Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 308 Reforming The Mercenary Group

"Hahaha... Lu Chen, you are here!"

After Lu Zhicai left, Lu Zhishen was the first to shout in surprise, and then his figure flashed, and he had already appeared in front of Lu Chen.

"Hehehe...Brother Lu Chen! We have been waiting for you." Horn also said happily.

"Lu Dage!" Lu Su excitedly said.

All of a sudden, everyone greeted Lu Chen with surprise on their faces. These people basically gathered here because of Lu Chen.

So I am very happy to see Lu Chen coming.

"Hehehe... Huo Dage, Lin Dage, Wang Dage... Sister Yanan, Sister Jingzhu..."

Seeing these familiar faces, Lu Chen greeted everyone present in turn with the same joy,

The atmosphere in the inner hall suddenly became cheered because of Lu Chen's arrival. Biqu library

Lu Chen, who was going north all the way, after crossing the Beichen River, directly based on the map Jade Slip provided by Mr. Yu Xiao,

Soon, they found Yidu Prefecture, the direction of the Banyue Mountains, and Dang even rushed over without stopping.

After many inquiries, Lu Chen arrived at the South District of Banyue City smoothly, and successfully found the headquarters of the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

After seeing the plaque of the Chinese Mercenary Corps hanging on a towering five-story tower,

Most of the surrounding areas are three-story buildings.

The first impression I gave to Lu Chen was that Horn did a good job, at least on the surface.

Besides, being able to afford such a large tower, the Chinese Mercenary Corps must be doing well.

After admiring his first career at Cultivation World,

Lu Chen happily came to the gate of the tower, but saw a young cultivator of the Foundation Establishment, leaning against the door frame of the gate, dozing off.

Lu Chen felt a little displeased when he saw this, but he didn't say anything. Divine Sense quickly extended in,

Soon they found the Horn couple, as well as Lin Tian and others who were called by him.

The Xuantian Nine Steps under his feet caused Lu Chen to turn into an afterimage and quickly arrived at the door of the inner hall. Zhang Long, who was in charge of the reception, did not know about all this.

At this moment, he was leaning against the door frame, with a little saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, and a happy and satisfied smile on his face.

Because of him, he was dreaming that he and the person he had a crush on were doing messy things, and he felt very happy.

However, when Lu Chen just came to the inner hall,

At the door, I heard a middle-aged cultivator with a goatee, threatening to acquire the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

When Lu Chen heard the words, he immediately expressed his refusal. He couldn't help thinking that there might be some problems in the operation of the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

After greeting a group of familiar faces, Lu Chen's face was not only happy, but also full of emotions in his heart. Everyone first recounted the past to each other.

Of course, most of them were asking about Lu Chen's recent situation, including the fact that Lu Chen was wanted with a high bounty.

Lu Chen basically narrated in a simple way, avoiding the important ones, and everyone was sensible and didn't get to the bottom of it. The danger in it is self-evident.

Then they talked about the situation of the Chinese Mercenary Corps. When they learned that the current tower was bought by Horn and the others.

Lu Chen finally had some comfort in his heart. In his previous life, the idea of ​​"one house raising three generations" was deeply ingrained.

Now he can be regarded as owning his first property in Cultivation World, so Lu Chen is very satisfied with the actions of the Horn couple.

But when I heard that the Chinese mercenary group is currently being suppressed by the Wushuang mercenary group and the deputy city lord,

So much so that none of the guests dared to cooperate with the Chinese Mercenary Group. Lu Chen's eyes were fixed, and a terrifying aura spread.

Everyone in the room was amazed at Lu Chen's strength, especially the Horn couple.

"Hehehe... Brother Lu Chen, I really can't think of it. Two years ago, you were only a Cultivation Base in the early stage of the Foundation Establishment period, but now you have broken through to the Great Consummation of the integration period, and you have crossed a whole big Realm.

With this speed of cultivation, even those genius disciples in the Nine Star Sect would feel ashamed if they knew about it. "

Horn felt the strength of Lu Chen's true energy, and praised with a bright light,

The more powerful Lu Chen behaved, the more correct the choice of the husband and wife was.

"Hehehe... Huo Dage was joking, I was just lucky, I just happened to get some chances,

So what should we do next, I wonder if you Dage have any good suggestions? "

Lu Chen did not explain the problem of own Cultivation Base, but took the initiative to change the subject, because everyone has their own secret.

But after looking around and asking Lin Tian, ​​Lu Zhishen and others,

After a lap, no one took the initiative to answer the question raised by Lu Chen, instead of looking at others

The place is to bury your head in self-care.

"Huo Dage! What about you? What do you think we should do next?"

Seeing that no one else answered, Lu Chen threw the question to Horn. After all, he is the head of the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

"Hey... The Peerless Mercenary Corps is located in the Half Moon Mountains, and is very powerful. It is said that the Peerless Mercenary Corps has a Nascent Soul stage Power sitting in the town.

The strength of the enemy and us is very different. At present, what I think is self-reliance. Since there is no business, we might as well hunt and kill Demonic Beasts by ourselves.

In this way, a lot of resources can be obtained, at least it can maintain the normal operation of the mercenary group. "

Horn thought for a while, then bit the bullet and said his own idea.

This is equivalent to calling a group of people to hunt Demonic Beasts in a team, and the resources obtained are distributed according to the contribution ratio.

This method can only be regarded as a hunting squad, not a mercenary group.

A real mercenary regiment can take on many tasks. Of course, the information of the task needs to be provided by the task issuer, and a part of the commission will be obtained after completing the task.

However, in any case, Lu Chen feels that the current methods of the mercenary group in Cultivation World are too primitive.

He is not optimistic about these so-called tasks and getting corresponding commissions.

"Hehehe... I don't know, Brother Lu Chen, do you have any good plans?"

Li Yanan saw that Lu Chen kept a mysterious smile all the time, and he didn't show embarrassment because of the current predicament,

Guessing in his heart, I am afraid that Lu Chen already has a countermeasure in his heart.

Hearing what she said, a dozen pairs of eyes stared at Lu Chen, expecting him to give a good suggestion.

"Hehehe... It's not a strategy, but I have some own opinions, you might as well listen to them,

First of all, we are facing vicious competition and suppression from the old mercenary group, if there is no business coming, then we simply don’t want these businesses,

Secondly, we need to reform and completely overthrow the existing mercenary operation mode,

Then create a new mercenary group operating model..."

"Ah? Reform? What is reform? What is the operating model?"

Everyone present asked suspiciously,

Everyone couldn't help looking at me and you, but they all showed puzzled eyes. No one understood what reform meant.

But Lu Chen pretended to be a mysterious smile, to whet everyone's appetite......

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