Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 314 The Art Of Bargaining

Looking at the knife embryo again, he remembered that he had picked up this knife embryo in a mountain stream. He thought it was some kind of treasure at the time.

After looking for many people to look at it, they found that it could not be refined, and they couldn't tell what material it was made of. They sold it at Zhenbao Pavilion, but they didn't accept it.

That's why he threw it on the carpet, to see if he could run into a second idiot, so that he could cheat him.

"This is an incredible treasure. If you want it, just give me 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones! Don't worry, you won't suffer a loss." The small peddler thought for a while and said casually.

"What? Five hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones, I'm really sorry, you should sell it to someone else,

I also feel sorry for bothering you for so long, so I just picked something casually,

Since you think this junk is worth 500 medium-grade Spirit Stones, then you should sell it to someone else! "

Lu Chen stared at the small vendor in astonishment, with an exaggerated expression. After speaking, he handed the knife embryo in his hand to the small vendor, turned around and prepared to leave without delay.

The reason for doing this is to prevent small traders from seeing their determination to buy, so that they can sit on the ground and raise prices, and slaughter themselves as if they have been taken advantage of.

Seeing that Lu Chen's expression was not fake, and he didn't want to miss out on this deal, the small vendor hurriedly shouted:

"Hehehe... fellow daoist, please slow down. Since the fellow daoist sincerely wants to buy it, why don't fellow daoist make an offer. If possible, I will sell it to the fellow daoist, and it will be a good relationship."

"Five hundred low-grade Spirit Stones...if you can..." Lu Chen said casually. But he didn't finish his words,

But the small vendor snapped it up and said, "Deal! Hehehe... Please fellow daoist pay Spirit Stones!"

The small vendor shouted triumphantly, and as if afraid that Lu Chen would regret it, he directly handed the knife embryo back to Lu Chen's hand.

"Uh...fellow daoist, why do I feel like I'm being sloppy?"

Lu Chen looked at the small peddler in astonishment, with an expression of suffering.

I secretly rejoiced in my heart, I didn't expect that the other party would agree to the price I just said casually, so wouldn't I just take advantage of it?

"Fellow daoist! Don't go back on your word! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

The small peddler said pretending to be angry, but his heart was full of joy, because a worthless item could be sold for 500 low-grade Spirit Stones, and he felt that he had made a fortune.

"Hey...forget it! Heck! Here are five hundred low-rank Spirit Stones,

take a look. "

Lu Chen sighed, reluctantly paid the Spirit Stones, and then sent the knife embryo into the storage bag, in fact, into the world of golden beads.

"Hehehe... What an idiot!" The small vendor smiled triumphantly after seeing Lu Chen leave.

At this time, a burly and fierce-looking one-eyed cultivator came to the stall, looking very eager.

One eye kept looking back and forth on the stall, as if looking for something.

"Hehehe...Brother Xiong! What are you looking for? Is there anything else in this small street stall that can catch your eye?"

Seeing his old acquaintance, Xiong Jin, who was looking for something, the small vendor greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Chang Yuan, where's your saber embryo? It's the one you showed me a few days ago."

Xiong Jin kept his eyes on the small vendor and asked impatiently.

"Hehehe... that knife embryo you mentioned! It was bought by a second-hand cultivator just now, and I also sold 500 low-grade Spirit Stones?"

The small merchant Chang Yuan smiled proudly.

"What? You sold it? It's broken! Who bought it? Do you remember what that person looked like? Where did that person go?"

Xiong Jin exclaimed in annoyance when he heard the words.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that the knife embryo is worthless?" Chang Yuan, a small trader, asked in bewilderment when he heard the words, but a bad premonition faintly rose in his heart.

" was because I couldn't see the material of the knife embryo before that I concluded that it wasn't worth many Spirit Stones.

But now the Peerless Mercenary Group has issued an announcement to search for rare materials, as long as the materials cannot be seen, they can be appraised by them.

If they are fancy, at least 50,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones can be obtained, and the rarer the material, the more valuable it is.

After I saw this announcement, I immediately thought of your knife embryo. Even I couldn't see its material, maybe it was made of some rare refining material.

So I rushed over immediately to tell you the good news, but I didn't expect you to sell the knife embryo. "

Xiong Jin said with an annoyed look.

"What? Fifty thousand middle-grade Spirit Stones? I..."

After hearing the reason of the incident, Chang Yuan, a small trader, felt as if struck by lightning, with an expression uglier than that of his dead father.

Subconsciously looked in the direction where Lu Chen left, but there was no sign of Lu Chen.

"Oh...forget it, you just don't have this,

I'm going to make a fortune, I'm leaving," Xiong Jin sighed angrily, and left directly after speaking.

After this incident, Chang Yuan, a small peddler, had no intention of setting up a street stall anymore. After putting all his things into the storage bag,

Walking in the direction where Lu Chen left, he wanted to try to find Lu Chen and buy the knife embryo back, even if he paid a little more Spirit Stones.

However, what small traders often don't know is that.

After Lu Chen left the street stall, he couldn't wait to run away, fearing that the small vendor would regret it and cause more trouble.

After finding a restaurant that seemed relatively large in scale, Lu Chen opened a room, arranged the defensive formation, and entered directly into the Golden Pearl World.

In the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen carefully looked at the knife embryo in his hand like a hatchet,

The so-called knife embryo is a large knife that has not been completely forged into shape, but the material is only initially shaped into a knife.

This will have an advantage, this knife can be continuously upgraded, maybe it is not even a Magical Item now,

But in the future, it will definitely be upgraded to become an incredible Magic Treasures, and maybe it can be upgraded to the level of ancient mysterious treasures.

I thought to myself: What kind of material is this that can actually cause changes in the world of the golden beads, and even the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue can't analyze it?

But these are not important, the important thing is that now this treasure is owned by him, it makes people excited just thinking about it.

I saw that with a thought, Lu Chen sacrificed Wulian Xinhuo, and the chaotic Daosheng formula in his body was running. Under the control of Divine Sense, the knife embryo automatically flew into the Wulian Xinhuo of Tianhuo.

Lu Chen is going to refine the knife embryo first. As for the upgrade of the late stage, Lu Chen must first learn how to refine the knife.

For now, Lu Chen has not touched on the art of refining, but only learned some simple knowledge here and there from some books Jade Slip.

For example, the grade division of the refiner, the refiner is divided into the spiritual master and the magic master, and each level is divided into details from the first rank to the ninth rank.

As time went by, Lu Chen was surprised to find that Wulian Xinhuo was unable to melt the knife embryo, which shows the magic of its material.

The inability to melt means that Lu Chen cannot change its current shape.

For this reason, Lu Chen had to settle for the next best thing, first seal his own Divine Sense imprint and own Blood Essence into the knife embryo, and first refine them so that they can be used as weapons...

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