After Lu Chen unsealed Yu Zhantian's three souls and seven souls from the sea of ​​consciousness, Yu Zhantian gradually gained aura, and the aura also gradually increased.

After Lu Chen gave Yu Zhantian another Medicine Pill that strengthens the foundation and nourishes the essence, all that remains is to wait.

Although Yu Zhantian hadn't come to his senses at this moment, he had already had a little breath, which was enough to prove that what Dan Chi Baishi said before was a sophistry.

This proves that his identity is probably as Lu Chen said, this person is not some idiot.

Otherwise, as a famous alchemist of a generation, how could he fail to discover Yu Zhantian's true condition?

But the strange thing is that the alchemist certification in the hands of Dan Chi Baishi seems to be real again, which makes people a little puzzled.

"Hehehe...Since Mr. Yu has this alchemist here to take care of him, I'll take my leave first." Bai Shi smiled awkwardly.

He knew that it would be useless for him to stay any longer, instead he would be rejected by others, and even his life was in danger, so it was better to just leave.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yu Beiming and the others to reply, he got up and left on his own, and took a meaningful look at Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart, it seemed that he had caused himself another trouble.

Yu Beiming looked at the back of Dan Chi Bai Shi's departure with a complicated expression, considering the identity certification of the alchemist in his hand, it was not easy to make a move for a while.

It doesn't matter to Yunanshan, anyway, the old man has improved now, and he didn't find him, so he doesn't bother to care whether Bai Shi's identity is true or not.

Neither of the two fathers intended to do anything, so Yulintang and Young Master Yuxiao naturally would not act rashly. Biqu library

And after Dan Chi Bai Shi left Yufu, he ran away with his sword desperately, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

But he didn't go out of the city, and Yu Jian came to a spiritual breath building in Beicheng District, and entered the private room.

A young cultivator in the private room immediately greeted him with concern:

"Hehehe...Uncle! You are back, and I have been worried about you."

If Lu Chen were here, he would be surprised, because this young man was Dongfang Yuanhua who escaped from Yufu first.

No one would have imagined that he, who pretended to be a disciple in front of others, would dare to be like his own "Master"


"Hmph! It's all your good deeds. I almost couldn't come back. Fortunately, I have my senior brother's identity verification, otherwise I might have stumbled today."

Bai Chao said with a displeased face.

He is actually not some Dan idiot Bai Shi, but Bai Chao, Bai Shi's unscrupulous Little Brother.

"Hehehe... Isn't this good? Uncle, don't get angry, at worst, I won't take any money for the Spirit Stones this time, and I will give you everything.

In the future, I will definitely inquire about the matter clearly, and after making sure everything is safe, is it okay to ask your old man to help? "

Dongfang Yuanhua said flatteringly.

Previously, because of his treachery, he broke the appointment with the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce for Spirit Stones, turned around and represented the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, and participated in the betting competition between the two chambers of commerce, but in the end he lost the game.

This matter later spread to the ears of his Master Pill Bai Shi, and Bai Shi drove Dongfang Yuanhua out of the school in anger.

After leaving the division, Dongfang Yuanhua was found by Bai Chao, who was idle and not doing business. He asked Dongfang Yuanhua to cooperate with him to earn Spirit Stones, because he knew that Dongfang Yuanhua was known as the "Little Pill King".

Recently, because I owed a large amount of debt, I urgently need Spirit Stones,

So I asked Dongfang Yuanhua to do some deceitful things together, and the Spirit Stones I got would be divided equally between the two.

At first Dongfang Yuanhua did not agree to cooperate with his uncle Bai Chao, but Bai Chao said that as long as Dongfang Yuanhua is willing to cooperate and use his pill refining technique to earn Spirit Stones,

Bai Chao asked his big brother, that is, Bai Shi, to take back his order and let him return to the teacher's school, which happened to be in the arms of Dongfang Yuanhua.

So, the two started to defraud Spirit Stones in the name of Dan's idiot.

For this reason, Bai Chao went out of his way to steal his big brother's alchemist certification badge. In fact, he only knew a little bit about pill refining, and his level was not even as good as Dongfang Yuanhua's.

Not to mention, the two of them sang and harmonized, working hand in hand, and really harvested a lot of cultivation resources, but this time they almost failed to retreat because of Lu Chen.

"Hmph... This time it's all the fault of that kid named Lu Chen. I'll definitely skin him if I get the chance."

When Bai Chao thought of the scene where he was torn down by Lu Chen in Yu Mansion, he didn't even get angry, and said viciously.

"Hehehe... Teacher

Uncle, don't worry, there will be a chance, but at present, Banyue City is no longer suitable for us to stay.

I suggest that we go to the nearby Yichang Prefecture. When the time comes, we will be like this... this... and this... if this matter can be successful, will we still be short of Spirit Stones? "

Dongfang Yuanhua said with a smile.

When Bai Chao heard this, his eyes brightened and he said with a smile:

"Hehehe... you little fox is really bad! You can think of such a way to harm the harmony of the world, but... I like it... hahaha..."

Next, the two worked hand in hand, discussing some details to make sure everything was safe, otherwise the Spirit Stones would make money, and if the people were gone, it would be the end of the calf.

On the Yu Mansion's side, Young Master Yu Xiao's grandfather, Yu Zhantian, soon regained consciousness under Lu Chen's treatment.

Although the old man still looks skinny, with sunken eye sockets, and looks weak,

However, based on everyone's Cultivation Base, it is natural to see that the death energy entangled in the old man before has disappeared.




Seeing the old man Yu Zhantian getting up, Yu Beiming and the others shouted anxiously.

Yu Zhantian didn't speak, and looked at everyone one by one with dazed eyes, with a kind smile on his face, as if he wanted to remember everyone.

"Grandpa, are you okay? Why don't you speak?" Seeing that Yu Zhantian hadn't spoken for a long time, he just looked at himself and others, and asked with concern.

" all go out! My friend, please stay here."

No one thought that Yu Zhantian would persuade everyone to retreat when he opened his mouth, only pointing at Lu Chen and smiling.

When Young Master Yu Xiao and others heard this, they looked at Yu Zhantian in surprise, and then at Lu Chen in doubt.

Lu Chen himself also had a confused expression on his face. Logically speaking, he was just an outsider, and the old man had never seen him before, so why did he keep him?

Yu Beiming and the others were well aware of Yu Zhantian's disposition, and although they were surprised, they left one after another without any complaints.

"Huh..." Yu Zhantian raised his hand to the door of the room,

It closed with a "bang".

Immediately, the scene in the room changed suddenly.

"Swipe..." Lu Chen's pupils shrank when he saw this, and with a swipe, he instinctively took out a black and purple knife embryo, and looked at Yu Zhantian vigilantly...

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