Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 307 Uninvited Guest

The first floor of the Chinese Mercenary Corps is a hall, which is mainly used for receiving customers and negotiating business. There are two inner halls on both sides of the hall.

The inner hall can be used not only for business negotiation, but also as a resting place.

The second floor and above are basically bedrooms, and the established setting is that each member will have an independent room. Now the entire mercenary group has only eleven members.

So most of the rooms are unoccupied, but if the members of the late stage are expanded, the entire tower will be able to accommodate about 300 people.

Because there was no business, Lu Zhishen, Lin Tian, ​​Wang Juntang and others sat in the inner hall to rest and chat. The content of the chat was nothing more than about cultivation, or what happened between themselves and Lu Chen, and so on.

"Stand still! Why are you still dozing off?"

At this time, Horn and Li Yanan happened to come back from visiting old customers outside. After a few days of opening, still no customers came to the door.

As the team leader, Horn was naturally anxious, so he took the initiative to visit the old customers before.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhang Long, who was in charge of the reception work, leaning on the door frame, a little drowsy. Horn's expression changed suddenly, and he scolded seriously.

"Master...Master..." Zhang Long was terrified by the scolding. He just wanted to explain a few words, but was stared at by Horn, and then turned around and walked to the inner hall, as if to settle accounts after autumn.

Seeing this, Zhang Long showed an expression of innocence and helplessness on his face, and waited for the Master's wife to enter the inner hall.

Zhang Long immediately lost his sleepiness after transporting the true essence, and continued to stare at the cultivators on the street, but no one entered the Chinese mercenary group.

In the inner hall, Hu Lanying and Sun Erniang were still doing homework, but when they saw Horn and his wife coming in, they quickly bowed their heads and saluted them, and Lu Zhishen and others also saluted with cupped hands.

"How is the head? What's the progress?"

After Horn and Li Yanan sat down, Wang Juntang asked eagerly.

"Hey... not so good! The bosses or managers who have worked with me before, when they heard that I was going to ask for an interview, they closed their doors and disappeared. I didn't even see their faces.

correct! Yanan, how are you doing? "

Horn sighed helplessly with fire in his heart,

Thinking of him as a dignified Gold Core cultivator in the Dzogchen period, but being rejected one after another, the feeling in my heart is naturally uncomfortable.

"My side is also very unsatisfactory, but according to Wang Guanshi of the Banyue Chamber of Commerce in Dongcheng District, this matter may be related to the Peerless Mercenary Group, and it also involves the meaning of the deputy city lord.

That's why our Chinese Mercenary Corps has been suppressed in this way, and no one dares to come to us to entrust missions.

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Li Yanan frowned slightly.

"Damn it! It's actually the Peerless Mercenary Group that's behind the scenes again. No wonder we're in such a predicament,"

Horn clenched his fists and said angrily.

Immediately remembered what happened two years ago.

"Ah? Why is the deputy city master involved?" Lin Tian was shocked.

"We are just a small mercenary group, what are you doing to his deputy city lord?" Sun Erniang said with a cold expression.

Others were also shocked when they heard the news. The Peerless Mercenary Group is in Banyue City, but it is the largest large-scale mercenary group, and everyone has heard of it for a long time.

If only the Peerless Mercenary Corps is suppressing the Chinese Mercenary Corps, it is essentially a malicious competition among the same industry, and it will not make the Chinese Mercenary Corps into a state of no one to accept.

But if the deputy city lord interfered, the nature would be different, which would almost make it impossible for the Chinese mercenary group to continue.

For a while, everyone in the inner hall expressed their own opinions, especially Lu Zhishen's voice was the loudest.

At this time, at the door of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, a tall and thin middle-aged cultivator, wearing a black luxurious robe, with a goatee and faintly exuding the aura of a superior person, came.

"Welcome to the Chinese Mercenary Corps, what can the senior do for you?"

Seeing that a visitor finally came to visit, Zhang Long greeted him warmly.

"Take me to meet your regiment leader." The visitor said calmly, without even looking at Zhang Long, he walked into the hall on his own.

"Uh... Alright senior, please take a break here, I'll report to you right away."

When Zhang Long heard that the person was directly looking for the team leader, he thought it was a big client and greeted him warmly.

"No need! I'll go find him myself!" the man said flatly, and Divine Sense found Huo En with a quick scan.

Then he walked directly to the inner hall, as if returning to his own home, which was very casual.

When the man came to the door of the inner hall without knocking, he just pushed the door and walked in. The wooden door bolt broke with a "click".

After hearing the sound, everyone in the inner hall immediately became alert and looked towards the door at the same time.

"Hehehe... Don't be nervous! I am the steward of the Wushuang Mercenary Corps, and my surname is Lu."

After the visitor entered the door, he found a chair and sat down on his own, and said with a faint smile to himself, not caring about the strange stares everyone gave him.

"It's you! What are you doing here? We don't welcome you here, please leave."

Horn recognized at a glance that this cultivator, who claimed to be surnamed Lu, was a steward of the Wushuang Mercenary Corps, named Lu Zhicai, and his expression changed immediately.

said displeased.

Two years ago, when the Chinese Mercenary Corps was first established, Horn set the price very low in order to start business, and quickly grabbed some of the market.

As a result, they were suppressed by the same industry, and the Wushuang Mercenary Group led the way, which made the Chinese Mercenary Group difficult and had to dismiss its personnel and reduce its size.

After shrinking, he moved to that dilapidated small courtyard.

Now the Chinese Mercenary Corps is rising again, but it is being suppressed by the Peerless Mercenary Corps.

Horn naturally had no good looks towards Lu Zhicai.

Lu Zhicai was not angry when he heard the words, he still smiled and said:

"Hehehe... Captain Huo, you don't have to be like this. I'm here today to represent the Wushuang Mercenary Group. Our leader said that it is impossible for your Chinese Mercenary Group to continue to operate.

From the absence of a single visitor in the past few days, we can see the outcome of the future, so our team leader wants to acquire your Chinese Mercenary Corps,

Of course, Captain Huo, you don't have to rush to reply me, I will come back in three days, and then, Captain Huo, don't let me down! "

"You..." Horn was about to refuse directly, but when he saw a young figure suddenly appearing at the door, he immediately showed surprise.

I saw the man said with an unquestionable tone:

"You don't have to come back after three days. It is impossible for the Chinese Mercenary Corps to agree to any mergers and acquisitions. You are not welcome here, so you should leave quickly!"

"Hmph! Head Huo, your tutoring is too lacking. When adults talk, it's Ling Lang's turn to intervene."

Seeing that the person speaking was only a young man in his twenties, with a cynical smile on his face, Lu Zhicai thought that the person who came was Horn's son.

So, his complexion changed immediately, and he said displeasedly.

"Hahaha... Lu Zhicai, you better get lost! You are not welcome here, what he means is what I mean,

Our Chinese Mercenary Corps, even if it is closed, it is impossible for you to acquire it. Go back and tell your master, tell him to give up this heart! "

Horn stood up, and the aura of the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen rushed towards Lu Zhicai overwhelmingly, making him feel the pressure doubled immediately, and his body felt as if he was carrying a heavy weight, which was very uncomfortable.

" will regret it, hum..."

Lu Zhicai felt Horn's aura. Although he was unhappy, he didn't dare to confront Horn. After all, he was the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, and he could only ask for trouble if he confronted him.

After putting down a harsh word, Lu Zhicai got up angrily and left,

When he passed by the young cultivator at the door, he still stared at the young cultivator with vicious eyes...

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