Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 333 Thunder Tribulation

Seeing that Horn was ready, Lu Chen, together with Li Yanan, Wang Juntang and Hu Lanying, flew with their swords in four directions a thousand meters away to protect him.

Immediately, Lu Chen took out a general formation flag. The general formation flag is like a remote control, and he can control the formation he has arranged at will.

With a thought, Lu Chen waved the flag of the general formation in the air, drawing a purple brilliance,

Then, with Horn as the center, a huge circle of light formed around the entire mountaintop, and a faint halo flashed in that circle of light.

At this time, the Spiritual Qi with a radius of several kilometers seems to be attracted by some kind of attraction, and quickly converges towards the top of the mountain. If you look at it from a distance, countless Spiritual Qi converge, forming a huge shape directly above Horn's head. Spiritual Qi vortex.

"Hehehe... It seems that the effect of the spirit gathering array I arranged is not bad!" Lu Chen, who was standing in the air with Yujian, muttered proudly.

"I really didn't expect that Lu Chen is not only proficient in the technique of pill refining, but also the way of formation. It seems that my husband and I made the right decision at the beginning."

Li Yanan couldn't help sighing inwardly when he saw the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation.

Wang Juntang and Hu Lanying also shocked Lu Chen's methods.

At this moment, Horn's face was pale, and the Cultivation Technique in his body was running to the extreme, because it was also his first time hitting the Nascent Soul stage, and no senior in the Nascent Soul stage told him what to do.

So he can only proceed step by step according to the description in the book Jade Slip.

As the steady stream of Spiritual Qi was inhaled into Horn's body, the already condensed Gold Core in Dantian was as hard as a golden lead put.

At this time, Horn took out a Poying Pill and put it into his stomach, then blocked the five senses, turned a deaf ear, and then entered a mysterious state.

As soon as the Poying Pill enters the abdomen, it turns into powerful energy, and the energy drives straight to the Gold Core in Dantian, and then adheres to the surface of the Gold Core.

"Boom..." The medicinal power of the Poying Pill seemed to have installed countless small explosives on the surface of the Gold Core, and the booming sound continued in the body.

The originally impregnable Gold Core began to show some cracks, and then Horn's face showed pain,

But at this time, no one can help him, he can only rely on himself to continuously absorb Spiritual Qi to nourish his body, thereby reducing the pain of the Gold Core breaking the shell.

Seeing this, Li Yanan, who was thousands of meters away, couldn't help feeling worried.

"Boom...Boom..." At the moment when the Gold Core in Horn's body burst, a mysterious and mysterious aura quickly spread around,

Heavenly Dao seems to have received some kind of signal, suddenly dark clouds overwhelm the top, even in the dark night, you can still see the black dark clouds rolling continuously.

"Kacha Kacha... Boom..." Then there was lightning and thunder among the dark clouds, and a terrifying momentum was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

Bring a strong sense of oppression to Lu Chen et al.

Horn doesn't know anything about the outside world, he is constantly breaking the Gold Core in his body.

"Okay... Such a terrifying coercion, is this the precursor of the coming thunder disaster?" Wang Juntang looked at the sky with narrowed eyes, shocked in his heart.

Hu Lanying also frowned, she didn't expect that the thunder calamity would make her breathless due to the coercion, and she couldn't help thinking: "If the thunder calamity falls, wouldn't it be even more terrifying?"

Seeing this, Li Yanan became even more worried about her husband Huo En, only Lu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this, he seemed to think of something.

When I was digging bamboo in the endless forest, because my body was tempered by countless black lightning arcs on the black stone mountain, a black thunder bead formed in my body.

The black thunder beads added a powerful group killing skill to himself, thunderous, and the effect of group killing is very good.

Before, because I used the black lightning arc too much, the thunder beads in my body became the size of a needle point, so that I didn't dare to use the powerful attack method of the lightning arc.

But ordinary thunderbolts don't do much damage to cultivators, and black thunderballs don't look good, so Lu Chen has never found a thunderbolt that replenishes the inner thunderballs.

But when he saw Lei Jie, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement in his heart, because he finally found a way to supplement the Thunder Beads.

"I just don't know if I absorb the Thunder Tribulation that originally belonged to Horn, will it affect Horn's breakthrough Nascent Soul period?

Um! This is an important question, but who am I to ask? " Lu Chen murmured to himself excitedly, and then Yujian flew towards Li Yanan.

Since her husband wants Transcend Tribulation, she should have studied Thunder Tribulation.

Just as Horn continued to crush Dantian in his body with the help of Poying Pill, in Banyue City, more than 100 kilometers away,

Many cultivators felt the terrifying aura of the thunder calamity from the depths of the Banyue Mountains.

"Who is Transcend Tribulation? It seems that this breath is hitting the Nascent Soul stage, hehehe... Interesting, I have to go and see." After speaking, the figure of the man flashed, and he flew directly to the Half Moon Mountain Range.

"Captain! I have received news that Horn of the Chinese Mercenary Corps will attack the Nascent Soul stage in the Half Moon Mountain Range tonight. Shall we go and congratulate him?"

Lu Zhicai, the steward of the Peerless Mercenary Corps, said respectfully to a middle-aged cultivator cupped hands, the meaning of congratulation is self-evident.

"Hehehe... Your news came too late. I already felt the thunder calamity just now. I think it was what Horn did. How can I not congratulate such a good thing?"

The middle-aged cultivator said with a smile, then dodged and flew directly through the window, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Lu Zhicai quickly threw out a Flying Sword, and also chased after him from the window Yujian.

In the depths of the Half Moon Mountains, the Gold Core in Horn's body is probably no longer

There is a cup of tea time, it can be completely broken, and everything is normal at present.

"Boom... Boom... Kacha..." The dark clouds in the sky were getting lower and lower, as if they could be touched by reaching out, and lightning sizzled in the clouds from time to time.

Lu Chen learned from Li Yanan's insinuations that thunder calamities are generally divided into nine thunder calamities, two nine thunder calamities, three nine thunder calamities, and ninety nine thunder calamities. Biqu library

One Nine Thunder Tribulation is generally from the Gold Core stage cultivator breakthrough to Nascent Soul stage, the cultivator completely crushes the Gold Core in Dantian and then dissolves the solid true essence into an upgraded version of the liquid true essence.

At this time, copy the life soul of the three souls and seven souls into Dantian, so that the breakthrough to the Nascent Soul stage will be successful.

That is to say, in this process, Heavenly Dao will drop one or nine lightning calamities, that is, a total of nine lightning arcs.

The Erjiu Thunder Tribulation is the thunder disaster that will be faced from the Nascent Soul stage cultivator breakthrough to the Expanding Aperture stage, with a total of eighteen lightning arcs.

By analogy, until the eighty-nine thunder calamity, the cultivator breakthrough and ascension to the Immortal World, there will be seventy-two lightning arcs.

As for the ninety-nine and eighty-one lightning arcs, it has not yet appeared in the Cultivation World, and only exists in legends.

And when a cultivator is in Transcend Tribulation, outsiders are absolutely not allowed to help.

For example, your Cultivation Base is the Dzogchen Transformation Stage, which is awesome! Then your descendants are going through the Nascent Soul period, this kind of 19 small thunder tribulations,

This kind of small thunder calamity is definitely a piece of cake for you who are in the stage of becoming a god, it is as simple as being bitten by a mosquito.

Then you go to help, hehe... Then you will be miserable, Heavenly Dao seems to be omnipotent and omniscient, it will directly send down a special kind of terrifying thunder disaster, directly kill you, there is no room for negotiation.

Even if you are a big boss in the transformation stage, you are still not as good as an ant in front of Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, there is a well-known thing in Cultivation World, that is, when others Transcend Tribulation, you must not get too close,

If Heavenly Dao decides that you want to help a certain cultivator Transcend Tribulation, then you will definitely die, this is Heavenly Dao.

However, there is one exception, that is, you can remotely interfere with a cultivator Transcend Tribulation,

Even if you remotely kill the Transcend Tribulation person, Heavenly Dao will not punish you.

Because in Heavenly Dao's view, your interference is also a kind of disaster,

Therefore, the general Transcend Tribulation people, either find a place where no one is hiding and quietly Transcend Tribulation, or find their own friends to protect the law.

After hearing this, Lu Chen sighed, and couldn't help beating his heart. His originally excited mood was instantly as cold as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

Originally, he wanted to absorb the idea of ​​​​a big thunder ball like a thunder calamity, but was immediately snuffed out by Lu Chen in the cradle. He couldn't guarantee that the thunder beads could absorb the thunder calamity, what if it couldn't? Then he would be dead.

"Hey..." Lu Chen sighed softly, and flew back to his own position in disappointment, continuing to protect Horn...

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