Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 336 Instant Kill Gold Core Early Stage

At this time, Heavenly Dao also seemed to sense Lu Chen's life signs, which is fine, anyone who dares to interfere with the Thunder Tribulation will surely die.

So the angry Heavenly Dao directly sent down two more terrifying arcs of lightning, trying to blast Lu Chen into scum.

However, because of the relationship between Lu Chen's thunder beads and the fact that the Chaos Body Refining Technique was at a critical moment of breakthrough, the two lightning arcs not only failed to kill Lu Chen,

Instead, let his body refining technique leap through from the Zongti realm to the King physique realm.

This was unexpected for Lu Chen. He didn't expect that Lei Jie could be used to practice Chaos Body Refining Technique, and the effect was surprisingly good.

As the so-called external training of muscles and bones, internal training of breath, body training is divided into three stages,

Primary body training: skin refining, meat refining, tendon refining;

Intermediate body training: inscription bones, inscription organs, inscription viscera;

Advanced Body Refining: Transforming blood, transforming marrow, transforming veins.

The body training technique that Horn gave Lu Chen at the beginning was a remnant. After being derived from the Chaos Dao Shengjue, the Cultivation Technique not only became more powerful, but the Realm level also changed.

It is divided into nine Realms, namely:

Spiritual Body Realm, Patriarchal Physical Realm, Royal Physical Realm, Monarch Physical Realm, Royal Physical Realm, Sacred Body Realm, Zun Physical Realm, Imperial Physical Realm, Divine Physical Realm.

Lu Chen previously completed primary body training with the help of underground magma in the underground caves of the endless forest, reaching the level of body training and spiritual body, and his combat power is equivalent to the Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period.

In the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley, with the help of Gangfeng body training, he completed the intermediate level of body training and reached the state of body training sect. His combat power is equivalent to the fusion period of Dzogchen.

But today, by mistake, Lu Chen entered the scope of Horn Transcend Tribulation, was baptized by the enhanced version of Thunder Arc, and accidentally completed the advanced face body, reaching the king body state, and his combat power is equivalent to Gold The Core period is Dzogchen.

Feeling the strength of his physical body, Lu Chen reckoned that even if he stood still, despite the cultivator attack of the Gold Core late stage, the opponent would hardly hurt him at all.

As his strength improved again, Lu Chen yelled happily in his heart.

Moreover, the thunder beads in his body changed from the size of a needle tip to the size of a ping pong ball again, with a faint blue arc of lightning flashing on the surface.

Then, in the future, he can use Thunderbolt, this powerful group killing skill, Lu Chen is eager to try it.

When Lu Chen looked expectantly at the dark clouds rolling in the sky, waiting for the thunder disaster to come, Heavenly Dao seemed to sense something was wrong,

Own Thunder Arc not only failed to kill that kid, but brought great benefits to the other party,

So after the dark cloud rolled over continuously, it seemed to be angry, and disappeared in a flash, as if it remembered something before leaving.

Symbolically, a chopstick-thick lightning arc was dropped, hitting Horn's body without any pain or itching. The whole nine lightning calamities, with a total of nine lightning arcs, were considered complete.


Uh... is this the end? Can you hit me a few more times? "Lu Chen looked at the sky in astonishment, thinking with some unfinished thoughts in his heart.

Because the benefits brought to him by the thunder calamity are really too many, if possible, he would like to be struck by the lightning a few more times, maybe the body training Realm can break through a lot.

However, there were no dark clouds in the sky, and there was no sign of thunder and lightning, so Lu Chen changed into clean clothes in disappointment,

Then the sword flew with joy on its face, and flew towards Wang Juntang and the others.

At this moment, the bright moonlight swayed on the earth, giving people a sense of calm and peace. It was in sharp contrast to the dark clouds, lightning and thunder before.

"Boom..." At this moment, a terrifying aura emanated from Horn's body, making countless cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage feel terrified.

"It's the team leader who succeeded! He has broken through to the Nascent Soul stage! Hahaha..." Wang Juntang felt the powerful aura emitted by Horn, and couldn't help shouting happily.

"Hmm..." Li Yanan nodded firmly, and then shed tears of happiness.

"Hmph..." Seeing that the own plan had failed, Hong Quanwu let out a cold snort and was about to leave.

But a figure was holding a big knife, blocking the way of Own, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"The kid wants to die!"

Before Hong Quanwu could speak, Lu Zhicai saw in the crowd that his team leader was actually blocked by Lu Chen, a boy in the integration period, with a knife.

Immediately cursed angrily, and then Yu Jian quickly came to Hong Quanwu's side.

"Lu Chen! What are you going to do?" Wang Juntang shouted in shock when he saw this.

"Lu Chen! Come back quickly, he is the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul," Li Yanan was also taken aback by Lu Chen's actions, and hurriedly reminded loudly.

"Hahaha...Brother Lu Chen! Who are you?" Horn, who had stabilized the Cultivation Base, flew quickly through the air, ready to announce the good news to his wife, Lu Chen and others.

But seeing Lu Chen holding a big knife, looking like he was about to fight, his originally happy smile immediately became serious.

Because Lu Chen's opponent is Hong Quanwu, the head of the Peerless Mercenary Group, he also recognizes this person, he is a cultivator of the Nascent Soul period.

Before he had time to think about it, Horn subconsciously stepped into the air and flew to Lu Chen's side, looking at Hong Quanwu warily,

After all, I just broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, so I really don't know if I can beat others.

"Old guy! Shouldn't it be time to settle the account of your sneak attack just now!" Lu Chen raised his knife and said surprisingly unkind words.

The reason for doing this is because in Lu Chen's dictionary, revenge must be done from morning till night.

If it wasn't because of the Thunder Pearl, because of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, I'm afraid I would have died under the thunder calamity long ago, and disappeared in ashes.

Of course, there is the most important point, that is the improvement of one's own strength.

Sheng, and the opponent is the head of the Wushuang Mercenary Group, such a good opportunity, it would be a pity not to kill him.

Lu Chen's words startled Horn and the others, and they really had the urge to kick him twice.

"Little bastard looking for death, what right do you have to settle accounts with our regiment leader? Today I will kill you first and teach you how to behave." Lu Zhicai said angrily.

Yujian then charged directly at Lu Chen.

"Hahaha... Well done, Huo Dage, help me keep an eye on this old guy and prevent him from making a sneak attack. I'll deal with him after I get rid of this old beast."

Lu Chen shouted excitedly when he saw this, and before Horn could react, he rushed towards Lu Zhicai with his sword.

Hong Quanwu's expression turned gloomy when he heard this, murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Horn's face turned dark when he heard this, Divine Sense sound transmission made Li Yanan and others retreat quickly, then took out the Magic Treasures long sword, and looked at Hong Quanwu vigilantly.

"Is that kid crazy? He dared to provoke the senior who has the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul stage." Some of the cultivators onlookers had already left, and among those who did not leave, a cultivator said in shock.

"I think he's just trying to please the public and court death. I recognize that person, but Hong Quanwu, the head of the Peerless Mercenary Corps, has the strength of the Nascent Soul early stage.

And the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage is his steward, Lu Zhicai. That kid is doomed today, let's go! There is nothing to watch for this kind of stupid behavior. "

Someone in the crowd said disdainfully, and then prepared to fly away with Yujian.

However, at this time, a purple brilliance suddenly flashed in the night sky, which was very dazzling.

" is it possible? Ah..." Lu Zhicai shouted in disbelief in horror,

Immediately there was a scream, the body was split in two, and then fell to the ground.

Just now, Lu Zhicai saw that Lu Chen was not a Cultivation Base of the Great Consummation Stage, and wanted to play tricks on him, first crippled Lu Chen's Dantian, and then slowly tortured him to death.

But Lu Chen wanted to kill Lu Zhicai wholeheartedly, so he output all his strength when he came up, the real energy comparable to the Gold Core early stage, plus the body training Realm comparable to the Gold Core stage Dzogchen.

Coupled with the mysterious knife embryo, under the infusion of true energy, a purple knife shadow with a length of tens of meters was instantly condensed, and it struck at the flying Lu Zhicai like lightning.

When Lu Zhicai reacted, the huge knife shadow had already locked him firmly, and passed through his body almost instantly, and then Lu Zhicai lost consciousness, and died.

After finishing these, Lu Chen conveniently took away Lu Zhicai's storage bag, and after a set of movements, he was smooth and smooth, without any sloppiness, as if he often did this kind of business of killing people and seizing treasures.

Then, Lu Chen Yujian flew to not far from Hong Quanwu, and said loudly:

"Old guy! Now I can settle accounts with you!"


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