Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 318 Fair And Strict

Central Plains, Zhongzhou Tai Bai Cheng, in the manor of Lao Hu's family, Xia Ji can finally sleep peacefully these days.

Because according to the cultivator he sent out to hunt down and kill the servant girl Xiao Taohong, Xiao Taohong had already been beheaded by her.

Then no one in the world will know that she killed Hu Shilong.

In order to avoid having nightmares, she slipped her mouth. Since the incident with Xiao Taohong, Xia Ji almost always arranges a simple soundproof formation when she sleeps at night.

In this way, even if I slipped my mouth in my dream, no one will be able to hear it.

Xia Ji can sleep peacefully because of solving Xiao Taohong's matter, but Hu Shilong's father, Hu Guangyi, has recently changed his temperament drastically.

Because he issued a high reward order to arrest Lu Chen, but there has been no substantial progress.

But what puzzled everyone was that Hu Guangyi didn't seem to care much about this matter all of a sudden.

In the past, whenever his subordinates reported that they could not find Lu Chen, Hu Guangyi would be so angry that he would scold the person who reported him.

Sometimes he would even kill a few subordinates who reported to work to relieve his anger.

But recently, Hu Guangyi's attitude seems to have changed. When he also failed to find any news about Lu Chen and was reported.

Hu Guangyi was just "Oh, I see,"

He simply brought it over in an understatement, which made all the subordinates puzzled for a while, until after a while,

In the Tianyuan Reward Mission Ranking, after the mission to arrest Lu Chen was cancelled.

Immediately, there was another commotion in southern Xinjiang, but most people believed that Lu Chen should have been caught by some lucky guy and received a bounty.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce to cancel the reward task casually for such a life-and-death enmity.

Among them, only the top executives of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce knew that all this was due to their ancestor Hu Guangyi's sudden change of attitude.

As for the reason, they didn't dare to ask, let alone talk nonsense, so the matter was left alone.

Lu Chen did not know that he was no longer wanted.

Right now, he was facing the predicament of being arrested by the Banyue City guards just because he killed the small merchant.

When Lu Chen saw that the captain of the escort team was only a Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, and his subordinates were only a Cultivation Base of the fusion stage, he couldn't help but have a thought of resisting and fleeing.

Just as several of Captain Huang's subordinates were ready to take Lu Chen down.

"Stop! Stop it!" An eager voice shouted

, suddenly sounded.

Then a young cultivator wearing a jade crown, with a handsome complexion and a handsome appearance, walked towards Lu Chen and others quickly.

When Lu Chen saw the visitor, a familiar smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Bold! Who dares to stop the guards of the City Lord's Mansion from performing official duties?"

Before Captain Huang of the guard could speak, one of his men yelled loudly.

"Slap..." A loud slap suddenly sounded, but it was Captain Huang who slapped that subordinate on the face.

"Captain? Who are you?" The subordinate who was beaten, covered Lao Gao's swollen face with his hands, and said aggrievedly.

"Shut up!" Captain Huang yelled at his subordinates,

Then he instantly changed into a flattering smile and said:

"Hahaha...Second Young Master! Why are you here? I'm arresting a gangster who killed people in the street."

"Oh? Gangsters? Have you investigated what happened? You know, my Banyue City has always enforced the law strictly.

Never wrong a good person, and never let a bad person go, don't make a mistake! "

The young cultivator, who was called the second son, looked at Captain Huang with deep meaning, and said in a high-sounding voice.

After finishing speaking, he blinked at Lu Chen, signaling him to rest assured that everything will be fine with me here.

Of course, Xiong Jin didn't notice these little tricks, and he felt relieved when he saw that the person was not here to absolve Lu Chen of a crime.

"Oh... Hahaha... Thank you, Second Young Master, for reminding me. I was about to ask one or two questions, but you came, Second Young Master.

Since the matter is so coincidental, please take a rest next to the Second Young Master, I will inquire clearly, so as not to cause unjust, false and wrong cases."

Captain Huang laughed as if suddenly realized when he heard the words, his heart was like a bright mirror.

The captain didn't speak again, and the other subordinates didn't continue to grab Lu Chen.

Lu Chen saw Captain Huang and the young cultivator called the second son singing together, pretending to understand but pretending to be confused, and wanted to laugh when they sang the oboe, but finally held back.

At this time, Captain Huang straightened his body, looked at Lu Chen with a fair and strict attitude and asked:

"I am Banyue City, the captain of the guard of the City Lord's Mansion. I am now interrogating you according to the law. I hope you will cooperate.

We received a report from this cultivator named Xiong Jin, saying that you robbed his brother's treasures and even killed people in the street, is there such a thing?

Don't worry, we will be fair and strict, and we will never wrong a good person, and we will never let a bad person go. "

Lu Chen heard the words

, Then he told the whole thing about his transaction with the small vendor, without any water mixed in it.

After listening to Captain Huang, he frowned and thought for a moment, then said brightly:

"Well! After what you said, that small trader is indeed a heinous crime, and he deserves to die. It seems that we misunderstood you.

Now the truth of the matter is clear, close the team! "

"Captain Huang! That's not right! This kid has violated the rules of Banyue City by killing people in the street. How could you let him go so easily?"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with one eye, Xiong Jin hurriedly said anxiously to the development he had imagined.

Captain Huang's face changed when he heard this, and he scolded the kid for his lack of eyesight, then snorted coldly:

"Hmph! Didn't this fellow daoist make it very clear? Are you doubting the captain's ability to judge?

what! Why do I think you look like a wanted criminal?

Come on! Bring him back to me, and torture him severely, so we don't miss a wanted criminal. "

Then, Captain Huang's subordinates swarmed towards Xiongjin, subduing him in two or three strokes.

"I'm wronged! I'm not a wanted criminal, Captain Huang! Are you mistaken? I'm your friend. We were drinking together a few days ago, and I..."

Xiongjin cried loudly, crying for his father and mother,

When Captain Huang heard Xiong Jin say that he would return it, he sent out a burst of real energy to Xiong Jin at the right time, making him speechless.

Then he waved his hands to tell his subordinates to hurry up, and took Xiong Jin away, while he smiled at the young cultivator:

"Second Young Master! I still have work to do, so I won't disturb you. Let me go!"

"Hehehe...Captain Huang is fair and strict in his work. I just heard that the Cultivation Base breakthrough of the Nancheng District Commander is imminent and needs Closed Door Training for a while.

Then there will be a vacancy for the post of Grand Commander in Nancheng District, and I will trouble Captain Huang to take more care in the future. "

The young cultivator, who was called the Second Young Master, said with a faint smile.

"Thank you for the promotion of Second Young Master. These are all my duties, so I will take my leave first."

Captain Huang's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He never dreamed that such a big piece of pie would fall from the sky, and it just happened to hit him on the head.

Then, with excitement, cupped hands respectfully said,

Before leaving, he took a special look at Lu Chen and secretly took note of Lu Chen's appearance.

Because everything he got today is because of Lu Chen, this seemingly ordinary cultivator......

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