Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 322 The Wild Boy Stops

"What? Am I poisoned? What kind of poison is it that I can't even find out? No wonder I always feel uncomfortable recently, but I can't find out what's wrong. I thought it was my heart.

damn it! Damn it, that bastard at Yulintang must have poisoned me. "

After hearing that he had been poisoned, Mr. Yu Xiao immediately jumped into a rage and cursed angrily, as if he had stepped on a cat's tail.

At the same time, he also guessed that the person who poisoned him was probably his uncle's son Yulintang.

Lu Chen didn't want to say much after hearing the words, after all, it's hard for an upright official to break up housework, the only thing he can do is to help Mr. Yu Xiao detoxify.

"You are poisoned by the seven-star crabapple flower poison, but I have already detoxified you from the poison in your body. Now I live in the Chinese Mercenary Corps in Nancheng District.

If you need help with anything, you can find me there soon. " Lu Chen smiled.

After confirming the identity of Mr. Yu Xiao, he thought he could ask him for help to help the Chinese mercenary group solve the current predicament.

However, after hearing what Mr. Yu Xiao said, he himself has a lot of troubles now, so Lu Chen is too embarrassed to speak again, so he can only go back first and think of other solutions.

"Seven Star Begonia Flower? Hehehe... You are really willing to spend the money! Lu Chen! Can I ask you to do me a favor!"

Young Master Yu Xiao murmured about the Seven Star Begonia flower with his eyes fixed, obviously he also knew about this poison,

Seeing Lu Chen saying goodbye to him, Mr. Yu Xiao seemed to have thought of something, and quickly got up and begged.

"Hehehe... It's too extravagant to say please. If you have anything to do, just ask, I can do it, and I will definitely do like a dog."

As a friend, Lu Chen readily agreed after hearing the words.

Yufu still has high walls and glazed tiles, and tall Zhumen, giving people a feeling of heavy weight. There are still two cultivators in black clothes standing upright at the door.

Young Master Yu Xiao and Lu Chen came to the gate of Yu Mansion together, but this time the two guards did not move at all, like sculptures, turning a blind eye to their arrival.

At this time, Young Master Yu Xiao shot a beam of real energy towards the gate, and the tall Zhumen slowly opened.

Earlier, Young Master Yu Xiao thought that since Lu Chen could see that he was poisoned, and it was such a mysterious poison like the seven-star crabapple flower,

He is worried about own parents also

If there is grandpa, will he also be poisoned by this kind of poison, so please come to Yufu for Lu Chen.

After entering Yufu, Lu Chen couldn't help sighing, what is a house for rich people? If this kind of manor is kept until now, it will be worth at least one billion.

I saw that the whole garden is stacked with mountains and rivers, flowers and trees in four seasons, corridors and pavilions are winding; a large number of wooden buildings, pavilions, terraces and pavilions are well arranged, rockery is chaotic and rocky, and water pavilions are inlaid.

According to the functional requirements of living, practicing kung fu, pill refining, playing chess, tasting tea, drinking banquets, and recreation, there are halls, halls, pavilions, pavilions, buildings, pavilions, pavilions, boats, corridors, etc. built.

Lu Chen was dazzled and overwhelmed by what he saw. He felt envious, shook his head and sighed.

"Brother Lu! What's the matter?" Young Master Yu Xiao asked suspiciously when he saw that Lu Chen would raise his eyes to look at wherever he went, and then shook his head softly and sighed.

"It's nothing! Let's lead the way!" Lu Chen rolled his eyes at Young Master Yu Xiao, and said angrily.

"Uh..." Young Master Yu Xiao was at a loss when he saw this. He didn't know how he had offended Lu Chen. He smiled awkwardly and continued to lead the way.

The inner courtyard is the residence of the old man Yu Zhantian. In recent days, his father Yu Nanshan has been taking care of the old man here.

So Young Master Yu Xiao and Lu Chen went directly to the inner courtyard, Yu Zhantian's residence.

"Father! How is Grandpa?" After the two entered, Young Master Yu Xiao called to a middle-aged man sitting by the bed.

"Yu'er! What are you?" Yunanshan saw his son bring a stranger to the inner hall, his face changed obviously,

Although he didn't say it clearly, Lu Chen clearly felt that Yunan Mountain was not happy.

"Father! Come here, I have something very important to tell you." How could Young Master Yu Xiao not understand what his father meant,

He hurriedly pulled his father Yu Nanshan aside, and whispered about his poisoning and Lu Chen's detoxification for him.

When Yu Nanshan learned that Yu Xiao was poisoned, and it was a strange poison like the Seven Star Begonia, his eyes froze immediately, and his face turned ugly.

Although he has a good personality and is unwilling to compete with others, it doesn't mean he doesn't have Ni Lin, and Yu Xiao is his Ni Lin,

After learning that Lu Chen is a pill refining master who cured his son of the poison, Yu Nanshan glanced at Lu Chen without leaving any trace.

After Yu Xiao finished speaking, Yu Nanshan walked towards Lu Chen with a smile and said:


... My friend is really sorry, it was the old man Meng Lang just now, please forgive me for the crime of rudeness. "

"Uncle, you are very polite. I took the liberty to disturb you." Lu Chen quickly saluted respectfully.

As Yu Xiao's father, an elder who can let go of his posture and apologize to himself, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling reverence for Yu Nanshan.

"Brother Lu! Quickly help my father to see if he has been poisoned? Then see how my grandfather is doing." Mr. Yu Xiao said in a low voice, afraid of disturbing his grandfather.

In fact, there is no need for Mr. Yu Xiao to remind you. Lu Chen has carefully looked at Yunan Mountain just now. Seeing that he is not in any serious trouble, and the Cultivation Base still shows signs of breakthrough, he congratulated:

"Hehehe... Congratulations to Uncle for making a Power breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage."

Lu Chen did not mention the poisoning, but directly congratulated Yunanshan, which shows that there is nothing wrong with his body.

"Father! Is what Brother Lu said true?" Young Master Yu Xiao asked in surprise. Biqu library

"Hehehe...Little friend is really extraordinary, please move over here to check on my father." Yu Nanshan nodded to Mr. Yu Xiao, expressing his approval.

At the same time, it also shocked Lu Chen's vision. You must know that you are the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen in the Gold Core stage, and the opponent with the Cultivation Base in the fusion stage can actually find out the reality of own, which is very remarkable.

So knowing that Lu Chen intends to help the old man check his condition, he felt relieved a lot.

Lu Chen came to the bedside, and saw a bony person lying on the bed, with sunken eye sockets, breathing weakly, surrounded by a faint breath of death, no wonder many pill refining masters were helpless.

For a moment, Lu Chen frowned tightly. Mr. Yu Xiao and Yu Nanshan watched Lu Chen's actions nervously, for fear of disturbing him,

Although I knew the result would be the same, I still had a glimmer of hope.

Just when Lu Chen was about to shoot a real yuan at the old man to check the situation further.

"Stop! Where did you come from, wild boy, what do you want? Get out of here quickly." A stern scolding sound suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen and others followed the prestige and saw a young cultivator walking into the room quickly with a displeased face.

It was this person who scolded Lu Chen just now.

Lu Chen saw that his appearance was somewhat similar to Yu Xiao's, but he seemed a little mature. He guessed in his heart that this should be what Mr. Yu Xiao said, his uncle Yu Beiming's son, Yu Lin Tang...

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