Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 339 The Hope Of The Spirit Beast Palace

According to scattered records from ancient times, the Tianyuan Continent is composed of: Beichen Continent, Nanyou Continent, Dongxuan Continent, and Xiji Continent. There are intercontinental teleportation arrays between the four continents, and they communicate with each other.

As long as the cultivator of the world reaches the stage of Dzogchen Transformation, he can comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and thus breakthrough to the Immortal World.

However, it is not known what happened in the ancient times, which caused several great changes in Tianyuan Continent suddenly.

First, the intercontinental teleportation array connecting the four continents was completely destroyed overnight and could not be repaired. Since then, the four continents have been disconnected.

Second, the spaces of the Hopeless Sea and the Endless Forest are disordered, resulting in a large number of Jedi.

Third, the cultivator in the stage of transforming into gods cannot comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and cannot ascend, so that he dies with hatred.

According to records, the Spiritual Qi of Beichen Continent was originally thinner than that of the other three continents, so after the great changes in the world,

For the development of future generations, the ancestors of Beichen Prefecture began to use secret techniques to open up countless secret realms, leaving corresponding resources for future generations.

For example: Canglan secret realm, Yinfenggu secret realm, Tianyinshan secret realm, Huangfenggu secret realm, etc.

Of course, the ancestors also thought about repairing the intercontinental teleportation array, but the formation was severely damaged, and repairing it was undoubtedly equivalent to rebuilding. The formation level in Beichen Continent was limited, so this road was almost unfeasible.

After more than two million years of development, there is no cultivator in the world, so that the Realm with the highest Cultivation Base is the Fractionated Divinity stage known to people in Beichen.

And there are only three who have reached the Fractionated Divinity stage of Dzogchen, namely: Sword Immortal Yan Feiyu, Kuangdao Xiaotian, and Pill God Kongqiu.

But the cultivator in Beichen has never stopped exploring and going out of Beichen.

For example: the Endless Forest Trial sponsored by the Seven Sects of Southern Border, the Hopeless Sea Trial sponsored by the Ten Nine-Star Sects of the Central Plains, the formation contest sponsored by the Ten Nine-Star Sects of the Northern Territory,

These projects are all for the benefit of cultivators all over the world, and have made great contributions to getting out of Beichen Continent.

Under the guard of the guardian, the general direction is progressing slowly according to the established goal.

However, the small situation is still full of disputes, especially in the Central Plains where a hundred schools of thought are contending and a hundred flowers are blooming. The competition among the big and small Sects is particularly fierce.

Even the top ten and nine-star sects are fighting openly and secretly, whether it is in terms of training resources or the ranking of the sect level, they are secretly screaming. Biqu library

The head of the Spirit Beast Palace, Jiang Zhengchun, has been very proud of himself recently, because among the new disciples recruited by Wuliang Mountain this time, a nine-year-old student unexpectedly appeared.

A peerless genius disciple with super fire attributes and full Spiritual Roots.

You must know that the higher the level of Spiritual Roots, the better the aptitude for cultivation.

If there is no accident, there is a high probability of breaking through to the Fractionated Divinity stage, maybe breaking the rules of this world, breaking through to the Integrated Union stage or even the transformation stage.

So when Jiang Zhengchun, the head of Spirit Beast Palace, received the news, he immediately received this disciple named Li Changlong.

And personally accepted him as a direct disciple, and also gave him a cub of the descendant of an ancient beast, the ancient black dragon, and various other resources are not enough, which shows how much Sect attaches importance to Li Changlong, a peerless genius.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sect has already regarded Li Changlong as the future hope of the spirit beast palace.

Yang Yunfei, Tong Minghong, Zhao Chengzhi, Qi Yutang and others who were also recruited in Wuliang Mountain and became Huang Fenggu's disciples were not treated so well.

When they followed about one hundred and eighty other cultivators to Yellow Maple Valley, they were told that there would be a new assessment test waiting for them the next day.

Only those who successfully pass the assessment test are eligible to become the Outer Sect disciples of Huangfeng Valley. There will also be an assessment test one year later.

If you pass the assessment again, you can become the inner disciple of Huangfeng Valley, that is, the core member.

Of course, you can also choose to challenge a senior in the Inner Sect halfway through. If you win, congratulations, you will directly become an inner disciple.

Or your cultivation aptitude is relatively heaven-defying, needless to say, Sect will directly promote you to inner disciple.

Regardless of strength or cultivation aptitude, it is obvious that Yang Yunfei, Tong Minghong and others do not have a particularly large advantage.

So they can only choose to participate in the new assessment test honestly, or they have to leave directly.

Early the next morning, more than 180 new disciples of Huangfeng Valley were brought to the entrance of a canyon and lined up neatly.

The Elder who was in charge of the assessment was a man in his fifties or sixties, wearing the uniform of Huangfenggu Elder, with a kind smile on his face, and a restrained breath.

If he hadn't known his Elder identity in advance, at first glance he would have thought he was just an ordinary little old man.

I saw that Elder cleared his throat, then raised his true energy and smiled:

"Hehehe... My surname is Shen, welcome to my Huangfeng Valley, and at the same time I hope that you can pass today's assessment test and become a real member of my Huangfeng Valley.

My Yellow Maple Valley has a history of more than 6,000 years since the establishment of the sect, and has cultivated countless comprehension Power


We have always been adhering to the legacy of our ancestors. All disciples who join my Huangfeng Valley must pass today's assessment test.

The content of today's assessment test is actually very simple. As long as you pass through this canyon before sunset and reach the other side of the canyon, you will be considered as passing the assessment.

There is no limit on the number of people, and there is no ranking, but one thing, you have to remember clearly, if you encounter something you like, you can only take one, if you take more, you will be directly disqualified,

At the same time, you will be punished accordingly, remember to remember.

Well, I won't talk nonsense, I wish you good luck, I am waiting for you at the other end of the canyon. "

After Shen Elder finished speaking, he flew straight into the air.

As soon as he left, there was a burst of chatter from the crowd.

"Hehehe... I thought it was a difficult assessment, but it turned out to be just a formality.

Just this one can see the end of the canyon at a glance, so it doesn't take a whole day, I can run it back and forth several times with just a cup of tea. "

Among the crowd was a cultivator who had merged with the early stage, and smiled disdainfully. After speaking, he took the lead and rushed into the canyon with his sword, wanting to compete for the first place.

Seeing someone taking the lead, many people began to follow closely, unwilling to lag behind others.

"Brother Tong! What do you think?" Zhao Chengzhi looked at Tong Minghong and asked.

Hearing this, Tong Minghong raised his eyes to look at the canyon. As the cultivator said just now, this canyon looks like an ordinary canyon, and the end can be seen at a glance.

But since Sect regards this canyon as the content of the assessment test, how could it be so simple.

So Tong Minghong shook his head lightly, frowned slightly and said:

"I'm afraid things are not that simple, we'd better be more cautious."

"Why do you think so much? If you come here, you will be at ease. What's the use of thinking about it here? Don't you know when you go in and have a look?"

Qi Yutang said impatiently.

"I think Brother Tong is right, it's better to be careful," Yang Yunfei agreed.


At this time, a panicked scream sounded suddenly, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I saw the cultivator who was the first to rush out just now, when Yujian flew close to the entrance of the canyon, his body suddenly seemed to lose weight, and he fell uncontrollably at an extremely fast speed.

With a sound of "Bump...", it fell hard to the ground, smashing a human-shaped pit and kicking up a cloud of dust.

Fortunately, that cultivator does not fly high, otherwise it must have been dropped to death......

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