Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 338 Unbelievable

In Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, in the depths of the Banyue Mountains, because Horn's impact on the Nascent Soul stage required Transcend Tribulation, a powerful aura immediately attracted countless cultivators to watch.

At this moment, many cultivators are looking forward to a certain mountaintop shrouded in formation.

Because they all know that a cultivator at the Dzogchen stage of fusion is using formation to fight Hong Quanwu who has a Cultivation Base at the Nascent Soul stage.

Many cultivators think that the cultivator who has merged into Dzogchen is nothing more than sensationalism and courting death.

But with the passage of time, everyone found that it was strange that no one came out of the formation after the two of them had entered the formation for a cup of tea.

Logically speaking, Hong Quanwu who possesses the Nascent Soul early stage Cultivation Base can easily kill him even if the opponent uses formation.

But after such a long time, no one came out, so various voices of discussion began to spread again, and the scene fell into a commotion.

The cultivator, who thought that Lu Chen must die before, couldn't help beating his heart. Could it be that something happened just in case? impossible! Biqu library

Even Horn and the others looked at each other suspiciously, not knowing what the result would be.

"Look! The formation light curtain has disappeared," someone shouted loudly from the crowd of onlookers.

Immediately, in the eyes of everyone, there were inconceivable gazes.

I saw a young cultivator with a delicate figure, well-defined facial features, handsome appearance, and a cynical smile on his mouth, flying towards Yujian leisurely, but it was the cultivator who had integrated Dzogchen.

"Hehehe...It's incredible! Lu Chen is really fine!" Seeing that it was Lu Chen, Horn finally fell to the ground with a hanging heart, and smiled happily.

"Let me just say, Lu Chen has always been mysterious. Since he dared to jump out, he must have something to rely on. Otherwise, who would make life difficult for own?"

Wang Juntang said with a gratified smile.

"What? How could it be him? Could it be that Hong Quanwu was really beheaded by him? How is this possible?"

Someone in the crowd of onlookers said in shock,

"I guess it is, haven't you seen that kid's smug face? Now the Peerless Mercenary Group is finished." In the crowd of onlookers, someone gloated.

So everyone chattered about Lu Chen's record, and everyone's eyes on Lu Chen changed slightly.

From the original ridicule, dismissive, into

Exclamation and appreciation.

The world is like this, when you are not successful, everything you do is wrong,

Your behavior will only usher in ridicule, accusation, abuse, and even insult from others, even if you breathe wrong.


Because of overtime work, I’m still catching up with the rest, wait a minute... Life is not easy, please understand, even if it’s two points, I’m trying my best to write it out... I haven’t rested for a month, working during the day, writing at night, and saving manuscripts. finished posting,

Wonderland Zhangjiajie, the most beautiful Wulingyuan.

The majestic and majestic thousands of peaks have spawned many sects and Martial Forest families. Among them, the Wuling School, Tianxing School and Four Saints School in Wulingyuan are the most famous. For thousands of years, countless people have come to seek immortality. , creating Wulingyuan's excellent Xianxia style and Spiritual Qi style.

Immortal World...

In the misty and fresh sky, there is a sacred tree that breeds all things and gathers the spiritual energy of the six realms.

It grows on the banks of the Tianhe River, uses the Qiongxue Xiangyun as the soil, and uses the Celestial Immortals Yulu as the water irrigation. It gathers the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon all the time, and it is the source of Spirit Power in the universe.

It is precisely because of the existence of the spirit of heaven and earth that for tens of thousands of years, all kinds of demons and evil spirits from the six worlds of gods, demons, immortals, demons, humans, and ghosts have coveted the spirit power of the sacred tree, vainly trying to eat a fruit of the sacred tree to strengthen their own Cultivation Base, but no one has succeeded so far, all thanks to a free Golden Immortal with extremely high Magic power.

And the fairy who guards the tree is Yun Qiong, a rare Golden Immortal in the heaven.

She has guarded the sacred tree for thousands of years, and defeated countless demons and heretics with profound Taoism and extreme magic power.

"Ah! Divine Tree, you're bearing fruit again."

"It's been a thousand years, and it's going to be another thousand years. You, the sacred tree, finally bear fruit again."

The sacred tree bears fruit once every thousand years, and each fruit contains extremely powerful Spirit Power. Eating one can be worth thousands of years of practice, and it is the fastest way to cultivate immortality and ascend.

At this moment, Yunqiong looked at the sacred tree that had just bear fruit and sank again.

"Sacred tree, you are still so beautiful!"

Fairy Yunqiong looked up at this huge, strong and thick sacred tree, and sincerely admired the sacred tree.

The endless stars in the sky shine brightly among the branches and leaves of the sacred tree, just like the fireflies that flicker and flicker among the forests on a midsummer night. Fairy Yunqiong only felt that this scene was like a dream, like a dream, like a poem, like a painting, and that she was enjoying the most beautiful scenery in the Six Realms.

but she doesn't know

, in the minds of almost all men who have been to the God Realm, her beauty is a thousand times more beautiful than this cold and lofty tree, and even the undead ghosts outside the Nine Nethers want to see her here Yan.

It is rumored that Yunqiong's face is pretty and bright, Transcendent and refined. One hundred thousand blue silks are like cloud lines, light and thin eyebrows are like crescent moons, and white and tender teeth are like rivers of snow. Leaning under the sacred tree with such a graceful figure, it is really touching.

Looking back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, the Immortal World general who once guarded Tianmen was also broken by her peerless beauty

However, beautiful scenery and beauties are like distant sacred objects, which can only be seen from a distance and not played with. No matter how beautiful Yunqiong is, she can't leave the sacred tree after all, and can only wait alone for the spirits of the six worlds...

Suddenly, two black demon dragons broke through the clouds and floated in front of Fairy Yunqiong.

They are the Black Pool Twin Flood Dragons who have practiced at the bottom of Sun Moon Lake for 5,000 years, and are invincible in The Mortal Realm.

"Fairy Yunqiong, take your life." Two monster dragons rushed forward, one breathing black mist and the other spraying male fire.

Fairy Yunqiong saw that it was a monster who came to snatch the fruit of the sacred tree again, without saying a word, she raised the magic staff with her right hand and cast the five thunder spell, and saw a string of sharp purple lightning rushing towards the dragon monster.

There was a loud bang, and the two demon dragons were not injured at all. Instead, the two dragons circled their bodies with their tails coiled. The two dragons breathed out a red fireball continuously, just like two dragons playing with a ball. Immediately, they all exerted their strength together and blew the huge fireball towards Yunqiong.

Fairy Yunqiong obviously underestimated the strength of the monster dragon for the past two days. After abruptly raising her staff to block the attack, she was seriously injured and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. Although the fire ball was blocked by her, she was still repelled took several steps.

The sacred tree was also shaken by the huge impact, and a ripe fairy fruit that was ready to be picked was shaken from the branch. Biqu library

"Fairy fruit..." Seeing the fairy fruit fall from the tree, Yun Qiong couldn't help shouting in a moment of anxiety.

Seeing the fairy fruit falling, the two demon dragons hurriedly circled and flew towards it.

"Crazy Thunder Heaven Prison!" Yun Qiong shouted loudly, and her strongest thunder spells hit the two demon dragons, who couldn't dodge, and were killed by the thunder into hundreds of pieces and fell from the heaven.

Immediately, Fairy Yunqiong knelt down beside the sacred tree, watching the fairy fruit fall into the mortal world helplessly.

The teardrops falling from her cheeks and the starlight shining among the branches and leaves of the sacred tree above her head, she was not crying for the falling of the fairy fruit, but for all living beings in the world.

With the fall of the fairy fruit, a catastrophe in the world is approaching quietly...

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