The one who spoke was Wang Jingxuan's Master, the current head of the Wangqing Sect, Master Miexin.

I saw Mie Xin Daoist, about forty or fifty years old, with a cold complexion and a very beautiful appearance, but his two eyebrows slanted and drooped, and his face looked very strange, but he always maintained a kind smile. .

"It's the Master!" Wang Jingxuan immediately nodded respectfully in agreement after hearing what the Master Miexin said.

Then, the handprints changed, and the huge pink flower in front of her disappeared instantly.

"Jiechen! Congratulations on passing the test. I didn't expect your Cultivation Base to improve so quickly. In such a short period of time, you actually broke through to the Great Perfection of the fusion period. Even I am a little afraid of your offensive."

Uncle Jingxian looked at Wang Jingxuan with a smile and smiled.

Wang Jingxuan was naturally overjoyed to be recognized by his uncle.

"Hehehe... It all depends on the mercy of the uncle, otherwise I would not be the opponent of the uncle." Wang Jingxuan said modestly.

After practicing Xuantian Wangqing for almost a year, although Wang Jingxuan's Cultivation Base has improved by leaps and bounds, Master Jingxian is a master of Dzogchen in the Gold Core stage.

The reason why she was able to fight on par with Jingxian, and faintly still had the upper hand, was because Jingxian suppressed the Cultivation Base to a Realm that was equal to her in the Dzogchen fusion period.

Seeing that Juechen is neither arrogant nor impetuous, Jing Xian looks at Wang Jingxuan with admiration and smiles:

"Hehehe... go! Your Master is still waiting for you."

Upon hearing this, Wang Jingxuan bowed his head politely in return, and then flashed to the front of Master Miexin.

Master Miexin persuaded many disciples to quit first, then looked at Wang Jingxuan with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Hmm... yes, it is really rare to be able to cultivate Xuantian Wangqing to the sixth level in such a short period of time, and the Cultivation Base is even breakthrough to the fusion period of Dzogchen.

However, there is still a gap between your state of mind and Cultivation Base, blindly breaking through Realm is not a good thing,

Now that you have passed the test, let's leave the valley with Jing Xian tomorrow! "

"Hee hee hee... This is what Master taught, but Master, won't you go with us? That disciple will miss Master." Wang Jingxuan passed the test, happy in her heart, and showed a mischievous smile after a long absence.

Wang Jingxuan has achieved some results in her practice. The Master arranged for her to fight with Uncle Jingxian as an assessment. If she passes,

Then she can go to Tai Bai Cheng to practice, and Sect will focus on cultivating her as an heir, and has high hopes that she will not only achieve something in the Cultivation Base, but also

It is even more important to develop in an all-round way, including refining tools, pill refining, formation, talisman records, etc., so Wang Jingxuan usually learns a lot.

But Master Miexin changed his face when he heard the words, and sternly reprimanded:

"Humph! I just praised you a few words, why did you forget the instructions of being a teacher? How many times have I told you, Xuantian Wangqing who cultivates my Wangqing sect,

It is necessary to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, how can you always think about being a teacher? If things go on like this, how will you cut off this emotion in the future? "

"Oh... I know I was wrong!" Wang Jingxuan said a little aggrieved upon hearing the words.

After all, she is still young, even if she drank the Wangqing water given by Miexin Daoist, she forgot her previous memories and was implanted with new memories by Miexin Daoist,

But by nature, even if you practice Xuantian Wangqing, you can ignore the relationship between men and women, parents, relatives and friends, etc., but you can never stay out of it except for the Master's kindness.

"Hey... I say this as a teacher, I hope that when you cut your feelings in the future, you will have less pain and achieve the supreme road.

I hope you can understand the mood of being a teacher. This time you go out to practice, remember not to be emotional between men and women, otherwise it will damage your foundation. "

Real Mie Xin saw Juechen's aggrieved appearance, and because of his own relationship, he said in a soft voice.

"It's Master! That disciple will leave first," Wang Jingxuan said with a feeling of disappointment, and then walked away.

Master Miexin looked at Wang Jingxuan's leaving back, and felt mixed feelings in his heart. As a disciple, he was good at everything, but he cared very much about the feeling of owning, but he always suppressed her feeling.

This makes people wonder whether it is right or wrong to do so, but according to the records in the Sect file,

Because of his tragic fate, the old Sect Leader got a copy of the Cultivation Technique titled "Xuantian Wangqing" by chance.

And from it, I realized that the reason why the cultivator was unable to breakthrough the supreme Realm of the Cultivation Base was because of being entangled in mundane chores and disturbing the mind.

Afterwards, according to the Cultivation Technique, he cut off the seven emotions and six desires, achieved no sorrow or joy, no desires, no desires, no relatives, no reasons, no attachments, no worries, and achieved the way of ruthlessness.

Since then, the Cultivation Base has increased greatly, and within a hundred years it has broken through to the stage of transforming gods, created countless myths, and established a sect in Beichen Continent, establishing the "Forgetting Love Sect" to dominate one side, and the ruthless way is also famous in the Cultivation World.

To this day, the Wangqing sect has been handed down to Own, but it is no longer as powerful as it used to be. Now that I have finally met a good seedling, how can I act emotionally?

In order to carry forward the Wangqing Sect and revive its former glory, Miexin Daoist's eyes froze, and he secretly decided in his heart that he must train Juechen.

come out.

At midnight, in Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, on a certain mountaintop deep in the Banyue Mountains, this place is about a hundred kilometers away from Banyue City.

Lu Chen, Huo En, Li Yanan, Wang Juntang, Hu Lanying and his wife, the five gathered here under the light of the moon.

Because today is a good day for Horn to hit the Nascent Soul stage, for this reason, during the daytime, Lu Chen specially refined a pot of broken baby pills for Horn.

Poying Pill, in simple terms, is equivalent to a blasting agent, it can help the cultivator of the Dzogchen period of the Gold Core, quickly break the Gold Core,

At the same time, to a certain extent, it can also increase the probability of the cultivator forming Nascent Soul.

Because the Gold Core period and the Nascent Soul period are a huge watershed for cultivator.

When hitting the Nascent Soul stage, the sky will rain down thunder. Only when the cultivator can withstand the baptism of the thunder, can it successfully break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

However, too many cultivators died in the thunder calamity because they could not withstand the baptism of the thunder calamity.

Therefore, in order to hit the Nascent Soul stage, Horn tried his best to make sufficient preparations, and invited Lu Chen and others to protect him.

"Huo Dage! The formation has been arranged on my side, you can start."

Lu Chen Yujian stood in the air, and when he dropped the last flag, he looked at Horn and smiled excitedly.

Because being able to witness the whole process of the high rank cultivator impacting the Nascent Soul stage is also a rare opportunity, which can provide a lot of valuable experience for myself to impact the Nascent Soul stage in the future.

Horn heard the words, looked at his wife Li Yanan tenderly, and said that he was not afraid, it was a lie, because if he didn't do it well, he might lose his mind and soul, and never come back again.

Such examples abound in Cultivation World, which is why he is unwilling to take the initiative to attack the Nascent Soul stage after his Cultivation Base reaches the Gold Core stage Dzogchen.

If it wasn't for Lu Chen's persuasion and his wife Li Yanan's encouragement this time, he wouldn't try anything.

"Go! I'll wait for you here, you will succeed." Li Yanan smiled softly.

"Huo Dage! You can do it, come on! I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine!" Wang Juntang smiled heartily.

"I wish you success!" Hu Lanying blessed.

"Go! Huo Dage, if you delay any longer, it will be dawn. You can rest assured that the formation I arranged can block some thunder disasters for you, and you will succeed."

Lu Chen encouraged again.

Horn swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he heard the words, and took a last look at a few people, then stepped forward and sat in the Lotus Position in the middle of the mountain, closing his eyes and using the Cultivation Technique he had practiced......

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