Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 313 A Knife Embryo

Lu Chen was very upset after being rejected. Fortunately, this is the cultivation world without phone calls and WeChat.

Otherwise, with Lu Chen's personality, he would definitely delete Young Master Yu Xiao's phone number, block his WeChat account, and never communicate with each other again.

"How could there be no such person? Could it be that I found the wrong place? Or maybe Mr. Yu Xiao remembered the wrong place?

But the address was given to me by that fellow Yu Xiao! He won't even remember his home address wrong! "

Lu Chen cursed all the way, feeling depressed, wandering on the streets of the East District of Banyue City.

"Have you heard that a huge extraterrestrial meteorite landed in Anxi Prefecture, in the Qinling Mountains? It is said that the top ten nine-star sects and the top ten cultivation families sent experts to fight for it, and even fought for it."

Just as Lu Chen was passing by a street stall, he happened to hear a middle-aged black-clothed cultivator discussing news about extraterrestrial meteorites with another white-clothed cultivator who was about his age.

"Of course I've heard of such hot news, and according to my friend, in order to fight for this extraterrestrial meteorite, the ancestors of various forces have personally stepped forward.

In the end, a large-scale scuffle broke out in the Qinling Mountains. The people who participated in the battle were all big men from the same sect.

Hehehe... But in the end, there was a scene that shocked everyone. In the end, no one got the extraterrestrial meteorite. Guess what happened? "

The white-clothed cultivator pretended to be mysterious, and said with a sly smile.

Lu Chen saw the two cultivators squatting in front of the stall, picking things intentionally or unintentionally, while chatting,

When hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help being curious, and wanted to know what happened in the end? Why did he say: "In the end, no one got that extraterrestrial meteorite."

So, Lu Chen also pretended to buy something, and squatted next to the stall without leaving any traces, but in fact he was eavesdropping on the news.

"Oh? Then what happened in the end? I didn't know about it, so please tell Brother Tan." The black-clothed cultivator asked suspiciously.

"Hehehe... Let me tell you, when all the bosses were fighting, the second best player in the world, Kuangdao Xiaotian, suddenly appeared,

With tyrannical strength, he put the piece of meteorite into his storage ring,

Ha ha ha ha... I laughed to the sky from the mad sword, to keep my heart and soul Kunlun, once the mad sword comes out, who will fight for the top?

As a result, the ancestors of various forces could only leave with hatred. "Cultivator in white proudly

Laughing, as if blowing out such awesomeness is very remarkable.

"Hahaha... Xiaotian senior is really a god. If I could have such a Cultivation Base in his year, I would have no regrets in this life and death!" The black-clothed cultivator was inexplicably excited when he heard the words, and said with a hearty smile .

The white-clothed cultivator was also infected by his emotions, and immediately invited the black-clothed cultivator to come and show off.

When the two cultivators stood up and left, Lu Chen was equally excited. Although the cultivator in white didn't specify how the battle was going,

But it is not difficult to imagine a scene where one person, with one knife, faces the ancestors of many forces, but his ability overwhelms the heroes.

Just when Lu Chen was deep in thought, an impatient voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Lu Chen's thoughts.

"Hey! Do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, go away and don't hinder my business,"

It was the stall owner who was talking. He saw Lu Chen squatting in front of his stall for a long time, but he didn't see any purchases, so he said impatiently.

"Uh...hehehe...sorry, I just took a look...Huh?"

In line with the principle that more things are worse than less things, Lu Chen still smiled kindly, and was about to get up and leave.

However, just as he was about to stand up and leave, the golden bead world in his body suddenly trembled, as if he had sensed something.

But when Lu Chen looked at the world of the golden beads in his body, the strangeness disappeared, as if it had never happened.

"Huh? Could it be that there are some heaven-defying treasures in this pile of broken copper and rotten iron? Otherwise, how could it attract changes in the world of gold and beads?

One must know that the world of the Golden Pearl is in a chaotic period. When the universe first opened, the super heaven-defying treasure that co-existed in the universe, what is it that can make it look good and make a change? "

Lu Chen glanced at the various items on the stalls, thinking in doubt.

But Lu Chen didn't find any treasures after looking for a long time. There were only some low-level symbols on the ground, Magical Item long sword, Magical Item pots and pans and so on.

"Fellow daoist! May I ask how you sell this?" In order to find out what can make the world of Jinzhu change,

Lu Chen picked up a black stone and asked politely.

Secretly running the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, using its powerful analysis function to analyze the items in his hand.

"Hehehe... fellow daoist is polite, this one needs 600 pieces of low-grade Spirit Stones, these are rough stones from Western Tibet, and they can 100% produce high-quality refining materials."

That small businessman sees Lu

Chen wanted to buy something of his own, so he immediately changed his face, greeted him with a smile, and praised enthusiastically.

"What about this? How many Spirit Stones does this cost?" Lu Chen picked up another long sword that felt like a treasure, and asked.

"Hehehe... fellow daoist, you really have vision. This sword is a Magic Treasures long sword made by a famous craftsman. If you really want it,

Just give me three thousand mid-grade Spirit Stones! As long as you have a destiny with this sword, I will charge you a fate price. "

The small peddler said with a warm smile bragging about not drafting.

But Lu Chen still put down the Magic Treasures level sword in disappointment, picked up another thing, and asked again.

One after another, he only asked the price, but did not start to buy. The face of the stall owner immediately became gloomy, and he suppressed the anger in his heart. Anyone could see that he was very unhappy.

"Walk, walk, walk, I think you are trying to amuse me. I won't sell you things, so get out of here quickly, or I won't be polite to you."

The small vendor finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and said displeased.

Seeing that Lu Chen and himself are both Cultivation Bases in the Dzogchen fusion period, he didn't intend to get angry at first,

But every time Lu Chen picked up the item for sale, he put it down after asking the price, picked up another item, and asked the price.

Without looking carefully at all, the peddler finally decided that Lu Chen was just entertaining him. When he came up, he grabbed Lu Chen's arm to prevent him from touching his own things again.

"Hehehe... Sorry fellow daoist, let me ask you one last time, how to sell this knife embryo, I promise this is the last time, I will definitely buy it?"

Lu Chen broke free without leaving a trace, and the peddler grabbed Own's hand and smiled shyly.

"Seriously? Do you really want to buy it?" the small vendor asked suspiciously.

"It's true, but I can say the ugly things first. If it's too expensive, I can't afford it. Look, I don't look like those rich cultivators. Don't you want to kill me?"

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a harmless smile, saying indifferently, but his heart was filled with excitement.

Because just now he used the powerful analysis function of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, but found that the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue could not analyze the material of the knife embryo in his hand.

This was the first time this happened, so Lu Chen immediately determined that this knife embryo should be what he was looking for.

Hearing this, the peddler seriously looked into Lu Chen's eyes, but he couldn't see anything from his eyes......

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