinshou's mouth raised, Divine Sense controlled the Flying Sword, and the Flying Sword passed through Li Haoyang's body with a terrifying breath, Li Haoyang died unwillingly. "I promised to let you go, but my sword didn't agree."

"What about Lu Chen? He is Yinshou, a genius disciple of Tian Yanzong, and the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen during the Qi refining period." Gu Feng said worriedly while supporting Tong Wei.

"You take Tong Wei and leave first, and I'll find a way to hold him back," Lu Chen said.

"Then what can we do? If we want to die, we will die together. At worst, we will fight him together." Gu Feng looked at death as if he was at home.

"Why don't you stall for time, and I'll go first?" Lu Chen smiled.

"Uh..." Gu Feng never thought that Lu Chen would say this, and he was speechless for a while, just kidding, how could he stop Yin Shou.

"Okay, I know in my heart, you go first later, I have a way to get out." Lu Chen said calmly.

After Yinshou finished dealing with Li Haoyang, he came to Lu Chen in a few jumps, stretched out his hand, and the storage bag on the ground flew into his hand automatically, "You guys destroy the Cultivation Base yourself!"

"Go!" Lu Chen shouted, and rushed towards Yinshou.

Gu Feng, who received the signal, hugged Tong Wei and fled without looking back.

Now that Lu Chen has made up his mind, he will stop talking nonsense, and he will go all out when he makes a move. The thick Spirit Power is poured into the sword, and he rushes towards Yinshou. Every sword has the sound of piercing through the air.

The reason why Lu Chen chose to fight in close quarters was to prevent Yinshou from using spells to attack Gu Feng from a distance, so as to buy them more time to escape.

The facts are exactly as Lu Chen expected.

Seeing Lu Chen rushing towards him suddenly, Yin Shou had no choice but to parry with his sword.

When fighting in Cultivation World, they usually throw their spells or Magic Treasures. There is no one like Lu Chen who fights close to him as soon as he comes up.

"The boy has some skills." After several attacks, Yinshou found out the reality of Lu Chen, and the Spirit Power was actually on par with him.

Yinshou show body

He took the initiative to distance himself from Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt that he was a bit overbearing. The gap in the Realm was there. Although he attacked with all his strength just now, he didn't cause any damage to the opponent.

Before he could think about it, Yinshou's Flying Sword flew towards him with a fierce attack. Lu Chen's Xuantian Nine Steps moved to the extreme. He wanted to open a distance to dodge, but he couldn't dodge the distance, and was scratched by the Flying Sword. A few cuts were made, and blood flowed continuously.

"What should I do? If this continues, I will be played to death by Yinshou soon." Lu Chen said anxiously in his heart, then thought of something, and had an idea.

"Go to Yinshou!" Lu Chen yelled, and slashed at Yinshou with a sword and a knife. Spirit Power instantly transformed into a giant sword tens of feet long, and slashed at Yinshou from the air.

"Boom..." The ground was dusty.

"Boy, you're dead!" Yin Shou gritted his teeth. Although Lu Chen's sword just now didn't hurt much, it was extremely insulting. The mud kicked up by the explosion made Yin Shou disfigured. Seeing Lu Chen running away, Yin Shou dodged a few chased after.

Although Lu Chen's Realm is not as high as Yinshou, fortunately, after Dantian was transformed by Jinzhu, his Spirit Power is strong, so Lu Chen, who is desperately performing Xuantian Nine Steps, has a speed similar to Yinshou.

As time passed, Yinshou gradually approached Lu Chen, getting closer.

Yinshou speeded up again, Divine Sense locked onto Lu Chen, and swept out the sword through mountains and rivers. The huge Sword Ray flew sideways towards Lu Chen, where the Sword Ray went, the trees were chopped off in a row.

When Lu Chen heard the loud noise, he looked back and was terrified, so he quickly turned to avoid the Sword Ray.

"Brush..." Lu Chen's back was still scratched by a corner of Sword Ray, and he gritted his teeth in pain, not daring to stop, Lu Chen continued to run away in the direction of his heart.

Yinshou was not willing to let Lu Chen go like this. As an outstanding disciple of Tianyan Sect, he naturally had his pride.

"It's finally here, crocodile Dage, help!" Lu Chen called out in his heart.

The low-lying place in front is Lu Chen's destination. He quickly jumped across the water and stood in the wetland in the middle of the water. Several first-order sawtooth crocodiles had already moved closer to him. Lu Chen bought time and turned to face the approaching Yinshou. Fireball, and then several fireballs.

Yinshou saw that Lu Chen was full of disdain for his use of basic magic such as fireball. With a wave of his long sword, several Sword Rays formed a sword net in the air, and went straight to Lu Chen.

"Boom..." As expected of the Great Consummation of the Qi Refining Period, a huge hole exploded in the wetland in an instant, and several first-order sawtooth crocodiles were instantly killed.

And Lu Chen ran away dangerously before Sword Ray arrived.


The second-order saw-toothed crocodile was instantly furious when he saw that humans came to destroy his territory and killed his own brother. Because it is comparable to the Cultivation Base in the Foundation Establishment period, it appeared in front of Yinshou almost in a breath and launched an attack.

Under Yinshou's righteousness, he suffered a dull loss, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Chen was overjoyed to see the success of his own plan, and hurried back to block Yinshou's escape route. Spirit Power infused Flying Sword, and Flying Sword shot at Yinshou like chicken blood.

"Damn it!" Yin Shou's face was gloomy, regretful in his heart, now he finally understood why Lu Chen kept running in this direction, he must have known in advance that there was a second-order Demonic Beasts here.

But facing the second-order saw-toothed crocodile, he was already at a disadvantage. In addition, Lu Chen's attack was very difficult. Yin Shou was almost mad with anger. As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands.

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