Yinshou really wanted to escape at this moment, but he couldn't.

"Damn beasts, die to me!" Yin Shou yelled, the robe on his body was windless and automatic, and the Sword Ray in his hand was flourishing, only to see Yin Shou suddenly disappear, his body turned into several phantoms, and he appeared from different directions. At the same time, it appeared to attack the sawtooth crocodile and Lu Chen.

Lu Chen couldn't resist, his body was hit by the huge energy and flew backwards, he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in the air, and fell hard to the ground.

But Yinshou underestimated the defensive ability of a second-order crocodile, so Sword Ray only left a few small holes on the body of the crocodile. Yinshou was anxious, and Spirit Power was running out.

In the end, Yinshou controlled the Flying Sword to stab the crocodile's eyes, the severe pain caused the crocodile to counterattack strongly, and several bursts of energy spewed out from the crocodile's mouth, suddenly shining brightly.

Yinshou and the sawtooth crocodile flew out one after another.

"It's now," Lu Chen got up and was looking for an opportunity, Xuantian Nine Steps turned into an afterimage, Sword Ray passed by, and Yinshou, who was still flying upside down, fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Lu Chen hurried forward, touched the two storage bags on Yinshou's body, and ran away desperately, because the saw-toothed crocodile was crawling towards this side.

The saw-toothed crocodile rushed to Yinshou's side, opened its mouth and swallowed Yinshou's body.

Lu Chen is very weak now, but luckily the sawtooth crocodile did not chase after him, so he found a tree hole, Lu Chen got in, and began to restore Spirit Power.

Lu Chen summed up what happened when he came out this time. The low Cultivation Base is one aspect. If you are not in a hurry, you need to cultivate slowly.

On the other hand, the preparations are not sufficient, and there is no defensive Magical Item. The defensive talisman like Gu Feng gave to Tong Wei is very good, and I will buy more if I have the opportunity.

On the other hand, there is no Spirit Stones. Not to mention the trouble of earning Spirit Stones by doing tasks, there are too many uncertain factors, and life may be lost at any time. It seems that we need to find a new way to make money.

There is also the golden bead in Dantian. Since I moved into Dantian, there has been no reaction, and I don’t absorb the Spiritual Qi in Dantian. I can’t see anything in Divine Sense. If I hadn’t seen it in advance. Defying the effect, Lu Chen thought he had developed stones.

Lu Chen, who recovered Spirit Power, felt that his Cultivation Base was more stable, and there were faint signs of breakthrough.

Take out the two storage bags and first use Divine Sense to erase the Divine Sense imprint in both storage bags.

When he found out what was inside, Lu Chen happily called out to get rich. Yin Shou is worthy of being an outstanding disciple of Tianyan Sect. There are more than 50 middle-rank Spirit Stones, more than 800 low-rank Spirit Stones, and Li Haoyang's small Magic Treasures tower, and other sundries Lu Chen directly turned over and threw them away.

Li Haoyang's storage bag is also very rich. Fifteen third-level Spiritual herbs wisteria flowers are also very valuable. There are ten medium-level Spirit Stones and as many as three hundred low-level Spirit Stones. The one that makes Lu Chen most happy is the Flying boat, it will be much more convenient to travel in the future.

With Spirit Stones Lu Chen organizes his thoughts and begins to practice.

There is a valley fifty kilometers northwest of the Poison Mist Swamp. It is named Wangyou Valley because it is backed by Wangyou Mountain. Some Rogue Cultivators often gather here to trade after obtaining resources from the Poison Mist Forest. The size of the square city.

At this time, there are cultivators running towards Wangyou Valley from different directions, and of course there are cultivators coming out from that direction. These cultivators are basically

In the Qi refining period, if it is a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, he will definitely choose Yujian to fly.

At this moment, a handsome young man with a slender figure, a handsome face, and clear eyes is entering the Valley of Forgetfulness like everyone else.

The entire Wangyou Valley is flat and open, with buildings on both sides, a bit like a secular market.

"Senior, do you need Junior to guide you? I am the most familiar with the entire Wangyougufang City, and all I need is a low-grade Spirit Stones." The young man was Lu Chen, and a young man was welcomed when he entered Wangyougu. A young man who looks like a Cultivation Base on the fifth floor of the Qi Refining Period. He can't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, so he calls it Senior.

At this time, after Lu Chen absorbed ten middle-grade Spirit Stones, the Cultivation Base was raised from the sixth level of the Qi refining period to the ninth level of Qi refining, a full three small levels.

"No thanks!" Lu Chen replied politely. The guide fee for one low-grade Spirit Stones is indeed a bit expensive. You must know that a disciple in Sect can only receive five low-grade Spirit Stones in a month. I don't want to be.

Seeing that Lu Chen was useless, Xiaosi enthusiastically went to recruit the next cultivator, but he succeeded.

There are everything you need to eat, drink, live and use in Wangyou Valley. Of course, the food is Demonic Beasts and the drink is spiritual tea.

Lu Chen walked around and finally stopped in front of a shop named Duobaolou. From the outside, the shop looked like a three-story stilted building.

Entering the first floor, looking around, the layout of the store is somewhat similar to a modern gold store, and the display cabinets are also made of transparent materials. Several beautiful female cultivators are warmly greeting customers.

Lu Chen originally wanted to use Divine Sense to look at the products in the entire store so that he could quickly select them. Unexpectedly, he could not use his own Divine Sense. Formation was set in the entire store to restrict the use of Divine Sense.

Just when Lu Chen was admiring the generosity of Duobao Building, a beautiful woman on the fifth floor of the Qi Refining Stage walked over and smiled enthusiastically: "Senior, can I help you? My name is Zixuan and I am the guide of this store." .”

"I want to pick some Magic Treasures." Lu Chen explained his purpose with a smile, and lamented that Duobaolou's service is still good.

"Okay senior, please come with me. Our Duobao Building not only has Magic Treasures, but also Lingbao, and the price is fair." Seeing that Lu Chen is a big customer, Zixuan greeted her warmly. Biqu library

All kinds of Magic Treasures are displayed in the showcase, and there are more than 30 pieces in one showcase.

When Lu Chen saw the price, he also felt a sudden change in his heart, obediently, any piece of Magic Treasures was priced at 100 mid-grade Spirit Stones, and one mid-grade Spirit Stones could be exchanged for 100 low-grade Spirit Stones.

That is to say, a Magic Treasures needs 10,000 low-grade Spirit Stones. With the benefits of Sect alone, it takes more than a hundred years without eating or drinking to save enough money for a Magic Treasures. No wonder the cultivator in the general gas refining period cannot afford it,

Lu Chen thought of the Spirit Stones in his storage bag, and suddenly felt grateful to Yin Shou and Li Haoyang.

"Senior, please look, this is the Black Tortoise Shield, which is refined from the third-order Demonic Beasts black turtle shells. It can withstand the general attacks of the Foundation Establishment cultivator, and it can also withstand the full blow of the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen cultivator. Once, the price is one One hundred and five middle-grade Spirit Stones, and this, this..." Zixuan took out five Magic Treasures and introduced them.

To be honest, Lu Chen wants all of these Magic Treasures, and he urgently needs them, but the own Spirit Stones seems to be only enough to buy one, and it is difficult to choose at a time.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't speak, Zixuan thought he thought the price was expensive

I couldn't afford it, and felt disappointed, but still smiled and said: "Senior, if you buy a lot, you can get a discount."

"Do you buy Spiritual herbs here?" Lu Chen asked tentatively, because he was not sure whether Duobaoge had this business, if not, he could only sell the Spiritual herbs in his hand before buying Magic Treasures.

"Yes, senior, but I need to ask the supervisor, please wait a moment." Zixuan said.

Soon Zixuan led a middle-aged man with a big belly, who should be the director of Duobao Building.

Seeing that Lu Chen was young, and he couldn't see Lu Chen's Cultivation Base with his Foundation Establishment middle stage's Cultivation Base, the supervisor was surprised and didn't dare to procrastinate and quickly smiled: "This senior is polite, I am Shen Sanduo. The director of Duobao Building, I don't know what spiritual herbs the senior needs to sell."

Because of Lu Chen's body transformation by Jin Zhu, ordinary people can't see his Cultivation Base. Knowing that Director Shen must have misunderstood it, he didn't point it out, which would save a lot of trouble.

"Director Shen, you're being polite. Let's see how many Spirit Stones these Spiritual herbs can be exchanged for." Lu Chen Divine Sense controlled, and eighteen wisteria flowers appeared on the showcase.

"There are eighteen wisterias in the third-level spiritual herbs!" Director Shen said happily, knowing that third-level spiritual herbs are usually guarded by Demonic Beasts comparable to the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period. Killing the strength of the cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period, the words became more and more respectful.

"Senior! You see, the market price of wisteria flowers is ten medium-grade Spirit Stones per plant. Because you have a large quantity, I will give you fifteen medium-grade Spirit Stones per plant. What do you think?" Director Shen said yes smiled.

"Yes!" Lu Chen was very satisfied with the price, and immediately agreed to sell the wisteria flowers.

Then Lu Chen chose a defensive Magic Treasures "Black Turtle Shield" and an offensive Magic Treasures "Mother-Child Chiba Blade". It is said that it is extremely rare to be made of black iron.

There is also a one-time Magic Treasures Thunderstorm Bead, which is as powerful as the full blow of the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen cultivator, and the price is 300 mid-grade Spirit Stones. Lu Chen feels distressed when he thinks about it, but Lu Chen still thinks about his power. I gritted my teeth and bought it.

In the end, a total of 680 medium-grade Spirit Stones were needed, and all the Spirit Stones on Lu Chen's body plus the Spirit Stones selling wisteria flowers were not enough to pay. In desperation, Lu Chen had no choice but to sell Li Haoyang's pagoda Magic Treasures to barely make enough to pay.

After leaving the Duobao Pavilion, Lu Chen looked at the sky and let out a long sigh. He lamented that he had become a pauper in an instant, with only dozens of low-grade Spirit Stones left on him, which is really poor.

But no matter how poor he was, Lu Chen went to the tavern to buy dozens of jars of spiritual wine, and prepared to give it to Master Hao Nande. He didn't know if the Master came back, because he left in such a hurry.

"Sigh... another 30 low-grade Spirit Stones, yes! There are only a few Spirit Stones left. It seems that learning the skill of pill refining must be put on the agenda." Lu Chen said to himself.

Pill Refining is a high-paying profession not only in Beichen Continent, but also in the entire Tianyuan Continent.

This is a relatively safe method that Lu Chen thought of to earn a lot of Spirit Stones. He made up his mind that he must learn more about Alchemy this time when he returns to Sect.

Originally, Lu Chen thought that driving the flying boat back to Sect would save some time and allow him to feel the thrill of flying in the sky, but without the Spirit Stones infused into it, it would be like running out of gasoline in the car. In desperation, Lu Chen had to choose to run back.

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