Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 331 Fairy Scattering Flowers

"Hehehe...Second Young Master, why are you here? What a...what a coincidence." Huang Haidong stepped forward and smiled warmly.

As a result, Young Master Yu Xiao just glanced at Huang Haidong indifferently, then spared him directly, came to Lu Chen, Xingshi asked his guilt:

"Did you tell my grandfather something? Otherwise, how could he be like this?"

Lu Chen looked at the angry Young Master Yu Xiao, and was even more confused after hearing what he said, not understanding what he meant.

"What's wrong? I didn't say anything!" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

"Then you said earlier that the old man asked me to hang out with you in order to thank you for saving your life, to be your follower, to serve you with tea and water, what do you mean by that?"

Young Master Yu Xiao asked reluctantly.

Horn, Lu Zhishen, Li Yanan and the others saw that Young Master Yu Xiao was handsome and extraordinary, and even the chief commander of Nancheng District wanted to curry favor with him, so they immediately guessed that Young Master Yu Xiao's background might be unusual.

Fortunately, this person should have a good relationship with Lu Chen, so he took the initiative to say hello to Mr. Yu Xiao, and Mr. Yu Xiao responded politely.

Lu Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words:

"I was just joking with you. I just said it casually. You took it seriously. You came to me in a rage, maybe it was because of this matter!"

"You said it casually, but my old man took it seriously. He ordered me to hang out with you in the future,

Even my father didn't know what kind of madness he was having. He unexpectedly supported the old man's ideas, and even kicked me out. Do you think I should settle accounts with you? "

Young Master Yu Xiao said angrily.

"Hehehe... What's the matter? My Chinese mercenary group is just short of people, and it's still in its infancy. There are many opportunities. If you come here, it's no worse than being a Young Master at home. Pen Fun Library

You want to! If everyone works together to make the mercenary regiment the best in Beichen Prefecture, then I will give you a deputy head, and you will have thousands of people under your command.

Stop there and listen to your command. Think about that scene, isn't it very exciting? "

With a harmless smile on Lu Chen's face, he made a big cake for Mr. Yu Xiao and said foolishly.

Because the Chinese Mercenary Corps is currently being suppressed by various forces, and I heard that the deputy city lord of Banyue City is also involved,

If he can lure Young Master Yu Xiao to the mercenary group, with his status as the prince of Banyue City, he thinks that in the future in this Banyue City, he can reduce a lot of obstacles for the development of the Chinese mercenary group.

Hearing this, Young Master Yu Xiao imagined what Lu Chen said in his mind. It sounded pretty good, but he didn't want to admit it, so he said contemptuously:

"Come on, you! And make it into the leading mercenary group, just us? Just our Cultivation Base? How dare you think!"

Lu Chen

Hearing this, his expression changed, he looked at Mr. Yu Xiao seriously, then at Lin Tian, ​​Sun Erniang, Lu Zhishen and others, and said seriously:

"What's wrong with the few of us? You must know that a towering tower rises from the ground, and every brick and tile has its foundation. No one will succeed casually,

But I believe that as long as we work together, one day, with everyone's efforts, the Chinese Mercenary Group will become the leading mercenary group in Beichen Prefecture. People should have some dreams, right?

If you want to belittle yourself, then I will not persuade you anymore, you should go back to your Yufu and be your big Young Master. "

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen directly performed Xuantian Nine Steps, his body turned into a few afterimages, and went upstairs, because in Lu Chen's view, some things should be stopped as soon as they are clicked, and it would be useless to talk more.

"Uh... I didn't say I wouldn't stay. How angry are you!" Young Master Yu Xiao complained when he saw Lu Chen leave, and he didn't get angry at all.

Looking around, I saw Lu Zhishen, Lu Su, Huo En and others looking at me enthusiastically, and then caught a glimpse of Huang Haidong with a flattering expression on his face, and just used him as a punching bag and scolded:

"Why are you here? As the commander of the city, are you free?"

"He's here..." Lu Zhishen opened his mouth and wanted to tell Huang Haidong's purpose for coming here.

When he called out, Young Master Yu Xiao immediately looked sideways in doubt,

It turned out that Lin Tian was covering Lu Zhishen's mouth tightly with his hand, making a creaking sound.

At this moment, Huang Haidong broke out in cold sweat,

Standing behind Young Master Yu Xiao, he kept sending Divine Sense sound transmissions, begging Lu Zhishen and everyone else not to talk about what happened when he came here,

And promise to take more care of the Chinese mercenary group in the future.

When Young Master Yu Xiao turned his head back, Huang Haidong immediately returned to his normal state, and smiled embarrassingly:

"Back to Second Young Master, I just happened to pass by here on patrol. I saw a new mercenary group opened here, so I came in to have a look. Just when I was about to leave, I ran into you.

If the second son has nothing to say, then I will take my leave first. "Biquku

Young Master Yu Xiao looked suspiciously at Huang Haidong, and then at Lu Zhishen who had been let go at this time, feeling in his heart that they were hiding something from him.

After I asked again, they denied it flatly, and Mr. Yu Xiao didn't pursue the matter any further.

At this time, Horn came out in time to smooth things over and expressed his welcome to Young Master Yu Xiao, and the crowd once again greeted Young Master Yu Xiao enthusiastically.

Horn waved his hand to Huang Haidong without leaving a trace, telling him to leave first, and told him through voice transmission from Divine Sense that he should rest assured that the secret will be kept for him.

Only then did Huang Haidong gratefully cupped his hands to the crowd, expressed his thanks to the Divine Sense transmission, and then fled away...

A valley somewhere in the Central Plains, looking around, the surrounding

It is a high mountain, but there is only a wide and narrow space in front of it,

The mountainside is shrouded in clouds and mist, and Yihong Qingquan flows down from the mountain on the left, hanging like a ray of light gauze. Coupled with the rich Spiritual Qi all around, this place is simply a rare and blessed place for cultivating truth.

In the valley, there is a row of wooden buildings, a bit like a small village in the countryside. There is an open space in the village, about the size of a football field, forming a simple square.

At this moment in the square,

A tall, fair-skinned young female cultivator with lively eyes, a graceful figure, but a very cold complexion is fighting with another pretty-looking female cultivator.

There are more than 150 girls around the square, looking 15 or 16 years old, with a little immature face on their faces, they all clenched their fists and nervously watched the fierce competition between the two in the middle of the square.

One of them is their senior sister "Jiechen", that is, Wang Jingxuan,

And the other person is their uncle "Jing Xian".

"Master, be careful!" Wang Jingxuan reminded me softly.

The Cultivation Technique "Xuantian Wangqing" was carried out in the body, and the hands quickly formed a seal, and the fingertips flashed with pink brilliance, and then out of thin air, countless pink flowers the size of a palm,

The flowers all over the sky, under Wang Jingxuan's control, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, flew towards Master Jingxian at a very fast speed, almost reaching him in the blink of an eye.

"Good job!" That uncle Jingxian smiled with a magnetic voice.

With a thought, a pale golden protective energy instantly appeared on the surface of the body,

Then, under the infusion of its true essence, the duster in his hand continuously extended instantly, like a mad dragon coming out, facing the countless flowers flying towards it at a very high speed, intending to defeat these flowers.

The pink flowers all over the sky seem ordinary, but whenever they meet Master Jingxian's Duster, they will emit a terrifying explosion, which is extremely destructive.

Uncle Jing Xian did not dare to underestimate her, and kept controlling the duster in her hand to prevent the pink flowers from getting close to own's body.

"Boom..." The power generated by the explosion sent out bursts of bangs.

Wang Jingxuan saw that the Fairy Scattering Flowers he cast did not cause much harm to Master Jingxian, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, firmness appeared in his eyes again, and then his handprints changed rapidly.

I saw that the pink flowers falling from the sky at high speed gathered in front of Wang Jingxuan's body at the moment when Wang Jingxuan's handprint changed, and gathered into a giant flower taller than a person almost in the blink of an eye.

The giant flower flashed a dazzling pink light, mixed with a terrifying aura.

Seeing this, Uncle Jingxian saw a flash of fear in her beautiful eyes. Knowing the power of this move, she quickly took out a defensive Magic Treasures and prepared for defense.

Just as Wang Jingxuan was getting ready to go, a voice of stopping suddenly came.

"Okay, Juechen! Receive your work..."

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