The three brothers Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang in Yichang Prefecture, Xiling City in the Central Plains became friends with Tong Minghong because of a poem.

And because of a meal and a drink, several people and Tong Minghong became acquainted with each other.

During the dinner, when talking about their respective plans in the future, Yang Yunfei and the others planned to do some small business in Xiling City temporarily.

After all, they don't have many Spirit Stones on them, so they plan to start small, and when they have accumulated enough, they will start a chamber of commerce together.

However, when such an idea was uttered, it was strongly opposed by Tong Minghong.

His reason is simple, because most of the cultivators engaged in business activities in Cultivation World are basically cultivators who know that they cannot breakthrough again on the Cultivation Base.

Anyone who feels that there is still room for improvement in their Cultivation Base will choose to concentrate on cultivation and work hard for the higher Cultivation Base Realm.

What's more, Yang Yunfei and others are still so young, there is really no need to fall into the world too much.

So Tong Minghong used Jiu Jin to persuade Yang Yunfei and others to give up the idea of ​​doing business.

However, Yang Yunfei and others were forced to leave the family because of their concubines. Without the support of family resources, how can they concentrate on cultivation?

At this time, Tong Minghong revealed the news that the major cultivation sects in the Central Plains recruit disciples from various places every ten years, and as long as they pass the assessment, they can become disciples of their Sect.

And a few days will happen to be this time, the time for the major sects to recruit disciples, if they are lucky enough to be selected by the nine-star sect, then the future will be immeasurable.

Tong Minghong himself will also go to participate, this time the disciples of the major sects are recruited.

It's just because the chat between the few people happened to be here, so Tong Minghong said the news casually.

Yang Yunfei and the others looked at each other after hearing the news, and everyone's eyes were full of excitement and yearning.

If there is a better place and development, they are of course willing to go.

So, I immediately looked at Tong Minghong like a peerless beauty, and asked if I and others could go with him to participate in the assessment of recruiting disciples in major sects.

Tong Minghong naturally readily agreed when he heard the words, because he thought Yang Yunfei and the others were good and intended to make friends with them, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to tell the news.

Since there was not much time, they made an appointment to set off for Wuliang Mountain the next day.

Two days later, on a small flying boat, Tong Minghong controlled the flying boat, and Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang sat in the boat in Lotus Position.

"Hehehe... Everyone, we are coming soon. The mountain is steep and the scenery is beautiful.

Li, why don't brother Cheng Zhi compose a poem? "

Tong Minghong slowly lowered the flying boat, shuttled between the mountains, and smiled happily.

He has always loved poetry and poetry. Seeing such a beautiful scenery, although he had the idea of ​​writing poetry in his heart,

But he knew that his own level was limited, so he handed over this important task to Zhao Chengzhi.

"Hahaha... What a strong Spiritual Qi, why don't you let me compose a poem for you!"

Qi Yutang was also affected by the scene in front of him, and smiled courageously.

"You? Hehehe... I think it's better to forget it. With your little ink, it's better not to humiliate this blessed land of the fairy family, Chengzhi! You should come!"

Yang Yunfei said jokingly.

"Hehehe...Since Brother Tong has this intention, I shall do my best."

Zhao Chengzhi got up when he heard the words, looked around at the mountains running behind him, and at the mountain stream flowing under his feet.

Taking a deep breath, Tong Minghong slowed down the speed of the flying boat in a timely manner, like a boat floating on the lake, fluttering with the wind.

At this time, Zhao Chengzhi raised his face slightly, his eyes lit up, and said softly:

"The sharp peaks set in the east of the river, and the mountains of Wanren are majestic,

Wan in the boundless blue waters, fishermen's songs and moonlight fishing for the sky,

The vertical and horizontal clouds are lower than the ten thousand zhang stream, and the boundless Lin Hai spits out Immortal Qi. "

"Hahaha... good! Really good!"

As soon as Zhao Chengzhi finished reading, Qi Yutang clapped his hands and applauded, but after shouting for a long time, he didn't see why he said it.

"Hahaha...Brother Zhao is really a great talent. The whole poem is not only majestic, but also described in detail. I am not as good as that."

After Tong Minghong appreciated it, Zhao Chengzhi praised the improvised poem.

"Hehehe... Poetry is just a little Daoer, and I will have to rely on Brother Tong to take care of me in the future."

Zhao Chengzhi smiled modestly.

"Look, we're almost there." Yang Yunfei pointed to the front and shouted happily.

At this time, there are also cultivators coming around one after another with their swords or flying boats.

I saw a clearing in the mountains in the distance. The clearing was about the size of two football fields.

In the open space at this moment, many cultivators had arrived ahead of schedule, some in groups of four or four, some in twos and threes, and some alone, sitting on the side in Lotus Position.

As the flying boat of Tong Minghong and others approached, the whispers of the cultivators gradually came.

Tong Minghong looked at the place and said with a smile:

"Hehehe... That's right, this is Wuliang Mountain. Every ten years, all the major sects will recruit disciples here, because this is my second time,

So I am quite familiar with the approximate process, stay for a while

Don't talk nonsense, or you will easily lead to death. The cultivator here is not so easy to talk. "

"Oh? Why is Brother Tong coming here for the second time? Didn't he get selected before?" Qi Yutang said without hesitation.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!" Yang Yunfei glanced at Qi Yutang angrily and said.

Anyone with a discerning eye can hear things like this, so why expose their scars? Isn't this offending people?

"Hehehe...Brother Yunfei! It doesn't matter, I was selected by an eight-star sect ten years ago.

After I rejected the eight-star Sect Calabash Valley, I regretted it again, so this year I plan to directly participate in the eight-star Sect assessment. "

Tong Minghong didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what Qi Yutang said when he heard the words, so he explained casually.

"Brother Tong! Is the Nine Star Sect assessment difficult?" Zhao Chengzhi asked with a smile.

At this time, Tong Minghong had landed the flying boat to a corner of the open space, and several people jumped off the flying boat one after another.

With a thought in Tong Minghong's mind, under the control of Divine Sense, the flying boat changed back to the size of a palm and was put into the storage bag, which is very miraculous.

After hearing the words, he smiled and said in a low voice:

"It's difficult to say, but it's easy to say. They mainly test the cultivator's Spiritual Roots or the Talent's extraordinary physique. They are not hired if they are not super geniuses.

So I suggest that we still choose a sect with a level below the nine-star sect, the chance of passing will be higher. "

"Oh...Okay! Let's go together then! Brother Tong! Which eight-star Sect do you plan to go to for the test?"

Zhao Chengzhi nodded affirmatively when he heard the words, and Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang also nodded in agreement.

"Hehehe... Huang Fenggu! Because Huang Fenggu used to be a nine-star sect, but for some unknown reason, Huang Fenggu's power has weakened in the past few hundred years, so it was downgraded to an eight-star sect."

Tong Minghong answered patiently.

"Hahaha... OK! Then we will join Huangfeng Valley together." Qi Yutang smiled affirmatively.

Several others nodded in agreement.

Yang Yunfei looked around, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm. He never dreamed that he was abandoned by his family because he was a concubine.

But by chance, he met Tong Minghong and was led by Tong Minghong on a different path from doing business.

Otherwise, I will definitely be mixed up in the business, and I am afraid that I have no intention of practicing.

Now that he has the opportunity to concentrate on cultivation, Yang Yunfei seems to have regained a new life, secretly swearing in his heart that he must work hard to climb that, the highest Cultivation Base Realm......

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