Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 317 Terrifying Hostility

After cutting the small vendor in half, Lu Chen frowned, turned around and left quickly, planning to find another restaurant to open a room, and then enter the world of golden beads.

Because Lu Chen discovered a terrible thing. Just now, when he sacrificed the knife embryo and poured his true essence into it,

Lu Chen suddenly felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, his whole body was boiling hot, and all he could think about was splitting the man in half, his thoughts seemed uncontrollable.

After splitting the small vendor in half, Lu Chen didn't feel how cruel his own method was.

Instead, a sense of joy and pleasure arose, and he even wanted to cut him a few more.

Such a thought startled Lu Chen.

You must know that the own soul comes from the earth and has received higher education. Even if he came to the world of cultivation, Lu Chen is not a murderer.

Even though the peddler slandered him and made him very angry, he didn't have the thought of killing him.

All this was because of the knife embryo. Lu Chen obviously felt that when his true energy activated the knife embryo, his own emotions were out of control for a moment.

Therefore, Lu Chen must figure out what is going on, otherwise, no matter how good the baby is, Lu Chen will not dare to use it anymore!

If one day I become a murderous maniac controlled by Magic Treasures, who will I cry to? Cultivation World is not without cases like this.

He found a random restaurant, opened the room, arranged the formation, and Lu Chen couldn't wait to enter the world of Jinzhu.

In the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen looked at the hatchet-like embryo. The embryo was three feet and three inches long. The blade was wide and had no edge. It had no tip. The whole body was dark purple. Take an ordinary knife embryo.

Lu Chen tried to pour some real essence into the knife embryo.

At this time, the knife embryo made a sound of "Weng..." and made a sound of Weng Ming.

Immediately, a burst of hostility suddenly surged towards Lu Chen, which lifted his mind and gave him the urge to kill someone.

Lu Chen was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his true energy, and the bursting hostility suddenly disappeared.

"It's so terrifying. Could it be that this knife has killed many people before? Then it was re-refined? It's just that the refining process has not been completed, so it becomes what it is today?"

Lu Chen looked at the knife embryo in his hand with lingering fear.

In order to further find out the details of the knife embryo, Lu Chen came not far from Bitter Bamboo just to be on the safe side.

The Sacred aura emanating from the top ten Spiritual Roots bitter bamboo immediately cleared Lu Chen's mind, as if the whole body and mind had been purified, full of

Calm and peaceful.

After getting ready, Lu Chen poured all his true essence, comparable to the Gold Core early stage, into the knife embryo.

"Boom..." At this time, the knife embryo in his hand suddenly radiated purple light, and then a more violent hostility gushed out of the knife embryo like a flood, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Holding the knife embryo, Lu Chen's eyes were red, like Qi Deviation, and his whole body exuded a strong murderous intent.


The Gold-eating Toad, who was originally practicing with his eyes closed, felt the strong killing intent emanating from Lu Chen,

Immediately, he opened his bowl-sized eyes, shouted in horror, and then dodged away as if fleeing for his life.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." The little flame phantom bird fluttered its wings in panic, and disappeared in place like a sharp arrow.

The Heavenly Knife Mantis and the ancient mythical beast Pixiu escaped not to be outdone, fearing that Lu Chen would use them as a knife and bring disaster to the fish pond.

At this moment, Lu Chen's Chaos Dao Sheng Jue was running to the extreme in his body, his eyes were filled with red light, and the clothes on his body moved automatically without wind, and then he involuntarily raised the knife embryo in his hand,

Under the infusion of its true essence, the knife embryo instantly condensed a huge knife shadow tens of meters long. The knife shadow exuded a strong murderous intent, aiming at the ten Spiritual Roots bitter bamboos and preparing to chop them down.

Maybe because he felt that he was in danger, Kuzhu instinctively trembled slightly,

I saw that the bitter bamboo plant, which was about two meters high, was like emeralds, exuding a faint halo. After a slight tremor, a stronger halo emerged instantly, and the Sacred breath quickly overflowed like a white mist.

Lu Chen, who was raising the knife and was about to chop down, suddenly felt his mind clear. The violent emotions in his heart instantly calmed down, and his red eyes became clear.

"Huh... so dangerous, how can this knife be so fierce? It can actually control own actions. It seems that with my current Cultivation Base, I still can't control this knife normally."

Lu Chen regained his clarity, as if he had experienced a great battle, he murmured exhaustedly.

Subconsciously wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Because of the bitter bamboo, although Lu Chen could not control his own body,

But he still maintained a trace of clarity, knowing his own behavior, and thinking that he almost destroyed the bitter bamboo, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a bit of fear in his heart.

These are the top ten Spiritual Roots in the Cultivation World, and I have worked so hard to get them. If I just destroy them like this, I am afraid that I will regret it in my intestines.

"The knife is a good knife, but how to solve the problem of not being affected by the hostility in the knife and affecting your own mind?

on purpose

The former own Cultivation Base is definitely out of control, so just give up? "

Lu Chen looked at the knife embryo in his hand, thinking about it with both love and hate.

At this time, Lu Chen had an idea, and directly placed the knife embryo under the bitter bamboo, allowing it to be baptized by the Sacred breath of the bitter bamboo,

I don't know if it's an illusion, anyway, Lu Chen felt mysteriously that when the knife embryo was placed under the bitter bamboo, the violent aura contained in it calmed down all of a sudden.

It was like a person who was so angry that his anger calmed down in an instant, very calm and peaceful.

"Hehehe...Let's do this first! Wait for a while and try again."

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Just as Lu Chen walked out of the restaurant again, troubles followed.

"He was there, he was the one who robbed my brother's things just now, and beheaded my brother in the street,

Pity my brother, the good time was split in half by this villain, the death is so horrible,

Captain Huang, you must bring him to justice, avenge my brother, and recover my brother's belongings! "

Xiong Jin, a friend of the peddler Chang Yuan, accused Lu Chen very sadly with a crying voice.

When the small businessman Chang Yuan was looking for Lu Chen, Xiong Jin had been quietly following Chang Yuan,

Because he also wanted to get that possible value from Chang Yuan, 50,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, or even a higher price knife embryo.

But when he saw Lu Chen killing Chang Yuan with one knife, Xiong Jin was afraid, because he himself only integrated the late stage Cultivation Base,

So he quietly followed behind Lu Chen, trying to get Lu Chen's storage bag.

After seeing Lu Chen enter a restaurant, he kept squatting near the door and tried his best to notify Huang Haidong, the captain of the guard of the City Lord's Mansion.

Huang Haidong is often respected by Xiong Jin, so he is naturally willing to help Xiong Jin, and maybe he will get a lot of benefits.

"Hehehe...boy! You are so courageous, you dare to kill people in the streets of Banyue City, come on! Arrest him for me."

I saw a middle-aged cultivator, who was dressed in a black outfit, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a Chinese character face, and looked upright, smiling at Lu Chen with disdain.

The five or six cultivators standing behind the middle-aged cultivator, who were also wearing black solid suits, immediately surrounded Lu Chen aggressively after hearing the words, intending to take him down.

Hearing this, Lu Chen looked at the one-eyed man who claimed to be the cultivator of the peddler brother, crying like a cat and pretending to be merciful, and felt like a bright mirror in his heart.

But what should the guards of the city lord's mansion do now...

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