Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 323 Dan's Idiot History

"Tang'er! Don't be rude, this little friend is your Little Brother Yu Xiao, and I specially invited you back to see your grandfather."

Seeing Yulintang's rude words, Yunanshan immediately stopped him in displeasure.

"Hmph! Second Uncle! Grandpa is seriously ill now, and Yu Xiao is young and ignorant. Could it be that Second Uncle has seen countless people, and is he so reckless?

This kid is only a Cultivation Base in the integration period, so what qualifications does he have to show his grandfather to check, if something happens to Grandpa, second uncle, can you take this responsibility? "

Yulin Hall did not regard Yunan Mountain as an elder at all, and said in a bad tone, with a fierce and mean look, and spit was flying all over the sky.

"Fuck your mother, don't talk nonsense here, brother Lu is a divine alchemist, how come I don't know people?

Besides, it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks about what daddy does. "

Young Master Yu Xiao couldn't let his father suffer, he jumped out immediately and cursed loudly.

"You..." Yu Nanshan was about to reprimand, but Yulin Tang looked disrespectful, but was suddenly interrupted by a reprimand,

Then, three figures filed in.

"Presumptuous! Tang'er! How can you talk to your second uncle like that? Hurry up and apologize to your second uncle."

The leading middle-aged man obviously heard the quarrel between Yulintang and Yuxiao before entering the door, and he scolded Yulintang when he came in.

Seeing that the person who came was Yu Beiming, his own father, Yu Lintang immediately lost his temper, and did not apologize to Yu Nanshan, and turned his head elsewhere.

Seeing this, Yu Beiming didn't continue to pursue it, and turned to the old man who came in with him next to him, and said with an apologetic smile:

"Hehehe... Bai Lao! The person on the bed is my father, I will call the others out right now, and I will trouble you later."

The old man looked like he was in his sixties, but his face was red and full of vigor. He had a gray beard, but he didn't look old. With a benevolent smile on his face, he said:

"Hehehe... It's okay, it's okay... It doesn't need to be so troublesome. Just now I heard that there is already a magic alchemy here. Out of the rules, let him diagnose Yulao first!"

Yu Beiming's expression turned ugly when he heard the words, knowing that the old man was unhappy, looking around, he knew everyone in the room except Lu Chen, a stranger,

I think this young cultivator should be the magic alchemist that Yu Xiao said, but he doesn't really believe it, thinking it's just Yu Xiao's prank.

Just angry words.

"That's right! Brother Lu is a divine alchemist, and everything must be said on a first-come, first-served basis."

Young Master Yu Xiao, who didn't know the old man's identity, saw the old man say that, in order to prove himself, he blurted out without thinking, but he didn't notice that his uncle was looking at him coldly.

Lu Chen's face turned dark when he heard this, and he thought, "Isn't this pushing myself into the fire pit?"

Although he didn't know the specific identity of the old man, Lu Chen immediately recognized the young cultivator who came with the old man.

It can be deduced from this that the old man's identity may not be simple.

Because that young cultivator was none other than Dongfang Yuanhua who represented the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and himself represented the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce to participate in the gambling competition.

It's just that he was wearing a mask and pretending to be Li Xiaoyao, so Dongfang Yuanhua didn't recognize him.

"Hmph... Do you say that a divine alchemist is a divine alchemist? Does he have the certification of a divine alchemist? My Master is a second rank divine alchemist, known as a pill idiot." Dongfang Yuanhua snorted coldly.

He saw that Lu Chen was young and outrageous, and that he himself was an alchemist. He knew that it was difficult for an alchemist to break through. Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Lu Chen would be an alchemist. In order to show his status as a Master, he proudly declared himself a family .

Hearing this, Lu Chen was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect to look at diplomas everywhere in his previous life. Diplomas are a stepping stone. When they come to Cultivation World, these people also pay so much attention to certification.

Let's talk about the certification, Lu Chen has never been certified as a divine alchemist, not even a psychic alchemist.

As we all know, all pill refiners will go to Dancheng to pass the assessment test. After the assessment test,

According to the results of the assessment and test, Dancheng will issue a waist badge made of special material. This waist badge represents the level of the pill refining master and is also a symbol of the identity of the pill refining master.

This is equivalent to a doctor's qualification certificate, but Lu Chen does not have such a thing. Strictly speaking, Lu Chen is actually an unlicensed wild alchemist.

Young Master Yu Xiao was still a little unconvinced when he heard the words, and just about to turn back, his father Yu Nanshan immediately gave him a stare and motioned him to stop talking.

Young Master Yu Xiao had no choice but to stay aside indignantly.

"Hehehe... It turned out that it was Mr. Bai who arrived. I'm really sorry. Please don't worry about the kid's messing around. Please let Mr. Bai ignore the past and check on my father."

Yu Nanshan cupped hands said respectfully.

Of course he has heard of the name of "Dan Chi" Bai Shi, besides, he can tell from Lu Chen's expression that he probably has no alchemist


Without proof, Lu Chen's strength is greatly reduced in his heart.

"That's right! Bai Lao! There is no alchemist here at all. It was just children messing around and talking in anger. Please help my father." Yu Beiming stood up and respected at the right time. road.

"Hey... that's all! Why should I bother with a child?" Dan Chibai Shi heard this and shook his head and sighed. After speaking, he walked to the bed on his own.

At this time, Yu Beiming ordered Lu Chen, Mr. Yu Xiao and Yu Lintang to wait outside.

Only Dan Chi Bai Shi, his disciple Dongfang Yuanhua, and two brothers Yu Beiming and Yu Nanshan were left in the bedroom.

Lu Chen didn't speak the whole time, because he knew that no one would believe in him except Mr. Yu Xiao at this time.

When they got outside the door, Yulintang stood aside, not looking at Lu Chen and Young Master Yu Xiao.

"Since there's nothing else to do, I'll go back first. After you're done with your work, you can come to the address I mentioned earlier to find me."

Lu Chen bid farewell to Young Master Yu Xiao.

However, before Young Master Yu Xiao could speak, a strange Yin & Yang voice sounded:

"Hahaha... these people, they just have eyes but no eyes, and they treat cats and dogs as characters casually,

Now that I meet a true god, I just know how to run away with my tail between my legs,'s so ridiculous..."

When Mr. Yu Xiao heard the words, he didn't understand that Yulintang was saying that he had no eyes, and at the same time scolded Lu Chen, and immediately said angrily and coldly:

"Hmph! Yulintang, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. One day, I will settle the accounts with you. Just wait for me."

"'s up to you? Believe it or not, I've been watching the sky at night lately, just looking at your face. Your catastrophe is shining, and your seal is black. Within a month, you will definitely die."

Yulintang knew that his father's big event was about to happen, so he became unscrupulous in speaking.

With what he said, combined with Lu Chen telling him when the poison of the seven-star crabapple flower broke out, Young Master Yu Xiao immediately concluded that his poisoning must have something to do with Yulin Hall.

Immediately took out the Magic Treasures long sword, and was about to fight Yulintang first, but was stopped by Lu Chen.

I saw the corner of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, with an aura comparable to that of Gold Core early stage, looking at Yulin Hall with disdain, and said with a smile:

"Hehehe... I don't believe what you said, but believe it or not, you won't survive tonight..."

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