Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 337 Thunder And Hong Fist Wu

"Lu Chen you?" Horn said in shock as he watched Lu Chen flying towards Yujian like a monster.

At first, he thought that Lu Chen was arrogant and arrogant, and dared to challenge the cultivator in the Gold Core stage. He planned to use Lu Zhicai's hand to make Lu Chen suffer, and he would rescue him in times of crisis.

As the person you follow, if you are a mindless and arrogant person, that is not a good thing.

But who would have thought that Lu Chen not only instantly killed Lu Zhicai who had Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base.

Now they are clamoring for a fight with Hong Quanwu who owns the Nascent Soul stage Cultivation Base. What happened to this world? When did the cultivator in the fusion period become so crazy?

"Hey hey... the strength of body training is comparable to that of Gold Core Dzogchen, is this what you rely on?" Hong Quanwu chuckled like a ghost,

He could tell at a glance that Lu Chen was the cultivator of Lingwu dual cultivation, and that the body refining Realm had reached the Dzogchen equivalent of the Gold Core stage.

After speaking, an afterimage was left on the spot, showing how fast Hong Quanwu was, and once he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Lu Chen.

"Be careful!" Horn shrank his pupils when he saw this, and hurriedly reminded him, and then Ta Kong also flew towards Lu Chen, trying to protect his safety.

However, Horn had just broken through to the Nascent Soul stage after all, and his speed was definitely not as fast as Hong Quanwu, who had broken through for a long time.

Lu Chen felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes, but he didn't see clearly how Hong Quanwu made the move, so his body flew backwards at a very high speed.

There was a terrifying crack in the chest that was hit, and he twitched in pain, so he quickly took out a ten-thousand-year stone marrow vitality pill and swallowed it.

"Damn it!" Horn, who was flying at high speed, saw that he was half a beat behind, and he didn't have time to care whether Lu Chen was injured.

Under the infusion of true essence, the long sword in his hand let out bursts of whispers, dancing mysterious sword flowers, and the sword shadows all over the sky, with a fierce offensive, blocked Hong Quanwu's way to prevent him from continuing to attack Lu Chen .

"Hmph! It's a small skill!" Hong Quanwu snorted coldly.

The two palms flashed with light blue light, and they directly clawed at Horn's long sword. Wherever they went, there were three blue claw marks like cat's claws.

When Horn's Sword Ray, like a chrysanthemum blooming, touched Hong Quanwu's claw marks, it was instantly scratched, and there was a burst of "ding ding ding ding" sound.

Seeing this, Horn frowned slightly, stepped on his hind legs quickly, and pulled a certain distance away from it. He found that the Magic Treasures long sword in his hand was full of gaps. Looking at Hong Quanwu's palm again,

It was found that Hong Quanwu seemed to be wearing a pair of blue gloves, the fingertips were beak-shaped and extremely sharp. Judging from its destructive power, that pair of gloves was at least a spiritual treasure.

Under the influence of the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, Lu Chen's body quickly recovered, and he also had a preliminary judgment of his own strength in his heart.

With his current own strength, if he wanted to fight against Nascent Soul early stage Hong Quanwu, he was basically looking for death.

However, since Lu Chen dared to provoke

Something happened, it must be his plan.

I saw Lu Chen yelling at Horn, "Huo Dage, back off a bit, let me kill this old beast."

Lu Chen's shout immediately caused an uproar from countless onlookers.

"Who the hell is that kid? He's too arrogant! A little guy in the fusion stage dares to speak out so arrogantly, and wants to kill a senior in the Nascent Soul stage, he really deserves to die."

Among the cultivators watching, there was a cultivator in the Gold Core stage who cursed loudly.

"Kill him! Kill him! You really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. If you don't kill him, he won't even know that the majesty of the high rank cultivator cannot be challenged."

Many onlookers shouted in unison that they wanted to kill Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen! Don't be impulsive, why don't we go back first!" Hearing the discussion from the crowd around him, Horn also felt that Lu Chen was looking for death, so he quickly persuaded him.

Because even he didn't have the slightest chance of defeating Hong Quanwu, let alone Lu Chen.

But when he saw Lu Chen's unwavering gaze, he was taken aback suddenly, and he couldn't help guessing in his heart, could it be that Lu Chen had some heaven-defying means?

Then stepped back a certain distance.

"Hehehe...Kill me? Are you worthy too?" Hong Quanwu was immediately amused when he heard this, his voice seemed casual, but it carried a strong killing intent.

Then the body turned into an afterimage, and flew towards Lu Chen directly.

As soon as Hong fist moved, Lu Chen desperately used the flying technique of the Chaos Sword, and flew to the top of Horn's Transcend Tribulation.

While flying, he cursed: "Old beast, come and kill me if you have the ability."

The "Qinghong" Flying Sword under his feet, coupled with the flying technique of Chaos Yujian, made Lu Chen's figure almost turn into a streamer, appearing in the distance in the blink of an eye,

Hong Quanwu, who was approaching extremely quickly, was taken by surprise. Seeing this, Hong Quanwu was surprised by Lu Chen's speed, but so what?

With a thought, I chased after Lu Chen again.

At this moment, Lu Chen had already stood in the air on the top of the mountain with his sword, and Divine Sense keenly felt that a vague figure was approaching rapidly.

Then, waving the general formation flag in his hand at the right time, a formation light curtain instantly enveloped the entire mountain top.

The moment the formation started, Hong Quanwu realized something was wrong. He was flying at a very high speed, and the scene when he saw Zhou Wei suddenly changed. The originally dark night suddenly turned into a scorching summer desert.

Hong Quanwu didn't panic when he saw this, and quickly extended his Divine Sense, and soon found Lu Chen's figure, and he felt relieved.

In the eyes of outsiders, the entire mountaintop was suddenly covered by a formation light curtain, and the formation light curtain was gray, making it difficult to see the scene inside.

"Lu Chen, is he alright!" Li Yanan looked at the mountaintop worriedly.

"I don't know, but since he dared to do this, he should have his own plan. We can only wait quietly."

Horn looked at the mountain top shrouded in formation, and comforted his wife.

"Hehehe... Lu Chen has always been mysterious. Do you know that he defeated me with the Cultivation Base of the fusion stage back then,

Later, Lanying and I were resurrected by means of heaven-defying, which is why we chose to follow him,

If you don't believe me, take a look, the last Hong Quanwu will definitely end badly. "

Wang Juntang laughed.

And at this moment in the formation, after Lu Chen was spotted by Hong Quanwu's Divine Sense.

Hong Quanwu directly grabbed somewhere in the sky, and three huge cyan claw marks pierced through the air with a terrifying aura.

Lu Chen, who was in the dark, did not expect the opponent to find him so quickly, and then quickly changed direction to avoid the opponent's attack.

"Boom..." The three claw marks hit the air, making a huge bang.

The formation light curtain instantly dimmed a bit, and Lu Chen hurriedly threw a few formation flags again to replenish the damaged formation.

If the formation is destroyed, even if he successfully kills Hong Quanwu, his own sure-kill method will be exposed. This is not something Lu Chen wants to see.

Otherwise, there is no need for me to spend so many troubles to lead him to the previously arranged formation.

Hong Quanwu in the desert, with his powerful Divine Sense, can accurately find Lu Chen hiding in the formation every time.

But every time he attacked, he could be easily dodged by Lu Chen. At this time, Hong Quanwu seemed to be aware of the strangeness of this formation,

To be honest, with his Cultivation Base in the Nascent Soul period, there was actually a faint sense of fear, so Hong Quanwu didn't plan to spend it like this anymore, he planned to break the formation directly.

However, Hong Quanwu suddenly felt an inexplicable crisis. Based on his years of combat experience, he sacrificed a defensive Magic Treasures without thinking.

The defensive Magic Treasures instantly turned into a shield the size of a door panel under the infusion of its true essence, and the shield flashed a mysterious rune.

"Crack..." Almost at the same moment, a blue lightning arc as thick as a bucket hit Hong Quanwu's defensive shield like lightning.

At the moment of crisis, Hong Quanwu desperately urged the defensive shield to resist the lightning arc,

The powerful electric current passed through the body through the shield, causing Hong Quanwu's hair to stand up instantly, and at the same time suffered a lot of injuries.

"Boy! You really deserve to die," Hong Quanwu cursed angrily,

He didn't expect that Lu Chen actually had such a means. If it wasn't because of his fast enough reaction and the mystery of the defensive shield, with just this lightning arc, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"Hmph! The damned person should be you, Thunderbolt!"

At this time, Lu Chen's cold snort came from the air.

As soon as the words fell, Hong Quanwu's pupils shrank, and a breath of Death welled up in his heart.

Then, Hong Quanwu saw the most incredible scene in his life......

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