Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 327 The Old Man's Interview

Originally, Yu Zhantian's antique bedroom, after the sound of "clang" and the closing of the door,

It suddenly turned into an unknown mountain top. The mountain was covered with ice and snow, but there was no trace of cold, which was very strange.

And Yu Zhantian was sitting in front of Lu Chen in the Lotus Position, with a faint smile on his bony face, giving people a chilling feeling.

"Senior! What do you mean?" Lu Chen stared at Yu Zhantian's every move, while Divine Sense communicated with the world of Jinzhu, ready to run away at any time.

" don't have to be nervous, this is just a formation I arranged to prevent others from disturbing our conversation.

Little friend, relax, you have saved my life, and I will not hurt you. "

Yu Zhantian said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Lu Chen put away the knife embryo in his hand, but remained vigilant. If he felt a crisis, he would immediately hide in the world of Jinzhu.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, not to mention that this old man is a boss in the Nascent Soul period, God knows if what he said is true.

Yu Zhantian naturally saw Lu Chen's actions, but he didn't care. He still smiled and said:

"Hehehe... To outsiders, the tortoise death state is just a state of suspended animation formed under certain specific conditions, and it is extremely difficult to happen, it can be said that it is one of a million.

In this state, not many people have heard of it, and even fewer people can crack it.

In fact, in the early years, I happened to meet a senior's divine sense in an Immortal Cave for comprehension in ancient times.

Under the guidance of that senior's divine sense, I successfully obtained the inheritance of that senior.

In the inheritance, there is a method of turtle's breath, which is based on the sea of ​​consciousness, and uses the own mind as the flag to seal the three souls and seven souls in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then you can avoid the power of the Heavenly Dao law, thereby increasing your own lifespan. When the time is right, the formation seal will be released automatically, and you will get a hundred years of lifespan. "

Hearing this, Lu Chen frowned, and thought to himself:

"Trough... It's broken! I did something bad with good intentions. According to him, in order to increase my life, the old man,

Could it be that he made himself into a dead state? Then if I save him, won't I ruin the old man's good deed? "

Thinking of this, Lu Chen retreated a few more steps without leaving a trace, keeping a certain safe distance from Yu Zhantian.

Seeing this, Yu Zhantian still didn't care, and continued to laugh:

"Because I couldn't breakthrough again, my lifespan was approaching, which caused a hidden disease, and I spent more than half a year in pain and torment. At first I also tried the turtle's breath method, but it failed.

It wasn't until I was on the verge of death, when I wanted to give up, that a piece of true energy entered my body, and I successfully cast the turtle's breath method.

Thinking about it now, this method should be what is needed, to really feel the breath of Death

, to comprehend the profound meaning of life, so it can be successfully displayed.

It's a pity, it's a pity, maybe this is God's will. God knows that I haven't fulfilled the vow I made at the beginning, but by chance, you saved me again. "

"Uh...hehehe...I'm sorry senior, I also did it unintentionally, and I also had good intentions, didn't I? Besides, I'm a good friend of your grandson Yuxiao, so don't blame me!"

When Lu Chen heard this, he was worried that the old man would get angry and take revenge on him, so he hurriedly explained.

I saw Yu Zhantian with a mysterious and unpredictable smile:

"Hehehe... It's all God's will, how could I blame you? I also want to thank you for helping me fulfill my oath."

"Huh? Senior, what do you mean? I didn't do anything!"

Lu Chen couldn't figure out how he got involved with his oath again.

At this time, Yu Zhantian said again: "

In ancient times, the Tianyuan Continent suddenly suffered great changes, and the intercontinental teleportation array connecting the four continents of Beichen, Nanyou, Dongxuan, and Xiji was destroyed beyond repair, making the four continents disconnected from each other.

There are three regions in Beichen Prefecture: Northern Territory, Central Plains, and Southern Xinjiang.

After the great changes that happened that year, Zao Wou-ki, the owner of the Ten Thousand Array Palace in the Northern Territory, called tens of thousands of formation masters in the name of the Ten Thousand Array Palace, and the major forces in Beichen Continent sent people and resources, and spent huge sums of money to rebuild the intercontinental teleportation array.

However, the intercontinental teleportation array suddenly exploded halfway, and the power generated by the explosion caused the major forces to lose their wealth and resources.

For a time, the Wanzhen Palace in the Northern Territory became the target of public criticism and suffered a devastating blow.

At that time, no one knew what caused the explosion. After Wanzhen Palace was shattered, the owner of the palace, Zhao Wuji, was also beaten half to death and disappeared.

And the spiritual sense of the senior I met was the deputy palace lord of Wanzhen Palace back then.

The senior asked me to swear a poisonous oath, asking me to find the descendants of Zhao Wuji, the owner of Wanzheng Palace, and help them revive the glory of Wanzheng Palace in my lifetime.

In order to obtain the inheritance of Wanzheng Palace, I swore a poisonous oath. I thought that my time was approaching, and this matter would be left alone.

Until you broke the formation seal of the Turtle's Breathing Method, I knew that you should have also obtained the inheritance of the Wanzheng Palace, otherwise you might not be able to break the formation seal.

Then the burden of finding the descendants of the Zhao family falls on your head. Do you think I should thank you? "

When Lu Chen heard this, he finally understood what was going on, and thought that the old man had a similar experience with himself.

Back then when I encountered the divine sense left by Zhao Wuji in the endless forest, didn't I swear a poisonous oath to help him find some descendants of the Zhao family?

If it wasn't for the old man today

Again, Lu Chen has long forgotten about this matter.

A huge Beichen Continent, with trillions of cultivators, where can I find the descendants of the Zhao family? What a headache.

Lu Chen looked at Yu Zhantian strangely, feeling sympathetic to each other. He neither admitted nor denied, and asked casually:

"Then senior, did you find any clues?"

Yu Zhantian didn't speak, just shook his head slightly, and then threw a Jade Slip and an identity jade badge to Lu Chen.

The jade plaque is about the size of a slap in the palm, and is made of Wannian Xuanyu. The front is hollowed out with three large characters of Wanzhen Palace, and the three small characters of Zao Wou-ki on the lower right,

It is exactly the same as the jade tablet in Lu Chen's hand.

Lu Chen probed the Divine Sense into the Jade Slip, and what he saw was indeed the "Ten Thousand Arrays Illustrated Book".

At this time, the scene in the room has unknowingly changed back to Yu Zhantian's bedroom.

"Hehehe... Alright! You should step back first! Just take this matter to heart, everything has its own destiny, and I have nothing to give you, so I won't give it away."

Yu Zhantian smiled faintly.

Hearing the previous sentence, Lu Chen thought that the old man was being modest and wanted to give him some treasure, but in the latter sentence, he directly said, "Then I won't give it away!"

"Hehehe... Then Junior will take his leave first, and it's not too late to send you something when you have something,"

Lu Chen pretended not to hear the next sentence, smiled sheepishly, opened the door and left after speaking.

"Lu Chen! What have you and my grandpa been talking about inside for so long?"

As soon as Lu Chen went out, Mr. Yu Xiao ran over and asked curiously.

Yubeiming, Yunanshan and Yulintang all looked sideways, because they were also curious about how the old man would chat with an outsider for so long.

"'s nothing, the old man thanked me for saving my life, and told you to hang out with me in the future, to be my follower, to serve me with tea and water, and nothing else to say."

Lu Chen, who didn't receive any benefits, smiled wickedly,

"Uh... Get out! It's a good idea for me to be your servant."

Young Master Yu Xiao's face changed when he heard the words, and he said immediately.

At this time, Young Master Yu Xiao seemed to have heard something, and then showed joy.

"Hahaha... Grandpa Divine Sense told me to go in, you just wait here for me." Young Master Yu Xiao laughed.

"Forget it, I still have a lot of things to do, you can go to the Chinese Mercenary Group in Nancheng District to find me some other day!" Lu Chen said.

"Okay!" Young Master Yu Xiao nodded and agreed, then turned and entered the bedroom. Yu Beiming, Yu Nanshan and Yulin Hall also entered one after another.

Apparently they also received the old man's Divine Sense voice transmission.

Immediately, Lu Chen stepped on Qinghong Flying Sword and flew towards the southern district of Banyue City...

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