Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 312 The Identity Of Young Master Yu Xiao

"Go to hell!" Tian Chu Nan yelled, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand suddenly radiated brightly, and his true essence instantly condensed into a huge Fang Tian painted halberd tens of meters long,

The giant Fang Tian painted halberd rotated at high speed, like a giant electric spinner, poking at Zhong Tao directly with the momentum of destroying everything.

Ma Deyi, a black-clothed cultivator, and Xia Liubo, a white-clothed cultivator, each performed their strongest blows, not to be outdone.

However, "Boom...Boom..."

Suddenly there was a loud thunderous noise in the sky,

Then, countless thunder arcs with the thickness of water pipes appeared out of thin air, and with a terrifying momentum, they fell like a violent storm.

That lightning arc seemed to be carrying a tracker, no matter how Tian Chu Nan and the others dodged, they could hit Tian Chu Nan and the others accurately.

And the speed was so fast that the three of Tian Chu Nan couldn't react at all, so they were beaten firmly by the thunder arc.

"Ah..." Tian Chu Nan and the others screamed in unison, and the light and shadow of the newly condensed true essence collapsed in an instant.

Thunder and lightning are things under the sky that make countless creatures fear, and the cultivator is no exception.

What's more, the talisman pattern depicted by the Zhutian brush is naturally powerful.

After a burst of lightning, Tian Chu Nan and others were seriously injured. Their skin was scorched black, their clothes were torn, and their hair stood up high. They looked very funny.

"Hahaha... You dwarf is so ugly, now you know how powerful your grandpa Zhong is! Suffer it to death!"

Zhong Tao, who had tasted the sweetness, laughed out loud when he saw how powerful the talisman he had drawn with the Tianzhu brush was.

Then he waved the Tianzhu pen in his hand again, ready to try the power of other talismans.

Under the infusion of Zhong Tao's true energy, the Zhutian pen shone with golden light, and the pen wrote back and forth like a dragon and snake, with skillful movements and a coherent finish.

Horizontal writing and vertical pressing, vertical folding and folding hooks, the writing is as if there is a god, using the real essence as the ink, and the sky as the paper, every time you write the pen, a golden pen mark will be formed, which is very mysterious.

Tian Chu Nan and the others, who had just suffered a lot, saw that dead Fatty drawing talismans in the air again, a look of horror flashed in their eyes.

"Damn Fatty! You fucking wait for daddy, next time daddy will kill you with his own hands, go!"

After Tian Chu Nan put down his harsh words, he ran away with his sword desperately. Seeing this, the two younger brothers Ma Deyi and Xia Liubo also fled with their swords, and soon disappeared into the sky.

"Uh..." Zhong Tao saw

There was a look of astonishment in the eyes, the other party ran away before the own talisman was finished.

To be honest, he hadn't groaned enough, he felt like his fist was hitting the cotton.

At this time, Gufeng Yujian, who knew Zhong Tao's nature well, came to Zhong Tao and said angrily:

"Okay! It's good to survive, we have to find a pill refiner to see Tong Wei's injury."

" is Tong Wei?" Zhong Tao grinned.

"Hey... I have given her the Medicine Pill for healing. Although there is no danger of life, the injury in her body is still not optimistic,"

Looking at the sleeping beauty in his arms, Gu Feng sighed and said sadly.

"Don't worry! Tong Weiji has her own celestial phenomena, she will be fine, more than 30,000 kilometers to the north is Suining City in Wuchuan Prefecture,

It is also the city of practitioners closest to us, we can go there to seek medical advice for Tong Wei. "

Zhong Tao said after thinking.

Next, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng took the injured Tong Wei, Yu Jian flew to Suining City in the northern part of Wuchuan Prefecture...

Central Plains, Yidu Prefecture, and Banyue City in the Banyue Mountains area. After Lu Chen expressed his idea of ​​reforming the Chinese Mercenary Corps, everyone agreed.

But at the same time, everyone also found a lot of problems, so although the long-term plan is good, but in the immediate future, it needs to be solved. The Wushuang Mercenary Group is targeting the Chinese Mercenary Group.

After Lu Chen bid farewell to everyone, he came to the street of Banyue City alone. According to the address provided by Young Master Yu Xiao, Lu Chen was going to find Young Master Yu Xiao for help.

Because Mr. Yu Xiao once said that their family still has a certain influence in Banyue City, if I come to Banyue City, I must go to him.

In addition, he and Young Master Yu Xiao are also friends, so when he came to Banyue City, Lu Chen first thought of Young Master Yu Xiao.

After many inquiries and inquiries, Lu Chen came to a mansion in Dongcheng District, but was shocked by the sight in front of him.

If it weren't for the word "Yufu" clearly written on the plaque, Lu Chen would have thought he had found the wrong place.

I saw the high walls and glazed tiles of the Yufu, covering a vast area, and the tall Zhumen, giving people a feeling of thick and heavy bearing.

Two cultivators in black outfits stood upright at the door, but they were the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage.

According to this statement, with Lu Chen’s Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen fusion period, he is not even qualified to show the door to Mr. Yu Xiao

Enough, it can be seen how extraordinary Mr. Yu Xiao's family background is.

"Stop! The important place of the City Lord's Mansion, the idlers wait to retreat quickly."

Just when Lu Chen stepped forward and was about to start a conversation and ask Mr. Yu Xiao if he lived here, a stern scolding voice suddenly sounded in Lu Chen's mind, which startled him.

Looking around, no one spoke, and the two cultivators standing at the door did not speak, still standing at the door like statues.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that the other party should be transmitting his Divine Sense.

"Fuck me, this is actually the City Lord's Mansion? Isn't Mr. Yu Xiao from the City Lord's Mansion?

No wonder those cultivators all showed fear when I asked for directions just now. Lu Chen said in shock.

"Get back quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me for beheading you!" At this time, another stern scold sounded in Lu Chen's mind.

"Hehehe... Sorry to disturb you! I am a friend of Mr. Yu Xiao, and he asked me to come to him. Please pass on the message, just say that Lu Chen is visiting."

Lu Chen cupped his hands with a sarcastic smile.

"There is no Mr. Yu Xiao here, I warn you one last time, retreat quickly, or I will kill you immediately."

Another stern sound transmission from Divine Sense sounded in Lu Chen's mind.

Then, a powerful aura instantly enveloped Lu Chen, accompanied by a faint murderous intent.

The powerful aura made Lu Chen feel as if he was facing an enemy, and his body was instantly drenched in sweat.

"Uh... sorry! Excuse me!" Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately performed Xuantian Nine Steps, and left as if fleeing for his life. A few afterimages flickered, and Lu Chen quickly disappeared into the streets.

After Lu Chen left, the cultivator standing on the left in front of the Yufu gate took a meaningful look, and the cultivator standing opposite him, Divine Sense said:

"Aren't you afraid that the Second Young Master will trouble you if you do this? That man's Cultivation Base is not yet in the integration period, so he dares to call the door. Maybe he really knows the Second Young Master?"

"I also obeyed the order of the eldest son. If the second son really wants to make trouble, then let him go to the eldest son!"

The Gold Core cultivator standing on the right, Divine Sense replied.

"Hehehe... That's right, it's none of our business for gods to fight." The cultivator on the left, the self-deprecating Divine Sense, laughed.

Then the two continued to stand with their heads held high, as if they were two statues, without moving a muscle...

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