Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 325 Three Souls And Seven Souls

Cultivation World has such a saying that the substance that dominates the spiritual level in the brain is called the soul.

There are three souls, one is the soul of heaven, the other is the soul of earth, and the third is the soul of fate.

There are seven souls, one is heavenly, the second is spiritual, the third is qi, the fourth is strength, the fifth is the center, the sixth is essence, and the seventh is heroism.

The soul is yin, the soul is yang, Yin & Yang are born and blended together, which is the residence of the gods.

The cultivator incorporates the Spiritual Qi in the air into the body and stores it in Dantian for its use, which is the Qi refining period in the cultivation level.

Transforming Spirit Power from a gaseous state to a liquid state is the Foundation Establishment phase.

Then turn the liquid true essence into a viscous state, which is the fusion period.

Transforming the viscous true essence into a solid state is the Gold Core period.

The Nascent Soul stage is when the Gold Core breaks out of the shell and becomes a baby. At this time, it is necessary to make a copy of the life soul among the three souls and seven souls, and use the real energy to incorporate it into Dantian to form a Nascent Soul.

This process sounds simple, but it is quite complicated to do.

This is why, the Gold Core period and the Nascent Soul period are a huge watershed, and some cultivators spend their entire lives unable to break through this gap.

The so-called tortoise death state means that under certain circumstances, the three souls and seven souls of the cultivator are all trapped in the sea of ​​consciousness, losing their original functions as if sealed.

Once the three souls and seven souls lose their original functions, it is as if a person is dead, and it is difficult for ordinary people to notice.

Moreover, the conditions for the formation of the tortoise death state are extremely complicated, almost a one in a billion probability, but it is not without trace.

But as a generation of well-known alchemy masters, Bai Shi senior, who is also known as "Dan Chi", how could he fail to notice that Yu Zhantian had fallen into a state of tortoise death?

Another one, combined with Dongfang Yuanhua's flustered expression when he left, Lu Chen thought it was very strange at the time, and it was not until Dongfang Yuanhua failed to come back for a long time that Lu Chen realized that the kid probably ran away.

You know, as Dan Chi Baishi's disciple, the Master has not left yet, but he left alone, which is very suspicious.

Lu Chen spoke eloquently about what he knew.

Dan Chi Bai Shi heard a flash of panic in his eyes, he didn't expect this humble kid to know so much.

After hearing the words, Mr. Yu Xiao finally realized what the tortoise state is, so Yin & Yang said with a strange smile:

"Hehehe... As a pill refining master, I can't even tell that the turtle is dead. It seems that the identity of this old man may have to be verified."

Yu Beiming blushed when he heard this, because he found this person, if he was a counterfeit, then where would his old face go.

So Yu Beiming looked at Dan Chibai Shi with murderous intent in his eyes,

"Huh! Boy! This is just your one-sided opinion. Yulao is obviously exhausted in all functions of his body and is dying. You insist on talking about the state of death.

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It's a tortoise state, do you think the old man can't see it? I think you are just talking nonsense here and grandstanding. "

Dan Chibai Shi knew that if he didn't explain clearly today, he might lose his life, so he argued vigorously.

After speaking, he also took out a waist card of unknown material from the storage bag. The waist card was engraved with strange patterns, and the word Dancheng was engraved on the front, and the lower right corner was the word Bai Shi.

As soon as this identity badge was taken out, Yu Beiming and Yu Nanshan's expressions immediately changed again, because from their eyes, it was natural that this waist badge was not a fake.

"Isn't this identity badge also fake!" Mr. Yu Xiao subconsciously blurted out.

"Shut up!" Yunanshan sternly reprimanded immediately after hearing the words.

"Hehehe... What is Mr. Bai doing? We didn't doubt your identity, it's just that my father felt sad just now, if he said something wrong, please forgive me."

After seeing the identity badge, Yu Beiming hurriedly smiled embarrassingly.

Although Dan Chi Baishi's Cultivation Base was no match for him and the others, if he were to keep him, the consequences would not be affordable by his family.

What's more, at this time, Yu Beiming also discovered that Dan Chi Bai Shi's disciple was missing, and guessed in his heart that he might have gone to rescue the soldiers.

If this was the case, then he and others would not be able to touch Bai Shi.

Seeing Yu Beiming and others bowing their heads to him, Dan Chibai Shi became arrogance suddenly, with a look of reluctance, and even secretly asked Yu Beiming to pay him compensation.

As a result, the more he was like this, the more carefully Yu Beiming and the others waited on him. Biqu library

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes when he saw this, although he didn't know what the certification issued by Dancheng looked like, but from the attitudes of Yu Beiming and Yu Nanshan, it was not difficult to see the authenticity of Dan Chi Baishi's identity.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen reckoned the time. If there was any delay, Yu Zhantian might really die.

So Lu Chen decided to wake up Yu Zhantian first.

I saw Lu Chen came to Yu Zhantian's bedside alone while they were flattering Dan Chibai Shi.

The Chaos Dao Sheng Jue circulated in the body, and then shot a beam of true energy towards Yu Zhantian's head.

The energy fluctuation immediately attracted the attention of Yu Beiming and the others, and they all looked sideways at Lu Chen.

"Boy! What are you doing? Don't defile my grandfather's body, get the hell out of here."

Yulintang scolded loudly, saying that he was about to step forward and take Lu Chen down.

"Yu Xiao! Stop him for me, I can save your grandpa, trust me!" Lu Chen kept noticing the movement here, and when he saw Yulintang wanted to rush over, he hurriedly yelled.

Mr. Yu Xiao had known Lu Chen for a long time, and he knew that he would not target indiscriminately, so he stood in front of the bed without thinking about it, as if he would not allow anyone to approach him.

However, Yulin Hall's Cultivation Base was already higher than that of Young Master Yu Xiao, so he immediately smiled disdainfully.

He smiled and wanted to force his way in.

"Father! Please trust Lu Chen, he won't lie to me." Young Master Yu Xiao, who knew he couldn't stop Yulin Hall, hurriedly asked his father for help, and said solemnly.

Yu Nanshan looked at his son, then at Lu Chen, who had a serious expression, stepped behind him and stood with his son first, supporting Young Master Yu Xiao with practical actions.

"Come back, Tang'er!" Seeing this, Yu Beiming said calmly. Hearing this, Yulin Hall didn't rush in.

With no interruptions, Lu Chen concentrated on injecting true essence into Yu Zhantian's brain bit by bit.

The brain is one of the most important parts of the human body and must be handled with care,

Because if one is not done well, it will lead to brain damage. In the lightest case, Yu Zhantian may become an idiot, and in severe cases, Yu Zhantian will just belch, so Lu Chen is extra careful.

Since the tortoise death state refers to the three souls and seven souls, which are sealed in the sea of ​​consciousness under certain conditions, as long as the three souls and seven souls are found in the sea of ​​consciousness and the corresponding seals are lifted, everything can be solved easily.

Fortunately, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue did not disappoint Lu Chen. With its powerful analysis function, Lu Chen soon had some clues.

As seen by Lu Chen Divine Sense, as soon as own Zhenyuan entered Yu Zhantian's sea of ​​consciousness, it seemed as if he had entered a pitch-black space, and he couldn't see his fingers.

And Own True Essence is like a bright light, shining in the dark space, emitting a dazzling light.

Then, a small spot of light, like a firefly, was attracted by the true essence of own, and was flying quickly from a distance, trying to get close to Lu Chen's true essence.

Seeing this, Lu Chen beamed with joy, owning Divine Sense, as if seeing a seal that was naturally formed, and then Lu Chen's true energy opened the seal like a key.

Immediately, a powerful soul force emerged from the seal.

Seeing this, Lu Chen showed a gratified smile, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and retired in due time.

"Lu Chen! How's the situation?" Young Master Yu Xiao asked expectantly when he saw Lu Chen opened his eyes after finishing his work.

"Well! Everything is going well. When the old man wakes up, he only needs to take some Medicine Pill that strengthens the foundation and Peiyuan, and he will be fine.

But... but the old man showed signs of burning his lifespan before, if he can't breakthrough in a short time, I'm afraid..."

Lu Chen revealed his own discovery.

Although he has the holy medicine of Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill for healing, he doesn't have the Medicine Pill that can increase his lifespan.

The lifespan of a person is determined by the heavens, and cultivation is basically a struggle with the heavens. Every level of breakthrough can increase some lifespans.

But it is not an endless increase, the life essence increased by each level has a certain law.

"It's okay! Grandpa is very grateful to you for being able to wake up again."

After hearing the words, Young Master Yu Xiao knew that some things cannot be forced, but he still thanked Lu Chen for everything he had done......

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